
  • 网络Public expenditure structure;structure of public expenditure;structure of fiscal expenditure
  1. 构建规范的公共支出结构政策取向

    Build Standard Policy Orientation for the Structure of Public Expenditure

  2. 首先,本论文对研究对象公共支出结构进行深入地认识和理解。

    First of all , this thesis has an in-depth understanding in structure of public expenditure .

  3. 公共支出结构调整的绩效取向

    Performance Orientation of Structure Adjustment in Public Expenditure

  4. 而建立完善的预算管理体制是公共支出结构优化的制度保障。

    Establishing more perfect budget management system would guarantee the optimization of public expenditure structure .

  5. 公共支出结构的变化有效度量了政府职能的转变。

    The changes in the structure of public expenditures effectively measure the transition of government functions .

  6. 结果表明,财政分权与政治晋升二者对公共支出结构的影响明显不一致。

    The results show that fiscal decentralization and political promotion of public expenditure structure between significant inconsistencies .

  7. 公共支出结构分析

    Public Expenditure Structure Analysis

  8. 第三,对公共支出结构生成进行初步研究。

    In third , the thesis makes a preliminary research on the formation of structure of public expenditure .

  9. 本文在此背景下,实证考察我国地方官员更替是否影响公共支出结构。

    In this paper , we empirical study whether local officials change affect the structure of public expenditure .

  10. 论文还选取贫困地区的县级财政定量分析了财政赤字对公共支出结构变动的反作用。

    The paper also uses quantitative method to research the influence which county deficit reacts to public expenditure structure .

  11. 建立绩效评价制度则是优化公共支出结构的有效补充。

    An effective remedy to optimizing the structure of public expenditure would be by setting up a performance budgeting evaluation system .

  12. 第五,分析影响公共支出结构生成的主要因素与行为。

    Fifth , the thesis makes a analysis on the main factors and behavior about the formation of structure of public expenditure .

  13. 这一部分先分别梳理和评价财政分权、晋升激励和公共支出结构三个领域的现有文献。

    This part of the first comb and evaluation respectively fiscal decentralization , promotion stimulation and public expenditure structure three areas of the existing literature .

  14. 本文发现财政分权对我国居民的幸福感产生了显著的负面影响,其原因主要在于公共支出结构的扭曲所导致的。

    Results show that fiscal decentralization has negative effects on residents ' subjective well-being significantly , and primarily due to the distortion of the structure ofpublic expenditure caused .

  15. 第四,进一步从理论上分析公共支出结构生成中的均衡及均衡实现,并通过国际国内数据进行实证论证和检验。

    Fourth , the thesis makes a further theoretical analysis on equilibrium and balanced implementation about the formation of structure of public expenditure , and carrys it out through domestic and international data .

  16. 最后,对全文研究给出概括性结论,并基于研究结论提出我国公共支出结构有效生成的对策措施与政策建议,同时总结出本论文研究的创新之处、研究中的不足和进一步的研究展望。

    Finally , on the analysis of research , this thesis comes to a general conclusion that the countermeasure and policy proposal of validity generation of structure of public expenditure in our country .

  17. 在这个过程中,偏好显示与集合制度、映射规则以及利益主体间博弈常常导致短期公共支出结构对均衡态或次优均衡态的偏离。

    In this process , the game among preference indication and collection system , mapping rules and beneficiaries often leads to short-term structure of public expenditure on equilibrium or suboptimal equilibrium " deviation " .

  18. 因此,稀缺性约束下的公共支出结构的效率预期事实上已经将收入分配、社会公正等公平商品的效率配置内含于其中,而不仅仅是单纯的经济效率。

    In fact , under the scarcity of constrained structure of public expenditure , the efficient expectation of it has already included income distribution , social justice and other " fair commodity " configurations rather than simple economic efficiency .

  19. 分析了公共支出结构调整存在的绩效问题,界定了公共支出结构调整的绩效取向的含义,指出了公共支出结构调整的绩效取向的意义,并提出了树立公共支出结构调整的绩效取向的途径。

    Through analyzing performance problem in structure adjustment of public spending , based on the meaning of performance orientation of structure adjustment in public expenditure , this paper points out its significance and puts forward several approaches to build it .

