
  1. 您是否想参加我们的一百元书券抽奖?

    Do you want to join our lucky draw for $ 100 Book Coupon ?

  2. 3张20元面值的书券

    Three 20-yuan Book tokens

  3. 这所学校很幸运,因为有一个贵妇人捐献了10000元的参考书。

    The school is sitting pretty because a wealthy woman gave it $ 10,000 worth of reference books .

  4. 除非你愿意为200元钱的书而付出1万元律师费。

    Unless you are willing , pay 10 thousand yuan of retaining fees for the book of 200 yuan of money .

  5. 她花50元钱买畅销书。

    She sprang fifty dollars for best sellers .

  6. 他把一份以5000元保释的保证书交给了行政司法长官,将比尔领回了家。

    He gave a $ 5,000 bail bond to the sheriff and took Bill home .

  7. 我花了十元买这本书。

    I buying this book .

  8. 本文介绍了温有奎教授所著《知识元挖掘》一书的主要内容,对书中提出的某些新观点进行了评述。

    This paper recommends a book named Knowledge Element Mining by Professor Wen Youkui , and evaluates some new opinions in this book , such as knowledge element , knowledge indexing etc.