
  • 网络net cash flow;free cash flow;Net Cashflow
  1. 在R&D决策过程中,现在普遍采用的是净现金流(NetCashFlow,简写为NCF)方法,亦称为净现值方法。

    In the decision process of R & D , Net Cash Flow method is adopted widely .

  2. 净现金流是现金流入减去现金流出。

    Net cash flow is the inflows less the outflows .

  3. 而据券商Sterne,Agee&Leach公司的总经理阿维德•巴迪亚估算,仅净现金流一项就值约每股1.65美元,而Zynga还拥有房地产。

    The free cash alone works out to about $ 1.65 A share , estimates Arvind Bhatia , a managing director at Sterne , Agee & leach , and the company owns real estate on top of that .

  4. 二是县域政府当年的净现金流。

    Another is net cash flow of county government in the same year .

  5. 一家成功运作的寿险公司的目标是注重盈利性的同时确保偿付能力,这就要求协调其投资(资产)及其产品组合(负债)带来的净现金流。

    The target of a successful life insurance company is to ensure the solvency while keeping profit .

  6. 自由现金流等于支付所有未来投资之后的可供股东分配的净现金流。

    Free cash flow equals the net cash flow available to shareholders after paying for all future investments .

  7. 管理净现金流,规避产品组合和投资组合的现金流不匹配。

    Manage the net cash flow , evade the mismatch of cash flow of product mix and investment combination .

  8. 为研究国际供应链中制造商的多阶段最优订购策略,建立了制造商的随机净现金流模型。

    To study multi-stage optimal ordering strategies for the manufacturer under uncertain prices , a stochastic net cash flow model was proposed in view of the manufacturer .

  9. 如果其将来的预期净现金流的现值等于或超过首期投资的量,则认为资金投入建议可以接受。

    If the present value of its future expected net cash flows equals or exceeds the amount of the initial investment , a capital investment proposal is considered acceptable .

  10. 对每一个房地产开发企业而言,加强成本控制和实现利润最大化、实现净现金流最大化自然是其项目管理的核心。

    For each real estate development enterprise , strengthening cost control , maximizing profits and the net cash flow have become the core contents of real estate project management .

  11. 底线已有五年没有显示盈利,但运营中的净现金流在第四季度达到4.6亿美元,而且现金流利润率也在加强。

    The bottom line has not showed a profit in five years , but net cash from operations was $ 460m in the quarter and cash flow margins are strengthening .

  12. 而不同类型增值税对企业净现金流的影响优化排序是消费型、收入型、生产型,且生产型增值税的价外计税方法优于价内计税方法。

    Judging from the angle of net cash flow , enterprise 's ideal order of choices are consumption type value-added tax , income type value-added tax , productive value-added tax .

  13. 用模糊净现金流表示经济指标,用模糊变量代替战略指标和风险指标中的不确定性变量。

    The economic index is addressed using the fuzzy net present value analysis . And fuzzy variables are used to replace the uncertain variables in the strategic indices and risk indices .

  14. 必和必拓周三业绩报告的前半部分,自得感显而易见(关于净现金流,出色这个词可能有些过头)。

    The air of self-congratulation at BHP 's first-half presentation on Wednesday was palpable ( the word outstanding , in relation to net cash flows , was probably over-egging it ) .

  15. 为了证明在钢铁企业价值评估中,EVA估价模型与传统估价模型相比较更具优势,本文分别运用EVA与企业净利润、自由现金流等进行比较。

    In order to prove that compared with the traditional valuation models EVA has its own advantages in assessing iron and steel enterprises , this paper compares among EVA , business net profit and free cash flow .

  16. 上市公司净利润与经营现金流趋势背离分析

    On Negative Correlation of Operational Cash Flow & Net Income

  17. 动态评价指标包括净现值和折现现金流。

    And the dynamic economic indexes include the net present value and discounted cash flow .

  18. 对现金流量表的分析结果表明,亚泰集团的净现金流量非常不理想,能够形成正的净现金流完全依赖于筹资。

    With analysis of cash flow , the net cash flow is not ideal , and true cash flow depends completely on fund raising .