
  • 网络progressive productive forces;advanced productive forces
  1. 生产力发展的基本规律是,先进生产力不断取代和淘汰落后生产力的历史进程的规律;

    The fundamental law of productive forces development is that advanced productive forces perpetually substitute and supercede backward productive forces .

  2. 互联网的经济浪潮已经成为现代社会发展的先进生产力,是国民经济增长的巨大源泉。

    The Internet economical tide already became the advanced productive forces which the modern society developed , was huge fountainhead which the national economy grew .

  3. PC技术作为先进生产力的标志,带领人类走入知识经济时代,从而PC产业成为知识经济的主导产业。

    As the symbol of advanced productive forces , PC technology has led the mankind into the age of the knowledge economy , so PC industry becomes the leading industry of the knowledge economy .

  4. 先进生产力的理论与实现途径

    The Theory of Advanced Productivity and the Way to Realize It

  5. 先进生产力发展的特征和趋势

    The Features and the Trend of the Development of Advanced Productivity

  6. 论先进生产力的判断标准与本质特征

    Discussion on the Criteria and Essential Connotation of Advanced Productive Forces

  7. 开拓先进生产力发展的新环境

    Opening up a new environment of development of advanced productive forces

  8. 高校法律课要围绕促进先进生产力发展展开

    Law course of college should be taught around improving advanced productivity

  9. 始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求。

    Representing the development trend of china 's advanced productive forces .

  10. 始终代表先进生产力的发展要求是全面建设小康社会的关键

    Representing the Advanced Productive Forces as the Key to a Well-Off Society

  11. 加强高校哲学社会科学研究促进先进生产力和先进文化的发展

    On Strengthening Philosophical and Social Science Studies in Higher Education

  12. 论党的性质与先进生产力

    On nature of the political party and advanced productive forces

  13. 从唯物史观角度透视先进生产力与党的先进性

    Perspective to Advanced Productive Forces and Advancement of Party by Historic Materialism

  14. 先进生产力发展趋势探析

    A Study of the Trends in Development of the Advanced Productive Forces

  15. 高等学校应该成为实践代表先进生产力发展要求的先锋

    Being in the vanguard to represent the advanced productive forces

  16. 从先进生产力看高等教育的时代使命

    Advanced Productive Forces and the Mission of Higher Education of Our Times

  17. 中国先进生产力发展要求的代表探析

    Analysis of the Representatives of Ch in a 's Advanced Productive Forces

  18. 试论中国先进生产力的发展要求

    Try to discuss the requirements of the development of Chinese advanced productivity

  19. 国际竞争与中国先进生产力的发展

    The Relationship of International Competition and the Development of Advanced Productivity in China

  20. 适应先进生产力发展要求大力推进我国的知识化

    The Developmental demand of Advanced productive Forces and the Knowledge improvement of China

  21. 论先进生产力的历史内涵

    On the Historical Connotation of the Advanced Productive Forces

  22. 先进生产力中的生态环境要素分析

    The ecological environment elements analysis of advanced productive forces

  23. 论中国先进生产力和先进文化的世界历史性

    On the world historical character of China 's advanced productivity and advanced culture

  24. 大学:先进生产力的重要源泉

    Universities : The Important Resource of Advanced Productive Forces

  25. 先进生产力的基本特征和现实意义

    The Basic Characterizes And Real Meaning of Advanced Productivity

  26. 农业现代化是当今世界农业先进生产力的总和。

    Agricultural modernization is the overall advanced productivity of agriculture in the world .

  27. 先进生产力发展规律探析&兼论科技经济学构建问题

    An Analysis on the Development Laws of Advanced Productivity

  28. 我们党是以中国先进生产力的代表登上历史舞台的。

    Our Party entered the historical arena representing China 's advanced productive forces .

  29. 党必须始终代表先进生产力的发展要求&三个代表的思想是高职两课教学的重要内容

    The Party Must Always Represent the Developing Requirements of the Advanced Productive Forces

  30. 代表中国先进生产力的发展要求

    the development trend of China 's advanced productive forces