
  1. 信息化测绘体系下测绘工程专业课程设置

    Curriculum provision of Surveying and Mapping Engineering in the Geo-informatics System

  2. 基于城市规划的信息化测绘体系框架初探

    Discussion on the System Frame of Information Surveying for Urban Planning

  3. 工程测量在信息化测绘战略跨越中的拓展

    The development of engineering surveying in info-engineering surveying strategy

  4. 构建基于规划管理的信息化测绘工作体系

    Construction of Information Surveying System on the Basis of Urban Planning and Management

  5. 信息化测绘中城市勘测单位发展策略

    Strategy used by Urban Exploration and Survey Unit in Informatization Surveying and Mapping

  6. 从数字化测绘到信息化测绘的测绘学科新进展

    The newest progress of surveying & mapping discipline from digital style to informatization stage

  7. 信息化测绘体系下林业类专业测量学教学改革

    Teaching Reform of Forestry Surveying under Geo-informatization System

  8. 浅谈信息化测绘技术体系的建立

    On Establishment of Geomatics Informatization Technology System

  9. 随着时代的发展,信息化测绘成为测绘发展的大趋势。

    With the development of information society , informationization surveying and mapping becomes the main trend .

  10. 信息化测绘技术在灾害应急服务领域应用探讨

    Discussion on the Application of Informationization Surveying and Mapping Technology in Emergency Response Services for Disaster

  11. 浅谈信息化测绘在土地利用与管理中的应用

    Discussion on the Application of Informationization Surveying and Mapping on the Work of Land Use and Management

  12. 航空摄影测量是信息化测绘的基本技术组成部分,在地理空间信息数据的获取与更新中发挥着基础性的作用。

    Aerial photogrammetry is a chief technology composition of information surveying and it plays a fundamental role in spatial data acquisition .

  13. 伴随着信息化测绘时代的来临,以数字化信息为核心的传感网技术对工程领域中的设计、施工、监测和管理模式产生了深远影响。

    With the arrival of the informationization surveying and mapping era , sensor technology taking the digital information as the core , has had a far-reaching influence on the original optimal design , monitoring and management .

  14. 测绘学科已完成由传统模拟测绘向数字化测绘的转变过程,现在正在向信息化测绘新阶段转化与跨越。

    The development in the science and technology of Surveying & Mapping is great in these years . The transformation from the traditional analogical style to digital style has been finished and the on-going new phase is informatization stage .