
zuò yè zǔ
  • Job Group;work group
  1. 作业组X射线(高千伏)检查发现肺纹理增多、紊乱等改变454例(51.0%),而对照组只有4例。

    The chest X-ray ( HKV ) examination showed that 454 cases had lung marking changes , but the control group only 4 cases .

  2. 水下作业组的高血压患者白昼或夜间SBP和DBP负荷值高于水上作业组。

    The blood pressure load of SBP and DBP in hypertensive working on underwater operation were significantly higher than that of hypertensive surface operation .

  3. 结果表明,与对照组比较,焦炉作业组各作业区工人血清IgG含量均增高,炉顶与炉侧组具显著性差异(P<005);

    The results showed that compared with the control group , IgG contents increased in all exposed groups . The differences between oven top and oven side groups were significant ( P < 0 05 ) .

  4. 作业组人员心电图总异常率为28.1%,明显高于对照组的16.3%(P0.05),尤其是窦性心律不齐较明显(11.6%);

    A significantly higher detecting rate ( 28.1 % ) of abnormal ECG in exposure group was found , compared with the control group ( 16.3 % , P0.05 ), and sinus arrhythmia ( 11.6 % ) was the most remarkable finding .

  5. 本研究同时测定了铅作业组、非铅作业组两组对象红细胞钠-钾泵、钙-镁泵活性、血浆肾素活性、血管紧张素Ⅱ以及血清心肌酶CMB、CPK、LDH活性。

    Measurements of serum myocardial enzyme , plasma renin activity , angiotension I , Ca2 + - Mg2 + - ATPase and Na + - K + - ATPase were performed on lead exposed workers and control subjects .

  6. 复印作业组血清中MDA、SOD显著高于对照组(P<0.01),总抗氧化能力显著低于对照组(P<0.01);

    The average values of MDA and SOD in serum of copying operator group were significantly higher than those of the health subject group ( P < 0.01 ), TAOC of copying operator group were significantly lower than those of the healthy subject group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 蝗虫、迁移害虫和紧急作业组;

    Locusts , migratory pests and emergency operations group ;

  8. 结果作业组人员的血常规、免疫功能指标水平以及外周血淋巴细胞微核率变化与对照组相近,差异无显著性;

    Results No significant difference existed between the exposure group and the control group in hematology test , immunology index , T 4 and lymphocyte micronucleus changes .

  9. 作业组高频听力损失305例(34.3%)明显高于对照组20例(12.5%)(P<0.01)。

    The high-frequency hearing loss in the exposed group was 305 ( 34.3 % ) cases , which was significantly higher than that of the control group ( 20,12.5 % )( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 文物保证体系的建立:成立以项目经理为首,由专职管理人员和各作业组负责人组成的文物保护管理组织机构。

    Establishment of cultural relic protection system : the cultural relic protection management and organization structure is established , which is led by project manager and consists of full-time management personnel and persons in-charge of work teams .

  11. 结果显示,炉顶、炉侧作业区组的微核率均高于辅助作业区组和对照组,差异有极显著性(P<0.01);

    The results showed that the frequencies of micronuclei on the groups of oven top and oven side were significantly higher than those of auxiliary labor and the control group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  12. Barthel指数:运动+作业疗法组在治疗后2,4,6,8周时得分均高于运动疗法组(P<0.01)。

    Barthel index : The Barthel indexes at 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 weeks after therapy were higher in the exercise + occupational therapy group than in the exercise therapy group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  13. 铅作业工人组的FEP均值与清洁工组成对照组相比较有统计学上的显著性差异,但后两组的FEP均值之间没有发现差异具有显著性。

    It was also found the statistically significant difference through the comparison of mean FEP value of workers at a battery factory with that of cleaners or college students , but the comparison between latter two groups showed no statistical difference .

  14. 如果迟交作业题组者,就很难严格给予公平的评分。

    Consequently , it is difficult and unfair to seriously evaluate late problem sets .

  15. 我们鼓励您彼此合作完成这些作业题组。

    We encourage you to cooperate with each other in doing the problem sets .

  16. 作业题组的解答,将会在缴交期限那天上课结束时提供给你们。

    Problem set solutions will be available at the end of the due date lecture .

  17. 一个基干作业人员组将开始运行。

    A skeleton service will be operating .

  18. 欢迎你在作业题组当中,把你觉得很困惑的题目打上星号作记号;

    You are welcome to flag topics of confusion to you in the problem sets ;

  19. 作业题组必须在上课结束之前,也就是缴交期限之前交出来。

    Problem sets must be handed in by the end of the class in which they are due .

  20. 根据每周上课时间表,共有14份作业题组,虽然最后一份作业无法让学生稍后再来领取。

    There will be14 problem sets , corresponding to a weekly schedule , though the final problem set will not be collected .

  21. 方法33例脑血管意外后接受偏瘫康复的患者,根据其接受治疗的情况,被分成一般康复治疗组与作业治疗组。

    Methods Thirty three stroke patients in hemiplegia rehabilitation program were divided into two groups : general rehabilitation group and occupational therapy group .

  22. 你得完成所有指定的作业题组,而我们则假定这样才能弥补你的考试与期末考。

    You are expected to do all the assigned problems , and we will assume that in making up the quizzes and final .

  23. 结果:Sternberg双重任务作业成绩好组与作业成绩差组基本能力无显著性差别。

    RESULTS : No significant difference was found in the flying ability between the individuals with good and poor Sternberg dual task performance .

  24. 在施工中在项目领导小组的领导下和相关部门及各作业队质检员组成本工程三级质量管理的模式,专职负责本工程的质量管理工作。

    Those engineers shall form a mode of three-level quality management with relevant departments and quality inspectors in all operation teams under the lead of project leading group in construction to be responsible for full-time quality management work in this project .

  25. 同时选取同一个工厂从事总装不接触LPG的作业工人作为对照组。

    Choose a group of workers from same factory but without contacting of LPG as comparison group . 2 .

  26. 结果治疗后作业疗法合针灸组的手功能评分均高于单纯作业疗法组(P0.01)。

    Results All scores of hand function were significantly higher in the occupational therapy plus acupuncture group than in the simple acupuncture group ( P0.01 ) .

  27. 方法ECG测定采用上海产的ECG6511型记录仪。测定了某火力发电厂214例噪声作业工人(接触组)和128例非接触噪声者(对照组)班中、班前ECG。

    Methods ECG in 214 noise exposed workers ( exposed group ) and 128 nonexposed personnel ( control group ) in a thermal power plant was determined by model ECG 6511 made in Shanghai before and during a shift .

  28. 心理作业时,治疗组与未治疗组左额叶功能活动不能被激活,左、右额叶rcBF均明显低于对照组。

    Moreover , when the patients in medicated and unmedicated groups were taken to cognitive challenge task an obvious deficit in the activation of the frontal lobes of both sides was Observed , rcBF of the left and right frontal lobes was obviously lower than that in the control .

  29. 你们也完成了作业,在实验组中,你们回家也自由了-,很好。

    So you 've done your homework now in the laboratory frame-and you are home free & very well .

  30. 从物流成本优化的角度出发,研究钢铁企业炼钢-连铸生产计划的编制流程,建立作业计划的合同组批模型,并用自适应遗传算法求解。

    A series of heuristic algorithms was designed to solve problems in optimization of short and unfixed order-grouping in steel tube production .