
ɡuānɡ pǔ xínɡ
  • Spectral type;spectral class
  1. 选用银河系中29个累积光谱型为F型的球状星团样本。

    The 29 F globular clusters in the galaxy are selected as samples .

  2. 使用一种叫做“偏振干涉”的技术,来减小光谱型SPR传感器的折射率对金膜厚度的敏感性。

    The sensitivity of RI resolution of a spectral SPR sensor to the thickness of metal films is reduced by a technique called " polarization interferometry ( PI )" .

  3. 所选127个OH/IR脉泽源全部是有光学或红外证认的,其中大部分是光谱型>M5的长周期变星(主要是Mira变星)。

    AM the selected OH / IR sources have optical or infrared identification . Most of them are associated with late-type ( > M5 ) Mira variables .

  4. 各光谱型恒星的平均视线速度

    Mean absolute radial velocities of stars of various spectral types

  5. 不同光谱型星的起源必然是不一样的。

    The origins of stars of differing spectral types must be dissimilar .

  6. 天文折射中包含有显著的光谱型效应。

    It is obvious that there is spectral type effect in astronomical refraction .

  7. 微秒级动力学光谱型闪光光解装置的研制和某些光解瞬态产物的观察

    A conventional flash photolysis apparatus using kinetic spectrophotometry and observations on some transient photolysis species

  8. Ⅱ型光电等高仪光谱型差的分析

    An Analysis of the Systematic Errors of Spectral Type of the Photoelectric Astrolabe of Type ⅱ

  9. 天文折射的光谱型效应

    Spectral Type Effect in Astronomical Refraction

  10. 但是细致分析显示演化恒星色球活动水平随恒星自转周期间的分布对恒星光谱型和恒星表面有效温度有很强的依赖,并对这些现象提出了几种可能的解释。

    But meticulous analysis show chromospheric activity of evolution stars depend on stellar spectral type and effective temperature strongly .

  11. 本文主要以吸收光谱型光纤传感器为例介绍了监测大气污染光纤传感器的应用及展望。

    This text mostly introduces the application of optical fiber sensors in air pollution and gives the direction of outlook .

  12. 本文从有效波长的角度,讨论了光谱型效应的复杂性,不同的仪器采用不同的接受器、以及在不同的天顶距观测,都有不同的光谱型差。

    This paper , from the Point of effective wave length , has discussed the complexity of the spectral type effect .

  13. 对于观测结果计算中表现出与光谱型有关的一些较小波动,可能由于偶然误差引起。

    Perhaps , some small fluctuations relative to the spectral type which appear in the calculation of the observations are caused by accidental errors .

  14. 本文介绍了一种利用光谱型白光干涉系统测量光学薄膜绝对反射相位的方法。

    A novel method to measure the absolute phase shift on reflection of thin film is presented utilizing a white-light interferometer in spectral domain .

  15. 它在历史上曾引起共鸣,但在世界各地早期文化背景下的使用并没有打消贝克想保留这一风格明快的光谱型设计的念头。

    It also has echoes in history , though its use in earlier cultural contexts around the world did not deter Baker from persevering with his sprightly spectral design .

  16. 本文计算了北京天文台、上海天文台和云南天文台Ⅱ型光电等高仪的光谱型差。

    In this Paper , the systematic errors of spectral type of three photoelectric astrolabes of type ⅱ at Beijing Observatory , Shanghai Observatory and Yunnan Observatory are calculated respectively .

  17. 其次Be星作为一类早型带有包层天体,研究Be星包层的性质,对研究原恒星包层性质和进一步了解早型星其它光谱型的性质是非常重要的;

    Second , it is important to study the envelopes of Be stars , as it is also a breakthrough to study envelopes of proto type stars and other early type stars ;

  18. 提出在低纬子午环上,对不同光谱型的天体测定出天文折射,以提高星位测定的精度。

    In order to obtain higher measured accuracy of star 's positions by the low-latitude meridian circle , it is needed to measure the astronomical refraction to the stars of different spectral types .

  19. 除了B型星以外,其他型的星差值很小,可以认为Ⅱ型光电等高仪基本上不存在光谱型差。

    Except for the stars of type B , the differences , as for other stars , are quite small ; and therefore it may be considered on a whole that there is no systematic error of spectral type of the photoelectric astrolabes of type ⅱ .

  20. 一种光谱保持型的图像融合方法

    A New Method of RS Image Fusion Preserving Spectrum

  21. 用于宽光谱干涉型光纤传感器的通道截取光谱法的研究

    Analysis of channelled spectrum for fibre broadband source interferometer

  22. 基于边缘增强算子的光谱保持型图像融合算法

    Spectral preservation image fusion algorithm based on edge enhancement

  23. 光谱识别型激光警戒系统述评

    A Review on Spectrum distinguished Laser Warning System

  24. 本文研究的对象是光谱吸收型光纤气体传感器。

    In this thesis , we have studied spectrum absorptive optical fiber gas sensors .

  25. 研究和讨论了一种易于实现的光谱吸收型光纤气体传感器。

    An easy-realizable spectrum absorption type optic fiber gas sensor is studied and discussed .

  26. 本文以甲烷为目标气体,对光谱吸收型光纤气体传感器的检测方案进行研究。

    The paper researched on the detecting scheme of absorptive spectrum optical fiber gas sensor .

  27. 红外光谱分型与胆石化学组成和结构的初步研究

    A preliminary research on the infrared spectra classification and chemical composition and structure of gallstones

  28. 本文所研制的光源波长控制系统主要应用于光谱吸收型光纤气体传感器。

    The control system investigated in this paper is mainly used in the Optical Fiber Gas sensor based on absorption spectrum .

  29. 黄铁矿形态标型、成分标型、热电性标型和石英红外光谱标型特征具有指导找矿意义。

    The typomorphic characteristics of pyrite , in form , content , thermoelectricity and infrared spectrum of quartz , are instructively significant for prospect .

  30. 从该公式出发,详细分析了环形腔输入光线宽和环形腔参数对输出光谱谱型和线宽的影响。

    Based on this formula , the effects of the linewidth of input laser and the parameters of an active fiber ring resonator on the output linewidth were discussed .