
  • 网络Use Lease;Miete
  1. 第二百四十七条承租人应当妥善保管、使用租赁物。

    The lessee shall keep and use the lease item with due care .

  2. 《合同法》第236条规定的租赁期限的默示更新应具备三个条件,即租赁期间届满后,承租人继续使用租赁物;

    The Article 236 of contract law shows that the tacitly approved renewal of the lease time limit should have three factors : First , when the time limit expires , the leasee can continue using the property .

  3. 由于甲方原因造成乙方无法在租赁期内正常使用租赁车辆时,乙方有权解除租赁合同,甲方赔偿乙方由此所受到的直接经济损失。

    1 should lessor cause lessee not being able to use the vehicle during the term of the lease , lessee has the right to terminate the contract and lessor should compensate lessee for the directly related financial losses .

  4. 资产使用权、租赁与企业经营创新的思考

    Thoughts on Right of Assets , Lease and the Management Creation of Enterprises

  5. 资源费、特许权使用费、租赁费、采矿污染费、赔偿及新增矿山的所有其他费用应由承包商承担。

    Resources tax , royalty , leasing fee , mining polluting charge , compensation and all other expenses for new mines shall be borne by the contractor .

  6. 在明确产权关系和资产性质的前提下,通过制定不同的资产使用政策和租赁价格,逐步建立由“补贴价”、“成本价”和“市场价”组成的校内服务价格体系。

    Policies for making use of assets and leasing price should be formulated , with gradual formation of the price system of university logistics consisting of " subsidiary price ", " cost price ", and " market price " .

  7. 租赁物的使用地为融资租赁合同的履行地。

    The place where the leased property is used shall be deemed to be the place of the performance of the contract for financial leasing .

  8. 伊吉拉使用一种资产租赁结构,向投资者分红,而不是付利息,可以说是回避争议的最简单途经。

    Ijara structures are the easiest way to sidestep the controversy , as they use a leasing structure on an asset that pays a dividend to investors rather than interest .

  9. 金融租赁公司是从事金融租赁业务的公司,它是通过融通资金,购买选定设备,按照协议将其租给承租人使用的一种租赁方式。

    Financial leasing company is the company that is engaged in the business operation of financial leasing . It is a kind of leasing pattern : it purchases selected equipments through financing , and lease them to leasers for their use according to the agreement .

  10. 当您在城市-你想使用自己的汽车或使用租赁汽车?

    While you are in town-Would you like to use your own your car or use a lease car ?

  11. 租赁合同产生多种权利与义务,就承租人而言,其目的不过是对租赁物的使用收益,故其权利的内容主要是使用收益租赁物。

    The lease contracts produce many kinds of rights and obligations , but to obtain the benefit of using the leased things is the main purpose of the lessees , so the content of their right is mainly to use the leased things .

  12. 在充分认识到资产使用权积极意义的前提下,企业的整个经营过程都可以使用租赁开展经营创新,包括投资阶段的租购决策、生产阶段的回租和销售阶段的租赁促销。

    On the premise of fully realizing the affirmative meanings of right of assets , the whole management process could use lease to develop management creation , including leasing and purchasing policies in the investment stage , the leaseback of the production period and leasing promotion in the marketing phase .