
  1. 浅析农户社会资本对非正规信贷行为的影响

    Discuss on The Effects of Farmer 's Social Capital on Informal Credit Behavior

  2. 税制结构与商业银行信贷行为

    Tax Structure and Credit Behavior of Business Banks

  3. 商业银行信贷行为分析

    Analysis of Credit Dealings in the Commercial Banks

  4. 信贷行为中的不完全信息动态博弈

    Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information on Credit Behavior

  5. 商业银行信贷行为与货币政策有效性研究

    The Study on the Loan Behavior of Commercial Bank and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

  6. 中国信用风险预警模型及实证研究&基于企业关联关系和信贷行为的视角

    Research on Credit Risk Early-warning Model Based on the Correlation and Credit Behavior of Enterprises

  7. 银行信贷行为与房地产泡沫

    Lending Behavior and Real Estate Bubble

  8. 尽管如此,违约率降低到一定程度仅是信贷行为出现的必要条件,而不是充分条件。

    However , the drop of default rate is the essential requirement , but not the adequate requirement .

  9. 本文从农贷市场的不对称信息视角,集中讨论了农户与贷款者的信贷行为关系。

    Based on the asymmetric information , this paper analyzes the behavioral relationships between farm household and lender .

  10. 借新还旧是我国商业银行中一种普遍存在的信贷行为。

    " Borrowing new loans to repay the old " is a common credit behavior of Chinese commercial banks .

  11. 第二个条件是要求中央银行能够间接调控商业银行的信贷行为。

    The second condition is to ask central bank to be able to indirectly adjust and control commercial bank credit actions .

  12. 在宏观经济形势复杂多变的背景下,金融机构的信贷行为日趋谨慎。

    Under the macro economic situation complicated and diversified background , financial organ 's credit behavior is day by day discrete .

  13. 农户社会资本及其对农户非正规信贷行为的影响&基于河南农户调查的实证

    Social Capital of Peasants and its Impact on Irregular Credit Behavior of Peasants & Based on the Empirical Investigation of Henan Peasants

  14. 第四部分采用1999&2009年的经济数据,对我国这一时期的银行信贷行为进行了实证研究。

    Part four uses economic data during 1999-2009 to analyze bank credit behaviors in our country when we were faced banking capital supervision .

  15. 担保是上市公司经营活动中的一种正常的资金信贷行为,为上市公司的发展提供了有利保障。

    Guarantee is a normal credit behavior of the listed corporation management activity . It can provide a powerful guarantee for the development of listed Corporation .

  16. 大型的国有商业银行拥有更多样化的融资渠道,货币政策冲击难以影响其信贷行为,其大多是在固定的发展轨道上经营。

    Large state-owned commercial banks have a more diversified financing channels when facing monetary policy shocks to its credit , its development is mostly in a fixed orbit operation .

  17. 研究结果表明,营业税的开征会影响商业银行最优贷款发放量,对银行信贷行为具有扭曲作用,而所得税对最优存贷款量没有影响。

    The result shows that , a business tax affects the optimal loan of commercial banks , and distorts banks ' behavior , however , enterprise income tax does not have such effects .

  18. 理论部分,本文在现代金融中介理论的基础上,考察税收对融资方式选择的影响,并分析税收体系如何影响银行信贷行为。

    In Part one , based on modern theory of financial intermediary , the thesis examines the effects of taxation on the means of finance , and analyses how the tax system influences bank 's loan behavior .

  19. 实证研究表明:该市的信贷行为中信贷集中和担保偏好行为明显,信贷集中度显著,担保偏好的发生率与泰国相当,并对影响信贷集中和担保偏好行为的一些因素进行了详细的分析。

    Empirical study shows significant loan concentration and collateral loan preference in this city , and the incidence ratio is similar to the ratio in Thailand . Then this paper analyses a number of factors affecting these loan behaviors .

  20. 为此,利用博弈理论,根据信息是否对称,分析完全且完美信息和完全但不完美信息两种情况的信贷行为。

    Therefore , by using theory of game , we will analyse credit activities in two situations : having complete and perfect information and having complete but imperfect information respectively , according to whether the information is symmetrical of not .

  21. 1995年中央政府为规避金融风险所采取的一系列措施,无形中为国有商业银行设计了一套治理机构,它有效地规范了商业银行的信贷行为,增强了银行经营的独立性。

    In 1995 , the Central Government took a series of measures to avoid financial risk , which designs a set of administrative constructions for civil commercial banks imperceptibly It regulates credit of commercial banks efficiently and strengthens the independence of the management of banks .

  22. 中小企业信贷违约行为研究

    On Banking Credit Default Behavior of SMEs

  23. 商业银行贷审委的信贷决策行为研究及其绩效评估

    Study on Decision-making Behavior and Evaluation of Performance of Loan Supervisory Committee of Commercial Bank

  24. 纳什均衡:银行和高校信贷合作行为的经济学诠释

    Credit Cycles Nash Balance : An Economic Interpretation of The Cooperative Behavior Between the Bank and the University

  25. 但从资金融通和改善自身收入角度来看,商业银行的信贷紧缩行为又是不合时宜的。

    But seeing from perspective of financing and rising income , it is not proper to tight the credit for banks .

  26. 本文分别从信息经济学和博弈论的视角对商业银行的信贷扩张行为做出解释。在每一种分析视角下,都采取从一般理论框架到中国特殊情况的分析方法。

    We used information economics and game theory two kind of perspective to explain the credit expansion behavior of commercial banks .

  27. 其中,在融资结构理论中,代理成本理论、信号理论和融资顺序理论对于解释中小企业信贷融资行为最具说服力。

    Agency cost theory , signal approach and pecking order hypothesis are the three most convincing theories to illustrate SMEs ' bank financing .

  28. 民营企业与商业银行间存在严重的信息不对称,使得商业银行无法区分出民营企业并购活动的风险高低,导致商业银行对民营企业进行信贷配给行为;

    It exist the phenomenon of information asymmetry between the private-owned firm and the commercial banks , and result in the phenomenon of credit admeasure ;

  29. 国际标准制定者应当强化银行结构信贷和证券行为的资本需求。

    International standard setters should set out strengthened capital requirements for banks'structured credit and securitization activities .

  30. 信贷非均衡行为的负外部性及成因分析&简论国有商业银行负外部性的体制诱因

    Analysis about Negative Externalities and Its Causes of Credit Non-Equilibrium & Discussion to Traditional Inertia Factor of State-owed Commercial Bank