
zhài wù liàn
  • debt chain
  1. 工程中债务链问题一直是制约我国公路建设健康发展的重要问题。

    Debt chain is an important problem that seriously affects highway construction .

  2. 公路工程债务链产生原因与对策分析

    Causes and Countermeasures of Debt Chain of Highway Engineering

  3. 不良债权处置之解:债务链清算

    Dealing with Bad Credit : Liquidation of Debt Chains

  4. 分解债务链的图论方法

    Graph Method for Resolving the Debt Chain

  5. 应收帐款转让市场是资本市场的一个重要组成部分,利用这一市场能加快社会总资本周转,缓解企业之间债务链的矛盾。

    The author holds that the assignment market of accounts receivable is an important part of capital markets .

  6. 利用博弈论有关原理,从建筑领域的债务链分析人手,提出改进模型对此问题进行分析。

    Based on game theory , and from the debt chain , it is analyzed by an improved model .

  7. 日本对不良债权的处理及启示不良债权处置之解:债务链清算

    Japan ' Bad Credit Rights Disposal in Finance Industry and Its Enlightenment to China Dealing with Bad Credit : Liquidation of Debt Chains

  8. 随着商业信用的迅速发展,相关单位间的债务链已成为企业资金周转的一大阻力;

    With the rapid development of business credit , the liability link of related enterprise has became the obstruction of turner of business fund .

  9. 银行是典型的具有负外部性的部门,其外部性的重要根源在于其经营的主要是社会资本以及围绕其形成复杂的债务链。

    Bank is typical sector of negative externalities , the important crux lies in dealing with social capital and complex debt chain surrounding social capital .

  10. 我国上市公司债务担保链的博弈分析

    The game analysis of liabilities guarantee chain for listing company in our country

  11. 为何“债务担保链”现象在我国证券市场上愈演愈烈呢?

    Why is the phenomenon of liabilities guarantee chain more serious in securities business ?

  12. 为了探究其存在的原因及改变其现状的对策,本文通过创建博弈模型分析了我国上市公司的“债务担保链”现象。

    This article was analyzed the phenomenon of liabilities guarantee chain in our listing company by establishing game model in order to analyse reason and find solution .

  13. 在筹资环节,债务筹资制度安排成为债务资金价值链的起点和关键环节。

    At the financing stage , debt financed system design becomes the beginning and key of the value chain of debt funds .

  14. 本文利用图论方法建立了表达债权债务关系的图论模型,给出了分析债务关系、分解债务链与三角债的系统方法。

    In this paper , construct the graph model expressed the debt relations by graph theory method . Give a system method for analysing the debt relations and resolving " the debt chain " and " the tripartite debt " .

  15. 本文给出债务关系的模糊矩阵表示,通过模糊矩阵幂运算实现了间接债务关系的基本要素-债务链,债务圈,债务量的刻画。

    In this paper , the fuzzy matrix expression of debt relations is given and its power operation is used to judge the existence of the indirect debt relation . We describe and analyze debt chain , debt circle and debt quantity by using the power operations on fuzzy matrix .