
  • 网络packet;Information Package;Info Package
  1. 在信息包过滤表中,规则被分组放在我们所谓的链(chain)中。

    Inside the packet filtering tables the rules are grouped together in what are known as chains .

  2. filter表用于一般的信息包过滤,它包含INPUT、OUTPUT和FORWARD链。

    The filter table is used for general packet filtering and consists of INPUT , OUTPUT , and FORWARD chains .

  3. 我们给所有潜在的客户都发了信息包。

    We send all potential clients an infopack .

  4. 处理入站信息包的规则被添加到INPUT链中。

    Rules dealing with incoming packets are added to the INPUT chain .

  5. 类似的,源自外部系统并前往外部系统的信息包被传递到FORWARD链。

    Similarly , packets originating from outside systems and destined for outside systems are passed on to the FORWARD chain .

  6. 理想的策略应该告诉内核DROP该信息包。

    Ideally the policy should tell the kernel to DROP that packet .

  7. 这意味着,将丢弃所有与INPUT链中任何规则都不匹配的信息包。

    That means all the packets not matching any rule in the INPUT chain will be dropped .

  8. 最后,RELATED表示该信息包正在启动新连接,以及它与已建立的连接相关联。

    Finally , RELATED means that the packet is starting a new connection and it is associated with an already established connection .

  9. 这些规则存储在专用的信息包过滤表中,而这些表集成在Linux内核中。

    These rules are stored in special-purpose packet filtering tables integrated in the Linux kernel .

  10. 还可以使用目标DROP或REJECT来阻塞并杀死信息包。

    A packet can also be blocked and killed using target DROP or REJECT .

  11. 状态NEW意味着该信息包已经或将启动新的连接,或者它与尚未用于发送和接收信息包的连接相关联。

    The state NEW means that the packet has or will start a new connection or that it is associated with a connection that has not been used to both send and receive packets .

  12. 如果某个信息包与规则匹配,那么使用目标ACCEPT允许该信息包通过。

    If a packet matches a rule , the packet can be allowed to pass through using target ACCEPT .

  13. d或&destination:该目的地匹配用于根据信息包的目的地IP地址来与它们匹配。

    D or & destination : This destination match is used to match packets based on their destination IP address .

  14. 如果链是如INPUT之类的主链,则使用该链的缺省策略处理信息包。

    If the chain is a main chain like INPUT , the packet will be handled using the default policy of that chain .

  15. RETURN:在规则中设置的RETURN目标让与该规则匹配的信息包停止遍历包含该规则的链。

    RETURN : The RETURN target set in a rule makes the packet matching that rule stop traversing through the chain containing the rule .

  16. ip哄骗攻击是消息发送人强迫一个源ip地址(不是正当的)进入一个信息包时发生的

    An IP spoof attack is when the message originator forces a source IP address other than the correct one into a packet

  17. 状态ESTABLISHED指出该信息包属于已建立的连接,该连接一直用于发送和接收信息包并且完全有效。

    The state ESTABLISHED indicates that the packet is part of an already established connection that has been used to both send and receive packets and is fully valid .

  18. 另外,REJECT将错误消息发回给信息包的发送方。

    Also , REJECT sends back an error message to the sender of the packet .

  19. GML(n,1)模型的信息包容量丰富,适用范围广泛。

    Furthermore GML ( n , 1 ) model is rich in information and can be used widely .

  20. 跟XML一样,Agavi不会自动将JSON信息包转换成请求参数。

    As with XML , Agavi will not automatically convert JSON packets into request parameters .

  21. 开发打包设计和迁移计划功能负责开发新的信息包(IP)设计和详细的迁移计划和原型以执行管理模块的政策和指令。

    The Develop Packaging Designs and Migration Plans function develops new IP designs and detailed migration plans and prototypes , to implement Administration policies and directives .

  22. 介绍USB通用串行总线检测信息包错误的方法,分析USB对传输错误的处理过程。

    The method of error detecting in USB is introduced in this paper , and analysed the mechanism of USB handling errors .

  23. WS-Security规范采用SOAP信息包结构,其实现的安全性是SOAP安全性规范的扩展。

    WS - Security adopts the structure of SOAP messages , its safety is of expansion of SOAP safety .

  24. DROP:当信息包与具有DROP目标的规则完全匹配时,会阻塞该信息包,并且不对它做进一步处理。

    DROP : A packet that matches a rule perfectly that has a DROP target will be blocked and no further processing will be done on it .

  25. 当一个评论发送到你的网络博客上的时候,IP地址包含在一个信息包中,这个信息包与评论一起出现在网络上。

    When a comment is sent to your weblog , the IP address is included in the packet of information that travels with that comment across the internet .

  26. 网络流量由IP信息包(或,简称信息包)以流的形式从源系统传输到目的地系统的一些小块数据组成。

    Network traffic is made up of IP packets or simply packets & small chunks of data traveling in streams from a source system to a destination system .

  27. 一个提交信息包(SIP)也可能包括多个存档信息包(AIP)中的信息。

    A single SIP may contain information that is to be included in several AIPs .

  28. 大约在Bob实施攻击一分钟之后,我注意到信息包逐渐占满了上行链路。

    About a minute or so after Bob begins his attack , I notice that my uplinks start becoming saturated with packets .

  29. INVALID状态指出该信息包与任何已知的流或连接都不相关联,它可能包含错误的数据或头。

    INVALID state indicates that the packet is not associated with any known stream or connection and it may contain faulty data or headers .

  30. 如果信息包源自外界并前往系统,而且防火墙是打开的,那么内核将它传递到内核空间信息包过滤表的INPUT链。

    If the packet originated from outside and is destined for the system and the firewall is on , the kernel passes it on to the INPUT chain of the kernelspace packet filtering table .