- reciprocal lattice

This paper proposes a formula to calculate the interplanar distance by using the vectors in the reciprocal lattice which is constructed from the primitive vectors of conventional unit cell ( unit cell ) .
Brillouin zone and reciprocal lattice primitive cell
The proof about the equation of volume of the n-th Brillouin zone and the volume of reciprocal 's primitive cell
A model of idealized fractal structure of the tetrahedrally-bonded amorphous semiconductor is set up with the aid of well-known Sierpinski Gasket , and the construction of the reciprocal space is also studied .
Array Index and Reciprocal Two-Dimensional Lattice
This paper discusses the array index , gives a defination of reciprocal two-dimensional lattice , and derives in detail the relation between direct two-dimensional lattice and reciprocal two-dimensional lattice .
Regarding the reciprocal lattice primitive cell s basic vectors as two line space basic vectors , this paper finds a new matrix method to work out the reciprocal lattice primitive cell .
It is proved that the volume of Brillouin zone and that of the reciprocal lattice primitive cell are equal for bcc lattice and fcc lattice in three dimensions by a simple mathematical method .