
jiàn měi
  • strong and handsome;vigorous and graceful;be strong and handsome
健美 [jiàn měi]
  • [vigorous and graceful;be strong and handsome] 健康而漂亮;雄健而优美

  • 健美的体态

健美[jiàn měi]
  1. 健美操创编方法探讨

    Discussion of Creative Way in Strong and Handsome Exercises

  2. 高校健美操教法研究

    The Research on Teaching Method of Strong and Handsome Exercises ' Lessons in College

  3. 她的新年决心是要保持身材健美。

    She made a New Year 's resolution to get fit .

  4. 健美运动员剃去胸毛以展示肌肉。

    Body builders shave their chests to show off their muscles

  5. 他属于那种瘦削、过于健美的人。

    He is one of those lean , hyper-fit people .

  6. 健美——挺有男子气概的,不是吗?

    Body building — that 's a bit macho , isn 't it ?

  7. 他长得清瘦而结实,体格健美。

    His body is wiry and athletic .

  8. 他希望他的儿子们能长得像他一样强壮、阳刚而又健美。

    He wanted his sons to become strong , virile , and athletic like himself .

  9. 那年夏天,她减去了怀孕期间增加的体重,身材又变得修长而健美。

    That summer she had shed the weight gained during pregnancy , her body was trim and taut .

  10. 过去健美身形保持的时间越长,将来身材恢复得就越快。

    The longer you have been in shape in the past , the quicker you will regain fitness in future

  11. 这个体格是我健美生涯的一个基础根基。

    This physique was the foundation for my body-building career .

  12. 商店里出售着各式各样的健美裤。

    The shop sells all kinds of form-fitting pants .

  13. 进一步提高健美运动水平,已成为高校体育改革一个重点之一。

    Aerobics further raise the level , college sports reform has become a priority .

  14. 他是威尔士人,有着他祖先那种暗黑和粗犷健美的外貌。

    He was welsh , with the dark , stormy good looks of his ancestors .

  15. 打开电视,你可能会看到漂亮的模特,英俊的演员和健美的体育明星。

    Turn on the TV and you 'll Probably see beautiful models , handsome actors and fit sports stars .

  16. 健美:这个词多被用来形容身材强壮、健美、肌肉发达的男士

    hench - often used to describe a man who is strong , fit , and having well-developed muscles

  17. 让我们权且将它称为高效技术人员的六块腹肌&堪比健美运动员的身材,加上PHP思维的头脑。

    Call it the six abs of highly effective techies & HGH bodies for PHP minds .

  18. 我国环境痕量污染物污染趋势与防控对策从FIG规则的变化谈竞技健美操发展趋势和对策

    Discussion on the Tendency and Countermeasure of the Competitive Calisthenics from the Point of View of Changes of FIG Rules

  19. 近年来,国际健美操联合会(IAF)几经修改竞技健美操竞赛规则,旨在强调健美操的艺术性和可观赏性。

    In recent years , the International Gymnastics Federation after several changes rules of the game competitive aerobics , aerobics seeks to highlight the artistry and ornamental .

  20. 在运动负荷达125w时每博输出量试验组明显高于对照组,结论:实验组女大学生心脏泵血功能通过健美操训练获得明显提高。

    Conclusion : The function of cardiac pumping is better in the test group than in the control one .

  21. 它们是如此的健美、优雅、聪慧、温柔!

    They are so beautiful , graceful , intelligent and gentle .

  22. 健美运动对青少年体态的影响

    The effect of vigorous and graceful sport for teenagers ' figure

  23. 健美操情境教学模式实验研究

    The Experimental Research on the Situational Teaching Mode in Aerobics Courses

  24. 健美操运动员心理变化的因素及心理训练

    A Brief Study of the Psychological Training of the Calisthenics Athletes

  25. 健美操教学思维练习法初探

    The Primary Exploration to the Thinking Exercise on Bonny Exercise teaching

  26. 它是运动员能否在竞技健美操比赛中取得优异成绩的关键因素。

    Physical ability of sports aerobics is key factor in competition .

  27. 对健美操教学中培养学生创造力的思考

    Thinking on Students ' Creativity Training in Body - Building Teaching

  28. 对体育院(系)校学生健美操专项综合素质培养模式的研究

    On The Training Model Of Students ' Comprehensive Quality in Aerobics

  29. 培养大学生健美操创编能力的实践研究

    Practical Research into Fostering College Students ' Ability to Design Callisthenics

  30. 普通高校健美操队训练之我见

    My Opinion on Training of the Aerobics Dancing in Common Universities