
gōng huò
  • supply of material
供货[gōng huò]
  1. 这家公司保证供货质优价廉的承诺对它的成功起了决定性的作用。

    The company 's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success .

  2. 应该在收到订单后28天内供货。

    Goods should be supplied within 28 days after the receipt of your order .

  3. 这家公司同意保持高产量以弥补供货丢失带来的缺口。

    The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost

  4. 在几乎长达五个世纪的时间里,大量的鳕鱼供应都为这一产业提供着丰富的原料。该产业在其鼎盛时期雇用了近四万人,为整个纽芬兰供货。

    For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people , sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland .

  5. 不管一家公司的技术多么卓越,为苹果(Apple)供货也很难获利。

    It is hard to be profitable supplying to Apple , no matter how superior one 's technology .

  6. 承包商应向shell提交其要求的所有信息,以根据供货协议决定采购的商业利益。

    The Contractor shall submit to shell all information required by shell to determine the commercial benefits of procurement under the supply agreement .

  7. 甚至有许多知名公司要求象牌特别以OEM方式供货给他们。

    With OEM , many well-known companies also request products to be made especially for them .

  8. 然而,速度更快的RAM对制造来说是更大的挑战,因而只有顶尖的几家公司能供货。

    The faster RAM is much more challenging to manufacture , however , so availability may be limited to top RAM vendors .

  9. 美国零售商塔吉特(target)找到了他们,但两兄弟觉得josephjoseph产品种类太少,无法为一家这么大的连锁商店供货。

    Target , the US retailer , approached them but the brothers felt the Joseph Joseph range was too small to supply such a big chain .

  10. 因此,高效率、低成本的运输是JIT供货成功实施的保障。

    So , the transportation of great efficiency and low cost are the ensurences to implement JIT supply successfully .

  11. 本田(Honda)昨日确认,为这家日本汽车制造商供货的一家工厂的工人已投入罢工。

    Honda confirmed yesterday that workers at a factory that supplies the Japanese carmaker had gone on strike .

  12. BMW集团称赞Heller的供货合同

    BMW Group Praise Contract for Heller

  13. 自从9月19日,iPhone6和尺寸较大的iPhone6Plus上市以来,消费者下单订购的速度就超出了苹果公司(Apple)供货的速度。

    Since Sept. 19 , when the iPhone 6 and its larger sibling , the iPhone 6 Plus , went on sale , consumers have been ordering the gadgets faster than Apple can deliver them .

  14. LTD(上海卢森国际贸易有限公司),而且在上海外高桥保税区设立了仓库,直接对中国各地的专卖店、建材超市和东南亚地区供货,给客户提供更为优质和快捷的服务。

    LTD but also established a warehouse in the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in order to provide more efficient logistics and superior quality services to its customers .

  15. 目前,诺基亚正与中国的华为(Huawei)及瑞典的爱立信(Ericsson)竞争网络运营商的下一代移动设备供货合同。

    Nokia is competing against China 's Huawei and Sweden 's Ericsson for contracts to supply next generation mobile equipment to network operators .

  16. 苹果公司(Apple)说,其iPhone5手机在上市初期的销售速度比其他型号iPhone手机刚推向市场时的销售速度都快,但这款手机目前的销售已经低于一些分析师的预期,这一定程度上是供货短缺造成的。

    Apple has said its new iphone 5 sold faster initially than any other iPhone but sales have fallen short of some analysts ' expectations due in part to supply shortages .

  17. 本文回顾了广州珠江钢厂短流程CSP生产线一期工程的设备采购(供货)的管理模式。

    In this article , the author reviews the mode of equipment procurement ( supply ) of Zhu-Jiang Steel 1st phase project ( CSP plant ) .

  18. 针对JIT的准时供货、减少在制品量和缩短调整时间等要求,分析了最终装配计划中比较实用的3种投产顺序方法。

    This paper analyses three flexible final-assembly scheduling methods in a JIT production system for supplying material just-in-time , lowing work-in-process inventory , reducing setup time .

  19. KMC以高品质、迅速供货、有竞争力的价格赢得世界的好评。

    KMC to high quality , prompt delivery , competitive prices to win world acclaim .

  20. 中国是世界上最大的铁矿石进口国,其钢铁生产商最近接受了巴西淡水河谷(Vale)65%至71%的供货提价幅度。

    China is the world 's largest importer of iron ore. Its steelmakers recently accepted a 65-71 per cent hike for supplies from Brazil 's Vale .

  21. 实例的协整和Granger因果检验结果表明,价格与供货量具有长期的均衡关系,供货量是成交均价的内生变量。

    The results of case of cointegration and Granger causality tests shows that , the price and supply have long-term co-integration relationship , supply is an endogenous variable of price .

  22. 多配送中心(也即多供货场)车辆路径问题(Multiple-DepotVehicleRoutingProblem,MDVRP),逐渐成为智能物流调度中的一个研究热点问题。

    Multi Distribution Center ( ie more supply market ) Vehicle Routing Problem ( Multiple-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem , MDVRP ), become intelligent logistics scheduling of a research hot spots .

  23. 为了解决VMI系统中供应商的总供货量不是整车量的整数倍问题,提出了零头策略。

    Oddment tactic is proposed in order to solve the problem that the total transportation quantity of a supplier doesn 't meent full truckload requirement in a VMI system .

  24. 它已经向中国客户提供用于家具的斜纹软呢——通过向英国家具制造商Tetrad供货,后者本月向中国发运首批产品。

    It already provides tweed upholstery to Chinese customers - by supplying the UK furniture maker Tetrad , which shipped its first products to China this month .

  25. DRP使企业能够及时把握渠道信息,对订单和供货具有快速反应和持续补充库存的能力,达到保证有效地满足市场需要又使得配置费用最省的目的。

    DRP makes the enterprises know about the message from marketing channels timely , and have the ability to have fast reaction and supply the stock continuously .

  26. 实例的收益率、供应量、成交量、流拍率等序列存在明显的ARCH效应,供货量、成交量负面效应大于正面效应,而流拍率主要呈现正面的杠杆效应。

    There exists obvious ARCH effect among the series of yield rate , supply , trading volume and unsold rate . The negative effect of supply and trading volume is bigger than positive effect , and unsold rate is mainly characterized by a positive leverage effect .

  27. 由于日本海啸以及英国公共假日造成零部件供货短缺,英国境内最大的汽车生产商日产(nissan)将把位于森德兰的工厂关闭十天。

    Nissan , the biggest car producer in the UK , is shutting its Sunderland plant for 10 days as a shortage of parts owing to the Japan tsunami combines with the bank holidays .

  28. 宏全球总裁翁建仁(jimwong)表示,日本3月发生的灾难迄今影响有限,因为制造商和供应商一直能够利用多余库存供货。

    Jim Wong , corporate president of the Taiwanese company , said the impact from the disaster in March had appeared limited so far because manufacturers and suppliers had been able to make use of idle inventory in the supply chain .

  29. 在MRO环境管理JIT供应并非简单,因为必须追溯到供应商拿到订单到不适当供货的记录。

    That said , handling JIT supply in an MRO environment is seldom simple , because you must have flows back to the supplier in case something gets ordered which turns out to be unsuitable .

  30. “即使在医院,我们也曾看到供货中在成批正宗药品中添加了假冒药品,”Kopp说。

    " Even in hospitals , we have seen deliveries where counterfeit medicines have been added to genuine batches of medicines ," says Kopp .