
  • 网络Information sharing;share information;Sharing Information;Information Commons
  1. 基于WEBService的企业信息共享与集成

    Enterprise 's Information Sharing and Integrating Based on Web Service

  2. 基于WebServices的分布式农业机械信息共享系统

    Based on Web Services distributional farm machinery information sharing system

  3. 午餐研讨会(brownbagseminar/session)就是在午餐时间进行的培训或信息共享会。

    A brown bag seminar or session is generally a training or information session during a lunch break .

  4. 规范信用信息共享公开范围和程序。

    The scope and procedures for sharing credit information will be standardized .

  5. Web也从信息共享平台转化为服务集成的平台。

    Web has been translated from a platform of information sharing to service integration platform .

  6. 基于WebServices的政务信息共享平台

    E-Government Platform Based on Web Services

  7. 基于实时数据库和XML的企业信息共享平台的研究

    The Research of Industry Information Platform Based On Real-Time Database and XML

  8. 采用先进的WEBService技术实现应用服务的跨系统调用,信息共享以及数据无缝、安全的传输。

    Using the advanced Web Service technology to cross multiple systems , seamless and secure sharing of data .

  9. 通过模型分析的方法,研究一种简单供应链即一个供应商和n个零售商的两级供应链之间的需求信息共享所产生的价值。

    This paper studies the benefits of demand information sharing in a simple supply chain using analytical models .

  10. Web技术和数据库技术的发展,为大地测量数据管理与信息共享提供了新的思路和解决方法。

    The progress of web and database technique provided a new idea and solution for the geodetic data management and information sharing .

  11. 面向CSCW的CAD系统信息共享问题的研究

    Research on the information share methods of CAD system for CSCW

  12. SCM模式下我国企业信息共享研究

    Research on Internal Enterprises ' Supply Chain Information Sharing under SCM Pattern

  13. 符号是GIS的语言,地理信息共享要求GIS的符号库能够实现跨平台的显示。

    Symbol is the language of GIS , and geographic information sharing requires that the symbol-base of GIS can be displayed on multi-platform .

  14. 基于有线电视HFC网络的信息共享系统

    The Study and Implement of Information Share System Based on CATV HFC Networks

  15. 该系统提高了焦作市旅游资源信息共享水平,并可为焦作市旅游管理部门提供信息决策服务,展现了WEBService技术应用于旅游业的广阔前景。

    The system improved the sharing level of Jiaozuo tourism resources information , provided several decision services for tourism management department , exhibited the wide prospect of Web Service technology in tourism application .

  16. 而在信息共享的几种方式中,FTP服务方式无疑是其中最重要的一种。

    Among these resource sharing modes , ftp mode must be the most important one .

  17. NET和专门为其开发的C语言编程,开发了一个基于P2P电力系统保护信息共享系统?

    NET and the specific program language for it & C # language develop an new power system protection information sharing system on the basis of the P2P .

  18. 该文介绍了一个基于IQMultiplex技术,专为期货交易统计业务而设计开发的统计信息共享平台。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of a statistic information sharing platform based on IQ Multiplex technology .

  19. 零售商Bertrand竞争下的供应链成本信息共享价值

    Value of cost information sharing in a supply chain with Bertrand retailers

  20. RMQP(RelationalMulti-databaseQueryPlatform)是用来作为社区应用开发的底层信息共享平台。

    Relational Multi-database Query Platform ( RMQP ) developed is a share information platform for developing community applications .

  21. 成功地构建了厚板L4系统中的生产管理系统,实现了宽厚板生产管理信息共享,日常生产管理工作的计算机化。

    The product management system of heavy plate mill L4 is constructed .

  22. 鉴于信息共享是Agent协作的基础,任务分解强调Agent间的交互,故物流和信息流的影响可以通过这两种消息传递的机制得到处理。

    Information sharing is foundation of Agent cooperation , so , emphasize exchange and cooperation between Agents when analyzing task , the influence of materials circulation and information flow is eliminated with message transferring mechanism .

  23. 通过对现有产品模型信息共享与转换技术的研究,提出STEP和XML相结合开发的解决方案,实现了基于Web的协作企业之间产品数据传递和交换;

    Based on the study of product data sharing and exchanging techniques , product data exchange and communication between collaborative enterprises based on Web can be realized through development of the combination of STEP and XML .

  24. Intranet是企业内部的基于TCP/IP协议族的互连网络,它为企业的员工提供了信息共享和信息交流的手段。

    Intranet is an internet that is inside enterprise and bases on TCP / IP protocols . Intranet provides technique of information share and information exchange for employees of enterprise .

  25. 如何去动态地集成这些异构系统,使之能够无缝地进行通信,从而实现数据交换、信息共享,也就成了下一代互联网架构Web服务所要解决的主要问题。

    How to dynamically integrate these heterogeneous systems and make them communicate seamlessly , realize the data exchange and share the information is the main issue which the next generation of internet structure - web service is going to resolve .

  26. 协同电子商务是在全球经济一体化的背景下,利用以Internet等为特征的新兴技术为实现手段,来改变企业业务活动模式,并在企业群的各业务单元间进行信息共享和知识创新。

    Under the environment of global economic integration , Collaborative E-commerce makes use of Internet-featured technology as the implement measure to change the operation mode of enterprise , and achieves in information sharing and knowledge innovation among each department of an enterprise .

  27. 基于SVG的图形系统可以作为不同系统间图形信息共享的平台,同时保证了图形发布的实时性,也为调度可视化提供了基础。

    As the platform can share the graphic information among different systems , the new graphic system meets the requirement of real-time display and supports the data visualization .

  28. 系统阐述了供应链信息共享的2个关键技术:CPFR,VMI的信息共享原理与应用方法,并介绍了应用的案例。

    Systematically expounds the principle and application method of two key technology of information sharing CPFR and VMI , application case is introduced .

  29. 在此基础上,发展了Nielsen信任产生的静态概念模型,建立了一个基于信息共享和学习平台上的动态过程模型。

    Finally , it develops a dynamic process model based on information communion and learning , which perfects Nielsen 's static conception model .

  30. 互联网技术的迅速发展,使Web已经成为世界范围内信息共享和信息传播的最主要渠道之一,其网上的文本数量也成指数级增长。

    Technical and quick development of Internet , make Web have already become information inside the scope of world 's share and one of the most outlets of the information dissemination , its text on the net originally the quantity also becomes the index number class growth .