
  • 网络phototransistor;photo transistor;HPT
  1. 在传感器的设计部分,确定了以光、电结合的检测方法,运用光敏晶体管、发光二极管和电路的组合来检测锥形元件的振荡频率。

    In the design of sensor unit , the thesis adopts the measuring method that combines optical technique with electronic technique . The sensor unit makes use of the combination of photo transistor , LED and electronic circuit to detect the frequency change of the oscillating tapered element .

  2. 垂直构型有机光敏场效应晶体管的研究

    Study on Vertical Photoresponsive Organic Field-effect Transistors

  3. 基于并五苯的光敏场效应晶体管的研究

    Photoresponsive Field-effect Transistors Based on Pentacene

  4. 有机光电探测器包括有机光敏二极管、有机光敏场效应晶体管、有机光敏电阻等。

    Organic photodetectors include organic photodiodes ( OPD ), photoresponsive organic field-effect transistors , organic photo-resistance and so on .