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  • Confucian scholar
儒士 [rú shì]
  • [Confucian scholar] 儒生;孔子信徒;学者,读书人

  1. 三是儒士阶层的社会示范效应。

    The third is social demonstration effect of the Confucian scholar class .

  2. 儒士之辩与策士之辩&试比较《孟子》与《战国策》的辩辞

    Debate with the plotter one in the debating of Confucian scholar & compare between the excuse of Mencius and the Warring States scheme

  3. 有真实技艺和本领却穿着儒士服装的,处以死刑!’看看是否还有人穿儒服装”。鲁哀公同意了。

    ilities will be executed ! ' and see if there will still be some people wearing scholar 's costume . " Duke Aigong of the state of Lu adopted his suggestion .

  4. 略论儒学文化与中国儒士的精神

    On the Intellectual Culture and the Spirit of the Intellectuals

  5. 蒙古国地缘特性及其国际关系大蒙古国时期的诸王与儒士

    On mongolia 's geopolitical features and its international relations

  6. 而郭嵩焘则是一名羽扇纶巾的儒士,但二人却相知良深,私谊笃厚。

    But they were well acquainted with each other and enjoyed a profound personal friendship .

  7. 试论儒士的政治理念

    On the Political Idea of Confucianist

  8. 乔吉散曲中有积极入世的儒士思想,又有消极避世的隐士情怀。

    In Qiao Ji 's Sanqu , he shows both positive and pessimistic attitudes to life .

  9. 元初江南儒士的处境及社会角色的转变

    The Situation and Transformation of Social Roles of the Southern Scholars in the Early Time of Yuan Dynasty

  10. 他们往往将对女色的渴望隐藏于内心,以示自己儒士之风范。

    They often hid the hunger for women in heart so as to show their demeanor of Confucianism .

  11. 与明末儒士群体地批判天主教文化相比,清初杨光先在批判天主教文化时,则是孤军奋战;

    Compared with the criticism on Christian literature from talent groups at the end of Ming Dynasty , Mr.

  12. 他的交游以儒士为主,兼有天主教徒,并从两方面获取学问认知。

    He made friends mainly with Confucian scholars , and also with Catholics , getting knowledge from both types .

  13. 宋代儒士对佛教常识、佛教教义都有较深入的认知与把握,但也存在大面积的误读;

    There is a deep cognizance and comprehension about Buddhist general knowledge and its doctrines for Confucian scholars in Song dynasty .

  14. 西汉中期以后,儒家思想和儒士曾一度受压抑和贬斥。

    After the middle period of the Western Han Dynasty , the Confucianism and the Confucians had been once oppressed and denounced .

  15. 士商互渗现象促使商人逐渐带有传统儒士的风度,士人经商也具有了商人的预见性与伶俐头脑。

    Infiltration prompted the merchants and businessmen with traditional Confucian demeanor gradually , scholars also have the merchant business foresight and clever mind .

  16. 本文从著名排佛文献出发,对传统文化中儒士排佛思想做了一番探讨和分析。

    This dissertation discusses and analyses the Confucian scholars ' thoughts of excluding Buddhism from some famous literatures against Buddhism of the traditional culture .

  17. 本文尝试研究儒士与佛教关系的另一视角,即由儒士对佛教的认知、理解与评价去考察儒士思想与佛教的关系。

    The thesis try to study the relationship between Confucian and Buddhism from another aspect which is Confucian cognition , comprehension and evaluation about Buddhism .

  18. 从金元时期政治思想领域受到少数民族思维的冲击,学术气氛自由务实:儒士从医,格物致知;

    The academic atmosphere in the Jin-Yuan dynasties was liberal and pragmatic due to the challenge of alien ethnic groups in political and mental provinces .

  19. 中庸思想作为儒家伦理的核心价值观念之一,是儒士们修身、治家、治国的根本价值标准。

    As the core of the Confucianists ' thought , " The Golden mean " was the fundamental standard of the traditional intellectuals in action .

  20. 大蒙古国时期(1206~1271年),一些蒙古诸王出于统治的需要,任用儒士为他们服务。

    Some Mongolian princes appointed Confucians and served for them for the sake of dominant needs during the Great Mongolia Empire ( 1206 ~ 1271 ) .

  21. 弄清楚龙仁夫的出处问题,有助于更好地了解由宋入元儒士们的群体面貌。

    Answer to the question of his official position will help us in better understanding how the Confucian scholars growing in Song lived in Yuan Dynasty .

  22. 除此以外,两位皇帝还非常重视儒士,尤其是康熙帝,对儒士表现出爱惜、尊重、敬佩、宽容的特殊情感。

    In addition , two emperors attached great importance to Confucianists , especially the Kangxi emperor expressed special cherishing , respecting , esteeming and tolerant feeling to them .

  23. 此外,由于儒士对基层社会的回归和亲近,为宋元之际社会文化转型、民族融合做出了应有的贡献。

    In addition , as Confucian Scholars did return to grass-roots communities and be close to them , that contributing to social-cultural transformation and national amalgamation in the Song-Yuan period .

  24. 儒士身分资格变迁中的受教育权利及其实现,则成为第四章内容的中心议题,也是本文立意考察的目标之所在。

    The vicissitudes of the title of " Confucian scholar " and realization of its right to education is key topic for discussion in part four and also the target of essay .

  25. 从社会交往看元代江南儒士的社会网络以戴表元为例《退斋记》与许衡刘因的出处进退元代儒士境遇心态之一斑

    Social Network of the South Confucian Scholars in Yuan Dynasty ( DAI Biao-Yuan as example ) The Situation and Mentality of the Yuan Dynasty Confucian Scholars as Seen in Tui Zhai Ji

  26. 元代中后期,通过汉人儒士的上书陈言,国家逐渐立法禁止了“奴告主”的行为,但这一立法是自下而上的、被动的,因此在元代后期这一现象仍具有一定的影响。

    In the middle and later period of the Yunnan dynasty , some Han scholars submitted proposals for banning this term in the law but it did not completely disappear due to its historical influence .

  27. 汉代儒家女教主要是通过家庭、宗族的强化熏陶,儒士们的舆论压制,以及朝廷在物质和精神上的双重诱导来推行的。

    The strengthening education of family and clan , the suppression of the Confucian scholars ' public opinions and the double guidance of materials and spirits from government carried out the Confucian female education of Han Dynasty .

  28. 而东汉中后期时局的动荡又极大地刺激着儒士强烈的忧患意识和社会责任感,致使他们前赴后继的投入到参政议政、救国安民的政治活动中。

    And the turbulent situation of the middle and later periods of the Eastern Han Dynasty and greatly stimulate the Confucian scholar strong suffering consciousness and social responsibility , the route to participate in , saving their political activities .

  29. 东汉也是儒学发展曲折的时代,由于最高统治者对谶纬的倡导,导致儒学神秘化,儒士方士化,士林充斥着虚妄与迷信。

    The Eastern Han Dynasty is the most dirty age of Confucianism too , because the supreme ruler of prophetic-mixed advocacy , lead it to mystification , Confucian scholars are akin to necromancer , scholastic filled with false and superstition .

  30. 围绕着办学宗旨问题,大蒙古国国子学经历了由文字教育向儒学教育的转变。这是蒙古统治者在办学问题上与汉人儒士的第一次冲突。

    The imperial education of the Great Mongol Empire centering on the aim of running school experienced the change from the character education , which implied the first conflict on running school between the Mongol rulers and the lian Confucian scholars .