
quán kǒu jìnɡ
  • full aperture
  1. 综合运用三维软件Pro/engineer和有限元分析软件ANSYS对近背向散射与全口径散射测量系统进行结构建模与力学分析,分析其固有的机械性能。

    3-D model of near backscatter and full aperture backscatter measurement system is built by Pro / engineer , and the mechanical analysis is done by FEM software ANSYS .

  2. 研制了一种基于柱面坐标系的新型专用非球面坐标测量机,通过测量非球面多条子午截线实现对非球面形的全口径检测。

    A new special-purpose optical coordinate measuring machine ( OCMM ) was developed with the cylinder coordinates to realize full aperture testing of the optical aspherics in the stage of grinding and pre-polishing .

  3. 根据全口径投入产出表编制信息投入产出表的矩阵方法及应用

    Matrix Method for Draw up Information Input-Output Tables Based on Ordinary Input-Output Tables and Applications

  4. 着力把所有政府性收入纳入预算,实行全口径预算管理。

    We will work hard to incorporate all government revenue into the budget , and bring all revenue and expenditures under budgetary management .

  5. 研究表明不同的像差对于谐波的影响是不同的,主要取决于由其引起的全口径上相位失配的情况;

    It is shown that different aberrations have different effects , which is mainly determined by the phase mismatching on the whole aperture ;

  6. 然后,在界定广义水资源与狭义水资源概念的基础上,提出了水资源全口径层次化动态评价方法,并给出了黄河流域评价成果。

    Concepts of special water resources and general water resources are proposed , and an approach for multi-criterion and dynamic assessment of water resources is suggested . evaluate ;

  7. 研究方法:选择2003&2005年中央补助地方艾滋病防治经费、部分省(区、市)全口径艾滋病防治经费,以及国际合作项目经费、艾滋病个人自付费用作为研究对象。

    Methods : HIV / AIDS resources from central government between 2003 and 2005 , total resources of some provinces and international cooperating projects financing are selected to be the targets of the research .

  8. 随着空间望远镜、侦察相机、激光武器等装备的光学系统朝着大口径、大相对口径方向发展,传统的全口径测量方法面临着巨大的挑战。

    The traditional full-aperture interferometry is confronted with enormous challenge to the measurement of optical surfaces of large aperture and large-relative aperture which are widely used in space telescope , reconnaissance camera and laser weapons .

  9. 论文针对中等口径光学非球面,提出了一种结合弹性模全口径抛光和小工具修正抛光的两步研抛法,取代目前普遍使用的反复研抛过程。

    In this paper a two-step polishing process which combined with whole aperture pre-polishing with large flexible form tools and correction polishing with small-tools is proposed to polish aspheric surface with middle aperture and replace the reiteration polishing processes .

  10. 以淮南矿业(集团)有限责任公司为例,提出煤炭企业全口径成本核算应当增加安全成本、发展成本、井巷维简费、工资成本、特困群体救助成本、改革稳定成本等。

    Using Huainan Mining Group as an example , the paper puts forward that safety cost , development cost , shaft and tunnel maintenance fee , manpower cost , Poverty-stricken population aid cost and reform cost should be included in the cost accounting .

  11. 当回答有关全口径预算管理(一种审查和监督各级政府预算和支出的综合体制)的问题时,傅莹考虑到有些记着对这个概念不是很熟悉,还向他们做出了解释。

    When replying to a question about fully-covered budget management , a comprehensive framework to review and supervise the government 's budget and spending at all levels , Fu was concerned whether reporters were familiar with the term and explained it to them .

  12. 注:本表数据为全社会口径,包括所有投资。

    Note : data in this table are the range of total investment .

  13. 根据口径近场的时域谱,可以在全频段评估口径的绕射特征,从而建立紧缩场口径设计的一般准则。

    According time domain spectrum of the aperture near field , the diffractive characteristics of an aperture can be estimated at a whole band . Therefore , general rules of compact range ( CR ) aperture design can be established .

  14. 经过分析对比,后者结构紧凑、光能量大,可实现全系统、全口径、部分视场定标。

    By contrast , a calibration method of using integral sphere has compact structure and large energy , can be used to achieve the calibration of total system , aperture , and part viewing field .