
  • 网络supply structure
  1. 广州人寿保险的需求供给结构分析

    Demand and Supply Structure Analysis of Guangzhou 's Life Insurance

  2. 浅论我国风险资本供给结构的优化

    On Optimizing the Supply Structure of China Risk Capitals

  3. 货币供给结构和数量已发生变化;

    The monetary structure of supply and quantity have already changed ;

  4. 建立了以时序结构、地域结构和产品结构为主要内容的旅游供给结构体系,指出动态变化的旅游供给结构可以通过适当的政策和措施逐步趋于优化。

    The analysis of tourism supply structure and tourism product structure is made .

  5. 中国木材市场供给结构分析

    Supply Structure Analysis for Timber Market in China

  6. 我国城镇住宅产品供给结构的构建研究

    Construction of supply structure for urban residential products

  7. 供给结构局部失调;

    The supplying structure is partly imbalance ;

  8. 否则只是消耗资源的消费者,而且是生产力发展的压迫因素。教育是人力资源的再生产环节,决定着人力资源的供给结构。

    The education is the reproduction link of the human resource and decides its structure .

  9. 目前的消费不足和需求空间萎缩,既有供给结构方面的背景,也有需求结构方面的原因。

    Both the supply composition and demand mix account for the deficient consumption and slack demand .

  10. 调整供给结构,打通交通瓶颈,确保有效供给;建设经济适用房直接干预房价;

    And adjust supply structure , eliminate the traffic bottleneck , so as to insure available supply .

  11. 税收政策能够通过改变需求结构进而影响供给结构,并最终改变产业结构。

    Tax policy has influence over supply structure and then changes industry structure at last through changing demand structure .

  12. 以美国、日本和中国香港作为比较对象,分析我国货币供给结构。

    Reference to the United States , Japan and Hong Kong , we analyze the structure of Chinese money supply .

  13. 而土地供应和房屋供给结构是引致供需失衡的两大因素。

    Land supply and the structure of house supply are the two factors contributing to the disequilibrium between supply and demand .

  14. 建造环境供给结构的转型与都市景观的演化&以南京为例

    The Change of Provision Structure of Built Environment and the Transition of Urban Landscape : A Case Study of Metropolitan Nanjing

  15. 首先利用3δ法将住宅市场供给结构均衡性进行分级,然后选择典型地区进行评价。

    This paper makes classification on equilibrium of housing supply structure with the method of 3 δ, then evaluates eight typical districts .

  16. 从国内大豆生产区域结构和国外进口来源结构两方面对中国大豆市场的供给结构进行分析。

    Supply structure of China soybean market is analyzed from the two aspects of domestic soybean production area structure and abroad import structure .

  17. 最后,针对我国木材市场供给结构的现状,对其进行了发展趋势分析。

    In the end , according to present status of supply structure of timber market in China , further development trend was analyzed .

  18. 以往的研究多集中在住宅市场供给结构失衡的定性分析和主观评述,缺乏对住宅市场供给结构均衡性的定量分析。

    Most researches on housing market are qualitative analysis and subjective comment of disequilibrium of housing supply structure , and lack of quantitative analysis .

  19. 由于现阶段农产品供给结构和需求结构不匹配,以至于农产品的价格普遍上涨,直接导致了销售困难的局面。

    Due to the existing agricultural supply and demand structure structure cannot match , led directly to agricultural prices , formed the difficult situation of sales .

  20. 在这一思想指导下的企业人力资源规划,在结构上应包括需求结构、现有结构、可变动结构、要求标准、缺口结构、供给结构、新建结构等七大模块。

    According to this thought , the programming structure of human resources in enterprise can be summed up as seven parts , i. e. demand structure ;

  21. 其具体内涵可以概括为以下五个方面:市场结构,需求结构,供给结构,组织结构和制度结构。

    Its concrete connotation can be generalized into the following five aspects : market structure , demand structure , supply structure , organizational framework and system structure .

  22. 拉动住宅价格上升的关键在于居民累计可支配收入的提高带来的有效需求的扩张,以及住宅供给结构中中高档物业比重的上升导致的市场价格区间的整体上移。

    Instead , it is the rise of people 's accumulated disposable income and the upgrade of supply mix towards mid-and-high-end market that pull the price up .

  23. 此外,还要加强项目资金管理,着力优化农村基础设施的供给结构,避免一刀切和千村一面现象。

    Besides , we need to strengthen the management of project funds , and optimize the supply structure of the rural infrastructure , avoiding the policy of uniformity .

  24. 因此,西部能源开发的战略意义在于,通过改善我国能源供给结构,以适应能源需求结构的变化。

    Therefore , the strategy meaning of western energy development consists in improving our country energy supply construction , then adapting to the variety of the need construction .

  25. 影响结构优化的因素包括供给结构、需求结构、高新技术、产业政策、市场化进程、工业化进程、城市化进程和国际贸易八个方面。

    The influencing factors are supporting structure , demand structure , high-tech technique , industrial policy , market process , industrial process , urbanization process , and international trade .

  26. 本文认为,交易费用的大小是决定各级政府供给结构的关键因素,交易费用的大小关系到各级政府在制度供给中的最优规模,并以此在理论上确定了各级政府的制度供给边界。

    Transaction costs are related to the optimal supply size of government at all levels , and therefore determines the supply border in theory for governments at all levels .

  27. 在市场结构方面,本文从市场集中度、规模经济、进入壁垒、产品供给结构四个方面进行了综合考察。

    In market structure respect : This essay gives a comprehensive inspect in four fields such as market concentration , scale economy , entering barrier and supply construction of products .

  28. 然后通过分析十五期间的产业投资供给结构和产业投资需求结构,指出黑龙江省十五期间产业投资的基本形势和可能出现的问题。

    Secondly , by analyzing the real investment demand structure and the real investment supply structure , the basic situation and possible problems in the coming 10th five-year period are given .

  29. 本文认为,会计信息领域存在供求矛盾,矛盾的基本形态是供不应求,表现形式是宽型信息需求结构与窄型信息供给结构的矛盾和高质信息需求与低质信息供给的矛盾。

    This article puts forward that there is contradiction between supply and demand in the fields of accounting information , and that supply falls short of demand is the basic form .

  30. 又介绍了保障房的供需形势,分别从宏观经济形势,住房供给结构及城市化进程三个方面阐述增加保障房供给的重要意义。

    And it also elaborates the significant meaning of increasing the supply of the room from the macroeconomic situation , the supply structure of houses and the urbanization process aspects respectively .