
Distinguishing feature and development direction of traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Science
The Advance and Future of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
Application of Chinese veterinary medicine on control and cure of infectious bursal disease
Chinese veterinarian is an important part of the motherland medicine . For thousands of years , it has made a great contribution for the development of animal husbandry in China . And , it has had significant influence on the World Veterinary development .
In Chinese mythology , the Licorne is an auspicious objects .
Which he mistook for a unicorn from an ancient Chinese myth .
Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the earth are controlled by Satan .
Unicorn , in harry ` s adventure as well as in classical mythology , are pure goodness .
The Kylin is a kind beast in the Chinese folklore . It is a symbol of peace and good luck .
The mythical wild animal is one kind and kylin similarity ancient times animal , is an ancient mascot of Chinese , is in modern precious beast in still being able to yet be regarded as office !
The Red Dragon gives life to the first of three beasts .
I 'll be a lost glade in which unicorns still play .
Horned viper ; great horned owl ; the unicorn & a mythical horned beast ; long-horned cattle .
The hosts in different genera in this case study tend to have different types of ectoparasitic flea communities .
Narwhals , the legendary unicorns of the sea , and bowheads , the great ice whales , thrive there and nowhere else on Earth .
Soaring high above the clouds , a girl rides the Pegasus Unicorn , her hair flowing in the breeze created by the gentle beating of his wings .
Community structure , species diversity , evenness and ecological dominance indices of the small mammals communities were measured and compared . Stability of small mammals communities was the highest in the coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest and the lowest in cultivated area .
Based on the analysis of myth prototype , from the myth and totem myth , we get the monks birth and the practice of the degrees of nature fierce beast and this reflects the repetition of the trajectory of the ancient memory .
Not only the people want the world of the immortals , even nature of flowers and birds wood out of the way for the beast also , actively seek degrees off the road , eager to trade became a monk , become celestial middleman .
The article discusses the beasts basic recognize about China vet medicine from its grow history , puts forward trait of research means in China vet medicine .