
  • 网络Charging Efficiency;Volumetric Efficiency
  1. 为寻找降低流动损失、提高充气效率和排气能量传递效率的途径,利用AVL的FIRE软件,针对进气和排气系统进行了三维气体流场计算,分析了其中的三维流场特征。

    The feature of three-dimensional flow field was analyzed with AVL FIRE software in order to reduce the losses of flow , improve volumetric efficiency and transfer efficiency of exhaust energy .

  2. 分析了加速工况和稳态工况下模型的区别,提出了加速工况时对稳态工况下模型的空燃比AF、充气效率、传热系数进行修正的方法。

    The difference between stability model and accelerating model was analysis . Compared with stability condition , some revise methods concerning Air / Fuel ratio , volumetric efficiency and heat transfer coefficient under accelerating condition were put forward .

  3. 以发动机外特性试验数据为基础,建立了理论模型,获得了喷油脉宽、充气效率初始MAP。

    According to the external characteristic and theoretical model builded , initial control MAPs for injection pulse width and volume efficiency were obtained .

  4. 通过合理的设计,有效地利用了气体动力效应,提高了柴油机的充气效率,改善了燃烧过程,降低了燃油消耗率和排气中HC和CO浓度。

    The volumetric efficiency of the engine was increased . Mean-while the fuel consumption and HC and CO emissions were lowered .

  5. 因此,对于满足某一性能的柴油机,涡流必须控制在一个最佳水平,并保证有较高的充气效率,而CAD与CFD的联合运用,是快速实现这一目标的重要途径。

    It is known that , for a certain diesel engine , the swirl should be controlled at an optimum level , and volumetric efficiency should be as high as possible . The combination of CAD and CFD is an effective way to realize this goal .

  6. 低速大负荷时,生物制气&柴油双燃料发动机充气效率变大,可燃气体在高温下停留时间增加,因此转速降低时虽然最高燃烧温度降低,但此时NOx排放浓度增加。

    At low speed and high load the biogas & diesel dual fuel engine has a higher volumetric efficiency , the time of the mixture staying at high temperature level is longer , so even if the maximum combustion temperature is relatively lower , the NO_x emission is still high .

  7. 利用进排气系统的波动效应理论,对495G型汽油机的进排气歧管进行了设计计算,所设计的进排气系统消除了各缸之间的进气干涉、排气干扰,有利于提高充气效率。

    By using the gas dynamic effect theory in the inlet and exhaust system , the inlet and exhaust manifold of a 495G gasoline engine was designed . The improved inlet and exhaust system decreased inlet interference and exhaust disturbance as little as possible and increased volumetric efficiency .

  8. 主要阐述了用CAD/CAM技术,为东风朝阳柴油机公司新开发的6105A柴油机研制进、排气道及金属热芯盒的过程,以期达到提高充气效率,实现增大功率的目的。

    This paper mainly described that by using CAD / CAM , R & D process of metallic hot box for intake and exhaust ports of 6105A diesel engine developed by Dongfeng Chaoyang Diesel Company for the purpose of rising charge efficiency and finally rising engine power output .

  9. 进气状态对汽缸进气量与充气效率关系的影响

    The influence of air condition on air input and charging efficiency

  10. 多缸内燃机单缸充气效率的测定

    The Measurement of Individual Cylinder Volumetric Efficiency for Multi - Cylinder Engine

  11. 进气管结构参数对柴油机充气效率的影响

    Effects of inlet manifold dimensions on volumetric efficiency of engines

  12. 单缸四冲程柴油机最大充气效率时对应转速的研究

    Speed of Four Stroke Single-cylinder Diesel at Maximum Volumetric Efficiency

  13. 空气滤清器对脉冲增压及充气效率的影响

    Effects of Air Cleaner on Pulse-Pressure Charging and Volumetric Efficiency

  14. 火花点火式发动机进气过程中充气效率及均匀性研究

    Study of Volumetric Efficiency and Distribution Evenness on Excharge Process in Spark Ignition Engines

  15. 柴油机掺烧气体燃料对充气效率和过量空气系数的影响

    Influence of Blending Gas Fuels to Air-charged Efficiency and Over-air Coefficient in Diesel Engine

  16. 多缸汽油机充气效率和进气均匀性研究

    Study on Volume Efficiency and Distribution Evenness of Intake Charge in Multi-cylinder Gasoline Engines

  17. 柴油机每循环充气效率的研究

    Cycle-to-cycle Volumetric Efficiency in Diesel Engine

  18. 得到的实验内燃机充气效率不均匀度最大值为9.1%。

    The maximal unevenness of the volumetric efficiencies inside the engine was ( 9.1 % . )

  19. 此外,使用不同燃料时发动机的充气效率变化较小。

    In addition , the volumetric efficiency of the engine is almost unchanged when using different fuels .

  20. 分析了配气正时对可变进气系统充气效率的影响。

    Influence of valve timing on air intake efficiency of the variable air intake system is analyzed .

  21. 催化转化器对充气效率影响的模拟与分析

    Computing and Analyzing the Effect of Pressure Loss in Three-way Catalytic Converter on Charge Efficiency of Engine

  22. 进气系压力波动与多缸发动机充气效率-转速特性形态的关系研究

    970019 A Study on the Intake Pressure Wave Actions and Volumetric Efficiency Speed Characteristics of Multi Cylinder Engines

  23. 本文实现了天然气发动机缸内非高压直接喷射天然气,在结构上和控制时刻将空气的吸入和天然气的喷入完全分开,成功地解决了天然气发动机充气效率下降的问题。

    Studied in this paper is in-cylinder injection of natural gas engine , which improves the volumetric efficiency .

  24. 四冲程高速柴油机充气效率的预测&容积法适应性的改进

    Prediction of Volumetric Efficiency of Four-Stroke High-Speed Diesel Engine & Improvement of Adaptability of the Filling and Emptying Method

  25. 具体做法:一是充分利用惯性效应,提高发动机充气效率;

    The detail measurements are : the first is to improve the engine charge efficiency by utilizing inertial effect ;

  26. 高速四冲程单缸柴油机充气效率的数值计算和实验研究

    Numerical computation and experimental study of the volumetric efficiency of a high speed four stroke single cylinder diesel engine

  27. 压力损失使发动机的排气背压升高,引起充气效率下降;

    The pressure loss caused the increase in exhaust back pressure , leading to the decrease in charge efficiency .

  28. 最后利用发动机台架试验进行了进气歧管对电喷汽油机充气效率的影响的试验研究。

    Finally , the effect of intake manifold on the volume efficiency of EFI engines is tested on test bench .

  29. 发动机燃用气体燃料时,充气效率降低,使发动机最大功率及扭矩下降。

    For a gas fuel engine , the decrease in volumetric efficiency will reduce the engine 's maximum torque and power .

  30. 进气管结构参数对四冲程多缸高速车用柴油机充气效率及性能的影响

    Effect of Inlet Manifold Construction and Dimension on Volumetric Efficiency and Performance of Four Stroke High Speed Multi-cylinder Truck Diesel Engine