
jiǎ shì
  • parole;release on parole;conditional release;release on probation;parole provisional release;free a prisoner on probation
假释 [jiǎ shì]
  • [parole;conditional release;release on probation] 由于表现好或其他原因而提前释放犯人,若犯人从释放到刑满期间内不再犯罪,可认为服刑期己满,否则两罪合并执行

假释[jiǎ shì]
  1. 人身危险性标准的提出,可以为罪犯的分类矫治、减刑假释、再犯预测提供一定的借鉴作用。

    The concept of bodily dangerous standard can provide some useful functions to correct of prisoner , release on parole of prisoner , and recidivism possibility of prisoner .

  2. 假释制度的理论基础及价值分析

    Theoretical Bases and Analysis of Its Value of Release on Parole System

  3. 她两年后获假释。

    She was paroled after two years .

  4. 她获得假释。

    She was released on parole .

  5. 我决不会接受假释,因为这就等于我承认自己有罪。

    I 'll never accept parole because that entails me accepting guilt .

  6. 他面临最高12年监禁,8年后可以获得假释。

    He faces at most 12 years in prison and could be paroled after eight years .

  7. 虽然被判终身监禁,但是他在服刑10年后可以申请假释。

    Although sentenced to life , he will become eligible for parole after serving 10 years .

  8. 噢,上个礼拜,当我得知就要同意我假释出狱时,我又给她写了封信。

    Well , last week , when I was sure that the parole was coming through , I wrote her again .

  9. Parole假释被假释的人必须遵守一定的规定。

    People on parole must follow certain rules .

  10. 一旦测试出酒精,脚环就会对佩戴者的假释官发出警告信号,佩戴者会被再次面临审判,有可能再次获刑或者被罚款。

    If any trace is found , an alert will be sent to the offender 's probation2 officer and they can then be recalled to court , where they may be resentenced or face sanctions such as a fine .

  11. 查尔斯·斯彭斯(CharlesSpence)希望有一天能假释出狱。

    Charles Spence hopes to earn parole from prison one day .

  12. 受害者的家长抗议她的提前释放,Facebook上发起的反对她假释的活动引起了强烈支持。

    Parents of the victims have protested against her release , and a Facebook campaign opposed to her parole has attracted huge support .

  13. 40年前,Atkins承认杀死了演员SharonTate。死亡几周之前,SusanAtkins曾请求宽容,获取假释,但是遭受拒绝。

    Atkins admitted to killing actor Sharon Tate 40 years ago.Her death comes just weeks after she was denied parole on compassionate ground , Susan Atkins at 61 .

  14. 投资者杰拉尔德科文(GeraldCorwin)在一封信中写道:我想看着他和参与这一骗局的所有人被定罪,被判至少100年监禁,没有任何假释机会!

    Investor Gerald Corwin wrote in a letter : I would like to see him , and anybody else involved in this scam , convicted and sentence [ d ] to at least 100 years behind bars without any chance of parole !

  15. 他的假释官认为他正在找工作。

    His parole officer thinks he 's looking for a job .

  16. 这名罪犯在监狱中服了10年刑后被假释了出来。

    The prisoner was paroled after serving 10 years in prison .

  17. 她还在假释期内,是不允许拥有枪支的。

    Parole in those cases forbids you to own a gun .

  18. 第四,要加强对假释犯的管理监督考察。

    The Study of Parole Fourth , strengthening supervision to parolee ;

  19. 告诉我这个家伙是不是假释了。

    Please tell me thjs sweet thjng JS out on parole .

  20. 我有假释义务要履行。

    I had parole obligations I needed to take care of .

  21. 他时时刻刻捏着一把汗,生怕假释被取消。

    He lived in constant fear of that parole being revoked .

  22. 他服刑五年后可以申请假释。

    He will be eligible for parole after serving five years .

  23. 你说你要去见你的假释官。

    You said you were going to see your parole officer .

  24. 假释监督保护机构及人员之比较研究

    Comparative Study on Institution and Members of Parole Supervision and Protection

  25. 难到你没听说?他获得假释。

    Ain 't you heard ? His parole 's come through .

  26. 假释后要去见心理医生。

    You 'll be on probation , see a court-ordered shrink .

  27. 你要怎么跟假释委员会解释呢?

    How you going to explain that to the parole board ?

  28. 里皮服刑14年,2011年,假释才结束。

    Rippey served 14 years and was on parole until 2011 .

  29. 再如减刑、假释的程序不合理。

    Moreover , procedures of commutation and parole are not reasonable .

  30. 尤其论述了马克思主义哲学及其刑罚观对我国假释制度的影响。

    Particularly discussed Marxist penalty views influenced our country parole system .