  20. 在综述相关文献的基础上,建立起财政分权、晋升激励与公共支出结构的理论模型,基于严密的逻辑考察财政分权和政治晋升对公共支出结构的影响。

    In this paper , on the basis of related literatures establish fiscal decentralization , promotion stimulation and public expenditure structure theory model based on the strict logical investigation , fiscal decentralization and political promotion to the influence of public expenditure structure .

  21. 其次,探讨公共支出结构生成的逻辑起点,即个体偏好结构及源于个体偏好的集体偏好结构,特别是个体偏好结构中的人际偏好。

    Secondly , the thesis is to explore the logic starting point of structure of public expenditure , that is , individual preference structure and collective preference structure that derived from individual preference , especially the individual preference structure in interpersonal preference .

  22. 对于财政分权和政治晋升可能对公共支出结构的存在不同方向的影响,本文提出了四点理由:首先,财政激励具有连续性和平稳性,而政治激励表现为间断性和波动性。

    For fiscal decentralization and political promotion of public expenditure structure may the existence of the influence of different directions , this paper puts forward four reasons : first , fiscal incentives have continuity and stability , and political incentives for intermittent and volatility performance .

  23. 对于不同的地区而言,财政分权和政治晋升对公共支出结构的影响会存在异质性,所以本文又将全部样本分为东部、中部和西部三个子样本进行分析,以考察不同地区的差异性。

    For different regions , however , fiscal decentralization and promotion of public expenditure structure political influence of heterogeneity , so this text will exist all samples are divided into east and west and central three sons , analyze , to examine samples of different parts of the difference .

  24. 根据国际经验,平衡公共支出结构、提高公共支出效率的参与式预算在完善公共财政制度,实现社会和谐等方面都具有积极意义,因此可以成为地方政府有益的尝试。

    According to the international experience , it will impose a great significance on the improvement of public finance system and achievement of social harmony to adopt the participatory budget mode which would be able to keep a well balanced public expenditure structure and improve the efficiency of public expenditure .

  25. 公共教育支出结构决定着劳动力的供给能否与各产业对劳动力需求相匹配从而能否有效地促进各行业产出的增加。

    Public education expenditure structure determines whether labor supply can match the demand for labor or not , which decides the industry output .

  26. 扩大财政对农村和农业的支出规模,优化公共支出的结构,是解决好三农问题,促进新农村建设的重要保证。

    Expanding fiscal spending on rural and agricultural scale , optimize the structure of public spending , to solve the " three rural " issue , the important guarantee for building a new countryside .

  27. 因此,改革现有的财政支出管理体制,建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的公共财政支出结构和分配体制,就成为下一步财政管理体制改革的重点,也是提高执政用财能力的必经之路。

    Hence , reforming current expenditure management system and establishment , the new system of public finance expenditure and distribution which suits the socialist market economy obviously become the focus of finance management reform as well as the only way to improve the ability of governing and financing .

  28. 为了探究其中的原因,文章利用了Chow检验程序和增加变量法对原方程进行了进一步的分析,结论表明数据断裂改变了国民产出与公共支出的因果结构;

    In order to find its cause , this article utilizes Chow ' check and lag variable method , the result is that the ruptured data changes the structure of cause and effect between national output and public expenditure .

  29. 与发达国家和一些发展中国家相比,我国公共支出总量与结构均存在不合理之处,效应也有待改善。

    Compare with developed country and some developing nations , unreasonable factors exist in the total amount of public expenditure and structure in our country .

  30. 然后,文章详细分析了我国欠发达地区公共财政支出规模及结构的变化,并总结欠发达地区公共财政管理的特点,对甘肃省公共财政管理的现状进行详细研究。

    Afterwards , the paper analyses the changes of undeveloped regions Pubic Finance expenditure scale and composition , and summarizes the distinctive features , for example Gansu .