
  1. 对此,分析了空间信息技术及其应用于矿山生产与管理的优越性,探讨了其应用领域和应用模式。

    For this reason , the space information technology and its superiority of application in the production and management of mines are analyzed , and its application regions and application patterns are discussed .

  2. 中小型企业实时信息检索技术及其应用

    Middle and Small Enterprise Real Time Information Retrieval and Application

  3. 焊接电弧光谱信息测控技术及其应用

    Technology of Measurement and Control by Welding Arc Spectral Information and Its Application

  4. 工业系统集成信息处理技术及其应用研究

    Research on the Integrated Information Process Technique and Its Application in Industry Systems

  5. 基于状态检修的信息集成技术及其应用

    Condition-based Maintenance Oriented Information Integration Technology and Their Application

  6. 生理影像信息技术及其临床应用

    Technology of Physiology Image and Its Clinical Application

  7. 时变最优化信息处理技术及其应用(Ⅰ)&基本思想与系统辨识

    Time Dependent Optimization for Information Processing and Its Applications (ⅰ) Basic Concept and System Identification

  8. 散斑干涉信息提取技术及其应用研究

    Speckle Interferometry Information Extraction Technology and Application

  9. 信息隐匿技术及其应用研究

    Study on the Steganography and Its Applications

  10. 中等程度植被覆盖区岩石蚀变信息提取技术及其应用

    The technique development and application of Landsat TM data for alteration information of rocks mapping in middle density vegetation area

  11. 电子商务中的主要信息加密技术分析及其应用

    Analysis and Application of Cryptography Technology in E-Commerce

  12. 煤矿地质测量信息分类编码技术及其应用研究

    Study on Classification and Code of Coal Mine Geology and Survey Information and Its Application Technology

  13. 随着自动化、信息技术的发展及其应用,与产品制造过程、系统运行管理等方面相关的制造柔性变得越来越重要。

    With automation , information technology development , manufacture of flexible related to the aspects such as product manufacturing process and System management become more and more important .

  14. ITS中交通信息系统的理论技术及其应用研究

    Research on the Theory 、 Technology and Application of Advanced Transportation Information Systems

  15. 论现代安防技术中的空间信息与多媒体通讯技术及其应用

    The space information and communication technology of the multimedia and application in security technology of modern security

  16. 现代信息技术的发展及其广泛应用正试图支持、同时也推动着企业管理变革。

    The development and its widespread application of modern information technology have been trying to support , and meanwhile drive enterprise management reform .

  17. 首先,信息文化,是基于信息技术及其应用基础上形成的符号、行为、价值观念的综合体。

    Firstly the paper thinks the information culture is the combination of the sign , the behavior and the meaning in people life .

  18. 面对信息社会的挑战,各国政府高度重视信息技术教育及其教育应用,并把它放到有助于提高国际竞争能力的战略地位。

    Facing the challenge of information society , the various countries ' governments highly take the information technology education and its application , and put it to strategic status which is helpful to the enhancement of international competition .