
tōu shēng
  • drag out an ignoble existence;live on without purpose;have no ambition than just to get by
偷生 [tōu shēng]
  • [drag out an ignoble existence] 苟且求活

  • 存者且偷生。——唐· 杜甫《石壕吏》

偷生[tōu shēng]
  1. 蝼蚁尚且偷生,何况人乎?

    Even the lowly cricket and ant cling to life , let alone a human being .

  2. 我们不允许你们投降或者偷生。

    We can 't allow you to be boarded or to be taken alive .

  3. 作为个人,你们和我都可以通过借款来暂且偷生,但这只限于在很有限的一段时间内。

    You and I , as individuals , can , by borrowing , live beyond our means , but for only a limited period of time .

  4. 一个草泽医生,一介平民百姓,舍弃了妻儿的性命,在十五年的屈辱中偷生,仅仅是为了他人的复仇,仅仅是为了正义的伸张。

    An ordinary doctor , also a common person , who sacrificed his wife and son , survived the disgrace and insults of15 years , only for the revenge of another man and administration of justice .