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ǒu rán xìng
  • contingency;chance;occasionality;fortuity;haphazard;casualness;chance,fortuity
偶然性 [ǒu rán xìng]
  • [casualness;chance,fortuity] 出乎意料的非规定特性

偶然性[ǒu rán xìng]
  1. “命”则包含了必然性和偶然性的含义。

    " destiny " embodied the implication of inevitability and contingency .

  2. 讨论必要性可能性与偶然性的模态逻辑。

    The modal logic of necessity and possibility and contingency .

  3. 偶然性Ⅲa(N2)期非小细胞肺癌患者临床和预后分析

    The Clinical and Prognosis Analysis of Incidental ⅲ a ( N_2 ) NSCLC

  4. 实际上,在服用维生素e的男性组中,患前列腺癌的比例要比其它组略高,尽管这个比例很小,不能排除偶然性的因素。

    Indeed , there were slightly more prostate cancers among men taking vitamin E than in other groups , although the increase was too small to rule out chance as the cause .

  5. 被试作答的偶然性对IRT能力估计的影响研究

    The Influence of Haphazard Response on the Ability Estimation within the Item Response Theory

  6. 这里演示的方法是编程技术和一般常识的混合(当然,可以组合它们),不偶然性地,即以类似于Java资源束那样构造文档。

    The approach demonstrated here is a mixture of programming techniques and common sense ( yes , they can be combined ) that , not coincidentally , structures documents similar to Java resource bundles .

  7. 通过对各种异常类型和Err对象、属性、方法的分析,发现该方法能够解决软件运行时由于原有逻辑顺序、不可预知的偶然性错误触发的程序异常。

    This method could be used to solve the exception triggered by improper user logic and unpredictable error .

  8. 但在选手滑行时速超过35英里(合56公里)的比赛中,碰撞屡见不鲜,这也让短道速滑带有偶然性,就像纳斯卡赛车比赛(Nascar)一样。

    But frequent crashes at speeds greater than 35 miles an hour add a degree of randomness to short-track skating that turns it into the Nascar of the Olympics .

  9. 分析了9E燃机燃油控制设备运行中多次发生的偶然性故障,提出了提高9E燃机燃油系统可靠性的途径及相应的控制技术改进方案。

    The chance failure of fuel oil control equipment of 9E gas turbine has taken place for more times in working has analyzed . The reliability improved method and control technique improved scheme of fuel system of 9E gas turbine are introduced .

  10. 我们得承认,偶然性起了很大的作用。

    We have to admit that chance played an important role .

  11. 图书和期刊的赠阅可能往往带有相当的偶然性。

    Gifts of books and journals can often be quite fortuitous .

  12. 这件事充分体现了破译工作的偶然性,

    This development well illustrated the chanciness of the whole endeavour .

  13. 社会过程是必然性与偶然性的统一。

    The social process is the unity of necessity and contigency .

  14. 人们可以貌似有理地争辩说,这一差异是属于偶然性的。

    It could plausibly be argued that this diversity is accidental .

  15. 偶然性在水彩画中具有非常重要的作用和意义。

    Accidental in watercolor painting plays a very important role and significance .

  16. 个人全能比赛的偶然性较大,美国和欧洲女子实力出众;

    USA and European top gymnasts are strong in individual all-round competition ;

  17. 历史偶然性能够决定必然性能否实现、怎样实现以及实现的价值指向。

    Historical accident can determine the mode and the value of necessity .

  18. 微调应该是经常性的,高烈度调整应该是偶然性的。

    Minor adjustments should be frequent while high-intensity adjustments should be occasional .

  19. 有些医生认为很少属于真正的偶然性怀孕。

    Some doctors believe the truly accidental pregnancy is rare .

  20. 科学发现是偶然性和必然性的统一;

    Scientific discovery is a unification of inevitability and chanciness ;

  21. 试论偶然性在筛选植物病害长期预测因子中的作用

    The Role of Contingency in Screening Long-Term Forecasting Factors of Plant Diseases

  22. 艺术联想思维具有情感性、偶然性、隐蔽性的特征。

    Artistic associative thinking has characteristics of emotion , occasion and concealment .

  23. 其次,解读偶然性支配下的宿命意识。

    Secondly , it unscrambles foreordination sense arranged by contingency .

  24. 他们得尽可能少地使偶然性发生。

    Had to leave as little as possible to chance .

  25. 有些偶然性因为美国行动的不确定性。

    Somewhat haphazard due to uncertainty of us actions .

  26. 依据偶然性原则,该事件必须是不确定的。

    Subject to the " fortuity principle ", the event must be uncertain .

  27. 从他们过去所看到的偶然性中,我们发现了规律。

    Where they saw chance , we see law .

  28. 政府投资是应对突发性、偶然性因素的最有力的力量;

    Government educational investment is the strongest power to deal with accidental factors .

  29. 强调偶然性,似乎就否定了规律。

    To stress the contingency seems to negate laws .

  30. 技术的产生与进化具有过程性特征,其本身既是合目的性与合规律性的辩证统一,又是必然性与偶然性的辩证统一。

    Technological emergence and evolvement have character of process .