
  1. 基于CCD视频采集的计量光栅技术

    A Scheme of Grating Displacement Measurement Based on CCD Video Capture

  2. MEMS微型可编程光栅技术研究

    Study of Micro Programmable Grating Basing on MEMS Technology

  3. AFM制作纳米光栅技术研究

    Technique of nano-grating fabricated by AFM

  4. 楔块调整式Talbot干涉仪的写入光纤光栅技术

    Technique of Writing Fiber Bragg Gratings via Wedge-adjusted Talbot Interferometer

  5. 采用光栅技术,用98J型精密测量投影仪对X光底片进行测量,用微机采集和处理数据。

    The 98J mode precision measurement projector is used for measurement of X ray plate by grating technique and a personal computer is used to collect and to process the data .

  6. 基于液晶光栅技术的三维视觉测量系统研究

    Studies on 3D Vision Measuring System Based on Lcd Grating Technology

  7. 基于光栅技术的比例式数字电容转角传感器的校准

    Calibration of Ratiometric Digital Capacitive Angular Sensor Based on Raster Technology

  8. 一种采用计量光栅技术的智能式自动微波测量系统的研究

    Study on Intelligent Microwave Automatic Testing System with Metrological Grating Technigue

  9. 基于光纤光栅技术的沥青路面车辙预估方法研究

    Rutting Prediction Method in Asphalt Pavement Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensing Technology

  10. 用非相干光激发布居光栅技术研究物质的纵向弛豫过程

    Studies on Material Longitudinal Relaxation with Population Grating Excited by Incoherent Light

  11. 基于光纤光栅技术的大型钢结构安装监测系统

    Large steel structure installation monitoring system based on optical fiber grating technology

  12. 反应离子束刻蚀闪耀光栅技术

    Technology of reactive ion beam etching of blazed gratings

  13. 光纤光栅技术在高速铁路防灾系统中的应用研究

    Application Study of Fiber Bragg Grating Technology in Disaster Prevention of High-speed Railway

  14. 光纤光栅技术发展快。

    The optical fiber grating technology develops fast .

  15. 云纹干涉法在线复制变形光栅技术研究

    A Technique of Deformed Speciment Grating Replication for in Situ Measurement of Moire Interferometry

  16. 电子束刻蚀法制作微米/亚微米云纹光栅技术

    Fabrication of the micro / sub - micron Moire gratings using electron beam lithography method

  17. 发展中的光纤光栅技术

    Developing Fiber Bragg Grating Technology

  18. 介绍了一种基于布喇格光纤光栅技术的位移测量方法。

    This paper presents a method of the displacement measurement using the technology of fiber Bragg gratings .

  19. 以光纤光栅技术为基础的光纤光栅传感器已经成为传感器研究领域中的一大热点。

    Optical fiber grating sensors based on optical fiber grating technology have become the focus in sensors study field .

  20. 光纤光栅技术在蚌埠淮河桥健康监测中的工程应用研究

    The Research of Engineering Application of Fiber Bragg Grating Technique in Health Surveillance of Beng Bu Huai He Bridge

  21. 采用组合位相光栅技术,制作光强分布均匀、衍射效率较高的多光束分光元件。

    A generated technique of balanced light intensity and high efficiency multiple ban splitting beams element using synthetical phase gratings .

  22. 近年来,光子晶体光纤的出现和迅猛发展,为光纤光栅技术的进一步发展提供了新的平台。

    Recently , the emergence and development of photonic crystal fiber ( PCF ) provides a new platform for the fiber grating .

  23. 随着光纤光栅技术的不断完善发展,光纤光栅传感技术越来越多的受到人们的重视。

    With the development of fiber grating technology , study on the application of fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) sensor has got more recognition .

  24. 同时随着光纤光栅技术的不断成熟,光纤光栅激光器的研究成为了热点。

    As technology continues to mature fiber grating , fiber bragg grating ( FBG ) based DBR and DFB fiber laser has become a hot research .

  25. 它是一种基于虚光栅技术、移相技术和莫尔技术的载频图像处理方法,用这种方法处理一幅加有载频的干涉图时,可以实现干涉条纹移相的效果,且没有移相误差。

    When the static interferogram with a certain spatial frequency is processed by this method , the effects of phase shifting can be attained without any phase shifting error .

  26. 研究了集光栅技术、莫尔技术、相移干涉术为一体的虚光栅移相莫尔条纹法测量量块的原理及关键技术。

    The virtual grating phase shifting moire fringe method is studied to measure the parameters of gauge block which combines the techniques on grating , moire , and phase shifting interferometry .

  27. 论文中主要研究内容如下:1.研制了基于液晶光栅技术的新型双目视觉传感器,无需硬件改动,只需改变软件即可实现点扫描、线扫描和光栅编码型视觉传感器的功能。

    A new binocular vision sensor based on LCD grating technique is developed . It has the functions of three traditional vision sensors : point scanning , line scanning and grating code .

  28. 介绍了在光纤光栅技术平台上研制出的传感器的特点、工作原理及其在水利监测中的应用,着重于光纤光栅传感技术在水位遥测及大坝安全监测上的应用。

    In this article , the author introduces its features , operation principles , and application in hydrological monitoring , focusing on its advantages in water level telemetry and dam safety monitoring .

  29. 计量光栅技术是利用光栅作为位移传感器,通过对莫尔条纹信号进行辨向计数来完成位移测量的一种技术。

    Grating measure technology is a kind of measurement technology which the grating is took as the displacement sensor to complete the measurement of displace with distinguishing the direction of the Moire Fringes and counting .

  30. 整个系统以光纤光栅技术为支撑,由地面中心站、井下子站和传感器等组成,预警系统实现了数据采集、数据传输、数据处理、实时显示及警情发布等功能。

    Supported by fiber grating technology , composed of centre ground stations , underground sub-stations , sensors and so on , the system achieved data collection , data transmission , data processing , real-time display , alarm signal release and other functions .