
quán lèi
  • Full class;universal class;universal law
全类[quán lèi]
  1. 过去一个季度,富时对冲基金指数(ftsehedgefundindex)下跌5%,而富时全类股指数(ftseallshare)则下跌11%。

    The FTSE hedge fund index has dropped 5 per cent over the past quarter , compared with an 11 per cent fall on the FTSE all share .

  2. 两次反弹分别持续了28天和60天,富时全类股指数(FTSEall-shareindex)分别上涨9.3%和16.7%。

    They lasted 28 and 60 days respectively and the FTSE All-Share index rose 9.3 per cent and 16.7 per cent .

  3. 在英国,富时全类股指数(ftseallshare)的股息率自从去年9月以来一直高于10年期美国国债收益率,目前高出近两个百分点。

    In the UK , the dividend yield on the FTSE all-share has been above that of 10-year gilts since September last year and is nearly 2 percentage points higher .

  4. 毕竟,2007年年底波顿退休时,他的过往记录无人能比:他管理的特殊情况基金28年间的年化回报率较富时全类股指数(FTSEall-shareindex)高出惊人的6%。

    After all , when Mr Bolton retired at the end of 2007 , his track record was second to none . His Special Situations fund outperformed the FTSE All-Share index by an extraordinary 6 per cent per annum over a period of 28 years .

  5. 他的长期业绩纪录,令他跻身超级基金经理行列。在他的28年任期内,该基金年增长率高达19.5%,远远领先于富时全类股指数(FTSEall-shareindex)同期13.5%的年度增幅。

    His long-term performance record puts him in the super-manager league , his fund 's annual growth rate of 19.5 per cent during his tenure being well ahead of the 13.5 per cent annual gain by the FTSE All Share index over the same 28 years .

  6. 福得律师事务所(FieldFisherWaterhouse)指出,在过去20年里,非董事级别员工持股比例超过10%的英国公司,股票表现平均每年超出其他富时全类股指数(FTSEall-Share)成分股公司股票11%。

    Over the past two decades , shares in British companies in which non-board level employees owned more than 10 per cent of the stock outperformed other FTSE All-Share companies by an average of 11 per cent a year , says law firm Field Fisher Waterhouse .

  7. 一个能够刻画所有传统推理式的统一的模式,必须同时限之以主项非空类,谓项非全类。

    The subject with non-empty and the predicate with non-entire will limit the pattern that can portray all traditional inference .

  8. 针对运动估计算法选择问题,本文建立了VLSI结构中快速搜索类算法和全搜索类算法的资源供给-处理能力关系模型,为运动估计的算法选择提供指导。

    First , models of " resources supply - processing capability " relationship for fast motion search algorithms and full search algorithms were established in this paper , which are helpful for designers to choose the proper monition search algorithm for VLSI based inter prediction engine .

  9. 幼虫是全变态类昆虫重要的发育阶段。

    Larva is the developmental stage of holometabolous insects .

  10. 全α类蛋白质超家族保守模体特征的分析

    Analysis of Conservative Motif Features of the Protein Superfamilies in All α Class

  11. 这些材料可以分为两类:全瓷类修复体与树脂类修复体。

    These materials can be divided into two groups : all-ceramic restorations and composite restorations .

  12. 全斯蒂费尔惠特尼类

    Total stiefel whitney class

  13. 小贴士:吃那些富含碳水化合物和碳水化合物的食物,比如鸡蛋和全麦谷类食物或烤面包,以便保持精力。

    Tip : eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates and protein , like eggs and whole-wheat cereal or toast , so your energy lasts .

  14. 同样,我们发现碳水化合物以高纤维和全麦类的形式(低血糖指标)摄入,则会使增加摄入的蛋白质所带来的效益提高。

    Also , we found that if the carbohydrates are consumed as high fiber and whole grains ( low glycemic index ), they add some benefit to the increased protein content .

  15. 发表在美国临床营养学杂志上一项研究表明:使用含有大量全谷物类食物(比如燕麦或全麦面包)能和抗高血压的药物一样能够降低高血压。

    One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a diet which includes plenty of whole-grains ( such as oats or wholemeal bread ) is just as effective as taking anti-hypertensive medication to lower blood pressure !

