
  • 网络side strikes
  1. 对避雷针(接闪器)的保护范围进行了理论分析和计算机仿真,提出了通过采用球形五针避雷器,提高基站对侧击雷和感应雷的防范能力的观点。

    The protective area of lightning rod was analyzed and simulated with computer .

  2. 高层建筑防侧击雷设计中应当考虑的问题

    Problems Should Be Considered In The Design Of Flank - Striking Lightning Protection Of High - Rise Building

  3. 雷雨天气,应注意关闭门窗,以防侧击雷和球雷侵入;

    On raining weather , we should close windows and doors , to protect thunder and thunder ball invading ;