
  1. 由于担心AIG不能履行合同,信用评估机构将其信用等级降低。

    Credit rating agencies downgraded A.I.G. because of concerns it could not honor its contracts .

  2. 这一评分模型的提出,为信用评估机构和金融机构提供了科学管理和正确决策的依据。

    Therating model supplies the foundation of the scientific management and correct decision for credit assessment organization and finance institutions .

  3. 尽管这些债务,赤字表现,甚至美国近期被信用评估机构债务降级事件,都未使美国和英国遭受任何使其衰弱的信任损失。

    Neither America despite the recent downgrade of its debt by a rating agency nor Britain has been subject to a debilitating loss of confidence .

  4. 应建立个人基本账户制度,培育专业的个人信用评估机构,建立科学严谨的信用评价指标体系,创建必备的外部环境,健全相关的法律法规。

    We should establish individual basic account system , cultivate vocational individual credit evaluation agency , build scientific and strict credit evaluation index system , create necessary outside environment and perfect relevant laws .

  5. 只有增强风险管理意识,建立有效的信息披露制度和金融监管体系,并从制度上规范信用评估机构的行为,才能防范系统性的金融风险。

    We could avoid the financial risks , only when we have enhanced the conscious of risk management , established an effective information disclosure system and the financial regulatory system , and regulated the conduct of credit rating agencies .

  6. 这一评分模型的提出,对信用评估机构和金融机构提供了科学管理和正确决策的依据,同时也为解决同类问题以及神经网络应用于其他领域提供一条良好的途径。

    The rating model supplies the foundation of the scientific management and correct decision for credit assessment organization and finance institutions . It is also a good way to solve the similar problem and use neural network in other fields .

  7. 信用等级评估机构对本周的坏消息作出了回应。

    Credit rating agencies reacted to this week 's bad news .

  8. 国外有很多专门的信用风险评估机构对公司或企业的信用风险进行全面的评级,如美国著名的穆迪信用评级公司、标准普尔公司和费奇公司。

    Many special credit risks appraisal agencies carry on overall credit risks grading of the company or enterprises in abroad , for instance , famous Moody credit rating Company , Standard and Poor company .

  9. 我国的一些信用风险评估机构在借鉴国外信用风险评估机构的经验基础之上提出了适合我国企业的信用风险评估方法。

    Some credit risks appraisal agencies of our country put forward the credit risk evaluation systems that suits the enterprises of our country in reference to the experience of the foreign credit risks appraisal agencies .

  10. 《新巴塞尔资本协议》的外部信用评估是在外部信用评估机构对债券(或债务)信用风险等级评定的基础上对银行风险的监管。

    According to Basel II , external credit rating process is based on credit rating agency ′ s bond / debt rating , which ensures bank risk management .

  11. 经营者树立诚信经营的伦理观,加强企业自身信用建设;加强企业信用管理,建设信用评估机构,提出企业信用建设的相应对策与建议。

    Entrepreneurs should establish the sincere ethics , strengthen enterprise credit construction , strengthen enterprise credit management , build credit appraisal system , etc.