  16. 而全果这类富含纤维的食物则会慢慢分解,在消化系统中停留更长时间,从而触发饱腹激素的释放,让我们感觉很饱。

    Fiber-rich foods like whole fruits break down slowly and travel farther through the digestive track , which triggers the release of satiety hormones8 that make us feel full .

  17. 于末次给药后24h,摘眼球取血,与抗凝剂混匀,全自动五类多物种血液分析仪检测外周血小板计数。

    After the last administration 24h , eyeball blood , and anticoagulant mixing , automatic analysis of five multi - species detected in peripheral blood platelet count .

  18. 作为固体电解质,沿用了PEFC(高分子固体电解质型燃料电池)一般使用的全氟磺酸类聚合体。

    As a solid electrolyte , followed the PEFC ( Polymer solid electrolyte type fuel cell ) for general use category of perfluorinated sulfonic acid polymer .

  19. 就像能在旋转木马上看到旅游照片一样,Anthem号上全是这类高端的设施。比如甲板上有机器人调酒师的酒吧,这些观念都是第一次在量子号上引起广泛热议的。

    As can be seen in the photo tour in the carousel above , Anthem is packed full of such gee-whiz features as a deck-top ride into the sky and a bar with robot bartenders , both concepts that first debuted on Quantum .

  20. 全氟羧酸类(PFCAs)化合物是最近发现的一种持久性有机污染物,它在环境中不易水解、光解、生物降解,而且具有引起生物代谢紊乱的性质。

    Perfluorinated organic acids ( PFCAs ) are an emerging environmental pollutants , they are resistant to hydrolysis , photolysis , biodegradation and to metabolic processes in living organisms .

  21. 不定复空间型中的全实极大类空子流形

    Totally Real Maximal Space-Like Submanifolds in Indefinite Complex Space Form

  22. 在你们当前大中枢太阳内的、全意识的类人形态,生活在半以太的生命中,没有出生、死亡或再生。

    Fully conscious humanoid form inside of your current Great Central Sun lives a semi-etheric life without birth , death or rebirth .

  23. 简述近十年来具有代表意义、开发成功的四种半合成及全合成他汀类药物的研究与开发新进展,包括其主要合成路线、临床特点、上市和销售情况及开发前景。

    The new achievements in study and development of four representative semisynthetic and total synthetic ' statin ' drugs HMG CoA reductase inhibitors were described , including the main routes of their syntheses , advantages in clinical uses and the prospects of their marketing and development .

  24. 结果与结论:我国磺胺类药物生产基础较好,并已成为全世界磺胺类药物的头号产销大国,预计今后其国内、外市场仍有一定的发展空间。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : There is a good production foundation of sulfonamides in China , which has become the number one production and marketing country for the sulfonamides . It is expected that there are still big potential developmental market for the sulfonamides both domestic and abroad .

  25. Na元素与全草类、枝叶类、花类中药的自然属性存在对应关系。

    The Na element content and all grass , leaves , flower medicine nature relationship .

  26. IMPLEMENTING-CLASS是带有全路径的Java类名称。

    IMPLEMENTING-CLASS is the name of a Java class with a complete path .

  27. 全氟辛烷磺酸类物质(PFOS)因其疏水、疏油的特性,在药品包装领域得到了广泛应用。

    Perfluorooctane sulfonate ( PFOS ) is widely used in production of drug packaging materials , due to its non-hydrophilic and non-lipophilic properties .

  28. 本试验采取1×2+1设计对全天然海洋壳类生物的壳提取物DG对防止仔猪黄白痢及促进生长效果进行了研究。

    A 1 × 2 + 1 design was used to determine the efficacy of Korean marine natural biological extract DG in preventing yellow and white diarrhea and promoting growth in piglets .

  29. ph.1.【音】二全音符第二类音乐是传统音乐。

    Double whole note The second type of music is traditional music .

  30. 像花生、鱼、豆子和全麦面包这类含蛋白质的食物。

    Protein foods such as peanuts , fish , pulses , and wholemeal bread .