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yuán yuè
  • January;the first lunar month;the first moon of lunar calendar
元月 [yuán yuè]
  • (1) [January]∶一月,格里历(即阳历或公历)每年的第一个月

  • (2) [the first moon of lunar calendar]∶太阴历每年的第一个月,指农历正月

元月[yuán yuè]
  1. 在元月促销期间购物可能会让人大为恼火。

    Shopping in the January sales can be maddening

  2. 在元月的第一个星期,成千上万的人在负疚感的驱使下报名参加健身班或者开始节食。

    In the first week of January , thousands of guilt-ridden people signed up for fitness courses or embarked on diets .

  3. 元月大减价开始了吗?

    Have the January sales started yet ?

  4. 回顾性分析了1996年元月~1998年元月应用细针抽吸细胞学检查(fineneedleaspirationcytology,FNAC)诊断79例甲状腺癌。

    Seventy-nine cases of thyroid carcinoma were diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration cytology ( FNAC ) from Jan. 1996 to Jan. 1998 . Among the 79 patients .

  5. 本协议于二OO二年元月一日生效。如一方想中止本协议,须在一个月前书面通知另一方。

    This agreement shall take effect on January 1st , 2002 . if one party wants to terminate the agreement , a written notice one month beforehand shall be given to another party .

  6. 您将于二OO二年元月一日开始任职。本职将使您获酬每月六千港币。这个医疗会议已于西元两千零六年的十二月二十日于台北举行。

    You are to start as of 1st January , 2002 . For this work you are to be paid HK $ 6,000 monthly . The medical convention was held in Taipei on Dec. 20 , 2006 .

  7. 元月1日后,我公司解散。在原址成立O&S商社继续营业,由H.O.和J.S.二人主持业务。

    After January1st , our partnership will be dissolved and the business will be carried on at the same address , by H.O.and J.S.under the firm-name of O & S.

  8. 自元月1日以来,约一万辆汽车已经回收。

    Since Jan 1 about 10,000 cars have been hauled off .

  9. 新的管理体制于今年元月一日起正式运作。

    The new administrative system was initiated on January 1st 1999 .

  10. “春节黄金周”于元月26日开始。

    The " Golden Week " holiday starts on Jan26 .

  11. 元月她又生了一个孩子。

    She gave birth to a second Chile in january .

  12. 在阴历元月十五举行。

    It 's held in mid-January of the lunar calendar .

  13. 新年在元月一日。

    New year 's day is the lst of january .

  14. 元月是一年中的第一个月份。

    January is the first month of the year .

  15. 协定自元月一日起生效。

    The agreement tooks effect as of January .

  16. 十二、元月和二月北方很冷。

    It 's very cold in the North in December , January and February .

  17. 今天我收到了一封元月一日发出的信。

    I received today a letter dated january1st .

  18. 2004年元月,中国丝绸博物馆免费向社会公众开放。

    The China National Silk Museum was open to public for free in January , 2004 .

  19. “元”代表第一,古人称“正月”为“元月”,“夜”也称“宵”。

    Yuan literarily means " First " while " Xiao " refers to " night . "

  20. 两个星期后,在元月一个阳光明媚的早晨,本几乎是一路跑上人行道。

    On a sunny January morning two weeks later , Ben almost ran up the walk .

  21. 对这一问题的担忧使他们认为等到元月30日太危险。

    The risks of such a calamity made them think that waiting until january30th was too dangerous .

  22. 方法回顾2000年元月至今对120例患儿的临床资料进行回顾性分析进行综合性研究。

    Method conduct retrospective analysis and comprehensive research on clinical data of 120 cases from 2000 to today .

  23. 这家网站元月上旬开始运营,是根据恋人关系作者和博主海伦·克罗伊登的想法建成。

    The site , launched in early January , is the brainchild of relationship author and blogger Helen Croydon .

  24. 沉迷于一种安逸的生活之后,便于元月2日开始投入到翻译书本的工作中了。

    After I indulged myself in a leisurely life , I plunged myself into translating another thick book on Jan2 .

  25. 英国查尔斯王子(右)去年元月二十七日参访美国费城国际学院时,展现他优雅的仪态。照片∶法新社。

    Prince Charles , right , shows off his proper manners while visiting the International House in Philadelphia , Jan.27,2007 .

  26. 到了元月,我再次提出要求,这一次接待我的是办公室主任。

    In January I renewed my request and this time was met by the head of the director 's office .

  27. 1959年元月,卡斯特罗领导的游击队终于击败了巴蒂斯塔的军队,并列队进入首都哈瓦那。

    Victory over Batista 's forces finally came in January , 1959 , and his triumphant guerrillas marched into Havana .

  28. 不是的,我们会在农历元月8号上班,也就是2月21日。

    Ann : No , we 'll go back to work on the8th day of the1st lunar month , that is Febuary21st .

  29. 元宵节是在阴历的元月15号,通常在阳历的二月或者三月。

    The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunarmonth , usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar .

  30. 中国农业银行已于2009年元月完成股份制改造,接下来就是择机上市的等待。

    Agricultural Bank of China was completed in January 2009 the shareholding system reform , the next is to choose an available wait .