
  • 网络side lay;side guide
  1. 侧规系统:多个小直径辊轮的固定侧规。

    Side guide system : with multiple roller wheels of small diameter .

  2. 设有精确的侧规、前规定位机构,即使不规则纸也能套印准确。

    It has an side guide and back guide , even anomalistic paper could be accurate fixed printing .

  3. 前规和侧规的准确使用保证了纸张覆膜前后、左右的复合精度。

    The exactly use of front lay and side lay ensure lamination accuracy .

  4. 侧规法测梯形螺纹环规中径测量结果的不确定度评定

    Lateral Mass Method with Side Trapezoid Thread Ring Pitch Diameter Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement

  5. 真空输纸板气体流量控制与侧规拉纸力的匹配

    Matching the Air Flow with the Side-lay ′ s Drawing Force for the Suction-tape Feeding Table

  6. 测试结果表明:气腔气体流量与气腔真空度成正比,即与侧规拉纸力大小成正比;

    It is shown that the more the flow amount of the air chamber is supplied , the higher the vacuum of the air chamber , and the higher the side-lay ′ s drawing force ;

  7. 从审计目标看,应侧重合规性、资金使用的三性、企事业单位环境控制和治理情况等的审计。

    Considering the audit objective , the content of environmental audit should include the regularity , the three part of the funds application .