
  • 网络Information Media;InfoMedia
  1. 公共卫生危机信息媒体监测平台的建立与运用

    Establishment and application of media surveillance system for public health risk information

  2. 纸质信息媒体与电子出版物的比较研究

    A comparative study of the information media in paper with electronic publications

  3. 所有的文字、图像数据都用超文本标记语言(HTML)进行显示标记和链接标记,链接方向有纵向链接、横向链接和外向链接。链接形式是文字、图像、声音三种信息媒体之间的链接。

    All text and image data are marked by hypertext markup language ( HTML ) .

  4. RSS技术与信息媒体聚合

    RSS Technology and Content & Media Syndication

  5. 80/20效率法则在高校图书馆信息媒体采集中的应用

    Application of the 80 / 20 Efficiency Rule to Information Gathering in University Libraries

  6. 关于声像信息媒体及其应用技术

    Audio-Visual Information Media and Its Applied Technology

  7. 信息媒体的主流地位

    The mainstream station of information media

  8. 随着信息媒体的多样化和生活节奏的加快,出现了浅阅读的流行趋势。

    There appears the popular tendency superficial reading with the diversification of information media and the speeding pace of life .

  9. 随着信息媒体数字化和网络通信技术的发展,信息传输的安全性越来越受到人们的重视。

    Security of information transmission is becoming more and more important along with the development of media digitized and network technology .

  10. 本文通过对比实验,研究网络学习环境中教学信息媒体呈现方式对学习效果的影响。

    Through contrast experiment , the researchers studied the effect of different mode of information presenting on learning-effect in the e-learning environment .

  11. 建筑可以被作为信息媒体被用来保存和发布信息,并以这些信息与人们进行交流。

    Building can be used to preserve and promulgate information as a kind of media , and can communicate with these information .

  12. 最后我想谈谈原有的信息媒体向一种商业媒体、共有媒体转变的问题。

    Lastly I want to talk about the migration of primarily information medium into a kind of commerce medium , a community medium .

  13. 数字图像是最重要的信息媒体之一,它具有直观、生动和内涵丰富的特点。

    Digital image is one of the most important the media of the information , which has directly perceived , vivid characteristic with abundant intension .

  14. 主观概念是一种思维结构,是心灵的实体,但它可借信息媒体的外、化而具有独立的客观形态。

    Although subjective concepts is a construct of thought and psychic entities , it may be in indepedent objective forms by the externalization of information medium .

  15. 目前,此种呈现方式的作品已在网络等信息媒体上传播,但专门针对此视觉呈现方式较全面深入的理论研究尚显薄弱。

    At present , the presentation of works in network media communication , but specifically for this visual presentation more comprehensive and in-depth theoretical study is still weak .

  16. 互联网承载的信息媒体形式越来越丰富,接入方式从必须是固定地点的有线接入发展到了无线网络的无缝覆盖。

    The forms of information carried by Internet is becoming more and more various and the access way is becoming from the wired access to the wireless access .

  17. 由于现代信息媒体传播的多样化和快捷化,使许多档案的价值甚至在其前身文件阶段就转移了。

    Because of the diversity and rapidity of modern information mass media , lots of the archival value has been transferred even at the stage of original documents .

  18. 近几年来,越来越多的信息媒体的发布和传输都是借助网络以数字的形式进行的。

    In the last few years , multimedia systems have gained more and more popularity due to the ever increasing amount of information that is stored and transmitted digitally .

  19. 计算机网络正在逐步改变人们的工作方式和生活方式,信息媒体已成为现代社会的一个重要特征,成为当今社会发展的一个主题。

    Computer network is gradually changing people 's work and life style . As an important characteristic of modern society , information medium has become one of topics of development .

  20. 艺术传播学的提出与创立正是体现了信息媒体革命时代艺术活动与艺术研究的发展态势。

    As a new branch of learning , art communication gives full play to the artistic activities in the period of information media revolution and the developing trend of artistic study .

  21. 在信息化时代的今天,报刊,广播、电视和互联网这四大信息媒体在信息的发布和传播过程中发挥了越来越重要的作用。

    In the information age of today , four media types which are newspaper , radio , television and Internet play an increasingly important role in information release and information dissemination .

  22. 与此同时,信息媒体的日益大众化和互联网的迅猛发展,使数字化媒体数据非常容易暴露于公众面前。

    At the same time , with the increasing trend of the popularization of information media and rocketing development of Internet , digital media data is exposed to the public easily .

  23. 在多媒体技术中,静态图象是一种重要的信息媒体,其存储格式多种多样并且数据量较大,这些都阻碍了多媒体技术的发展。

    The static graphics is an important informational medium in technical multimedia . It is the diversiform storage formats and large data quantity that holds up the development of multimedia technology .

  24. 图书馆面临外部多种信息媒体的竞争与内部机制不活的困境,只有进行以法制建设为基础;

    The library is confronted with compete of exterior manifold information medium and stiff of interior machanism . No way but proceed socialized reform to recreate magnificent with legal system construct for foundation ;

  25. 信息媒体环境给写作教育带来巨大冲击,专家咨询系统,积件式电子写作教材,学生学习系统,智能化写作平台将成为电脑写作工程的反柱组件。

    Information media environment brings forth great effect on writing education . Expert inquiry system , accumulated electronic writing textbooks , learning system and intelligent writing platform will be the main parts of computer writing .

  26. 随着世界经济一体化格局的不断发展,以及信息媒体等通讯技术的不断进步,世界股票市场之间的联动性也在不断增强,这引起了世界投资者和学者的不断关注。

    With the development of the world economic integration and the information technology , the linkage between the world stock markets have been greatly enhanced . It has attracted the attention of academicians and international investors .

  27. 教育信息化既是信息媒体引入教育的过程,也是教育思想、教育观念变革的过程,其目的是实现创新人才的培养,实现教育现代化。

    It is not only a process that integrates information media into education , but also serves to revolutionize educational ideas . The aim of it is to train qualified personnel with creativity and modernize education .

  28. 随着互联网的出现与普及,以及新的数字信息媒体的陆续出现,人类信息交流的方式和信息发布、传播的渠道和手段迅速发展变化。

    With the appearance and popularization of Internet , and the appearance of new digital information media , the manner of information exchanged and the channel and means of information issued and spread have rapidly developed and changed .

  29. 随着应用信息媒体技术的发展,以现代教育技术和信息传播技术为依托,以远程教育为主体的开放学习网络,是信息社会远程开放教育发展的必然趋势。

    With the development of applying newly information media technology , the far distance opening education pattern in information society is characterized in modern education technology and information transmission technology , as well as far - distance education network .

  30. 信息媒体的数字化技术的不断发展和互联网的无限连通性,使人们很容易从互联网上获得各种各样的数字化媒体数据,例如文本、图片、音频和视频等。

    The infinite connectivity and the sustainable development of digitalization of technology information media make it easier for person to acquire all kinds of media data from Internet , such as text , picture , audio , video and so on .