
qǔ shí xínɡ wéi
  • Feeding behavior;trophic behaviour
  1. Vat对蚜虫的抗性可能与蚜虫的取食行为无关,而是化学因子的作用。

    Vat resistance to aphids maybe has something to do with chemical factors instead of feeding behavior of aphids .

  2. 麦蚜取食行为特殊刺探电位波形图(EPG)研究初报

    Particular electrical penetration graph ( EPG ) of wheat aphids feeding behaviour

  3. 假眼小绿叶蝉在不同品种茶树上取食行为的EPG研究

    EPG Investigation on Feeding Behavior of Tea Leafhopper on Four Tea Plant Cultivars

  4. 棉花和瓜类上棉蚜相互转换后取食行为的EPG研究

    The EPG Recording of Feeding Behavior of Aphis gossypii After Inter-transforming between Cotton and Cucurbits

  5. 应用电动穿刺记录技术(EPG)对棉蚜在不同棉花品种上的取食行为进行了测定,结果记录到棉蚜的6种取食行为基本波型。

    The feeding behaviour of cotton aphid , Aphis gossypii Glover , on different cotton varieties was tested by EPG ( Electrical Penetration Graph ), six basic patterns of feeding behaviour were recorded .

  6. 白背飞虱在用呋喃丹处理过TN1根部的稻株上的取食行为也采用一种电子装置进行了监测。

    Feeding behaviour of S.furcifera on TN1 plants treated at the root zone was also investigated using an electronic device .

  7. 利用刺吸电位(EPG)及其即时中断技术研究了棉蚜Aphisgossypii传播黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)的机理,分析电势落差波(pd)及其亚波形在棉蚜获得CMV的取食行为过程中的作用。

    The simultaneous display technique of electrical penetration graph ( EPG ) was used to study the effects of the wave potential drop ( pd ) and its sub-phases in the acquisition of cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV ) by the cotton aphid Aphis gossypii from the infected melon plants .

  8. 丹宁酸对棉蚜取食行为的影响

    Effects of Tannic Acid on the Feeding Behaviors of Aphis gossypii

  9. 蚜虫的寄主选择与取食行为

    HOST SELECTION AND FEEDING BEHAVIORS OF APHID Section of Agricultural Entomology

  10. 家白蚁消化系统发育与取食行为的分析

    Analysis of the Gut Development and Foraging Behavior of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki

  11. 长距离迁徙鸟类对应于能量积累状态的取食行为调整

    Long-distance bird migrants adjust their foraging behavior in relation to energy stores

  12. 幼儿的哺乳和取食行为发育受外界温度和食物变化的影响。

    Behaviors of Sucking and feeding in infant were influenced by temperature and food .

  13. 蚂蚁取食行为研究概况

    Research Progress on forage behavior of ants

  14. 同一时期在不同枝叶上,荔枝蝽的取食行为也有显著差异。

    The feeding behavior of the stink bugs on different kinds of branches differed greatly .

  15. 温度和湿度影响幼虫的取食行为,但光照没有影响。

    Temperature and humidity affected the feeding behavior of larvae , but light did not .

  16. 花生金龟子幼虫取食行为研究

    Study on the Behavior of Peanut Scarabs

  17. 棉蚜在不同棉花品种上的取食行为及相对取食量的研究

    The study of the feeding behaviour of cotton aphid and relative feeding amount on Different Cotton Varieties

  18. 蚜虫行为包括取食行为、繁殖行为、防御行为、社群行为等,本文概述了蚜虫取食行为、排蜜行为、繁殖行为。

    The behaviors of aphid include feeding behavior , reproductive behavior , defending behavior , social behavior etc.

  19. 盾负泥虫控制鸭跖草效果及其取食行为的初步探讨

    A preliminary study on the controlling effect of Lema scutellaris against Commelina communis with notes on their feeding behaviour

  20. 用大培养皿作金龟子幼虫取食行为研究的方法首次被使用。

    It was effective that the behavior expeiment of the scarab had been done by using big petri plates .

  21. 定量研究刺吸式昆虫取食行为的有效方法&电子取食监测仪的原理和应用技术

    Principle and application of electronic monitoring system-an effective and quantitative method in the study of probing and feeding behaviors of piercing-sucking insects

  22. 一旦口针进入韧皮部持续吸食阶段,蚜虫在三个部位的取食行为没有太大的差异。

    And no significant differences were found in feeding behaviors among aphids on three plant parts once sustained ingestion started in the phloem .

  23. 以氨基酸单体纯品作生物测定表明,上述氨基酸对茶橙瘿螨的取食行为和繁殖率具有抑制作用。

    Bioassay results showed that each / total of the amino acids mentioned above had inhibited the feeding behavior and reproduction of this mite .

  24. 取食行为与食物的可得性关系密切,对于同一类别的食物它们更倾向于取食密度较高的种类。

    The gained food affect foraging behaviour of shorebirds , for same type food , they are apt to select the species with high density .

  25. 黑脸琵鹭的取食行为受潮汐的影响,过高和过低的水位都将影响其取食活动。

    Further , there is close relationship between feeding frequency and tidal level , and higher and lower tidal level has a negative effect on feeding frequency .

  26. 此外还有一些氨基酸、固醇、磷脂以及少数普遍存在的生化物质,也都能影响取食行为。

    In addition , several amino acids , sterols , phospholipids , and a few other biochemicals of general occurrence have been shown to influence feeding behavior .

  27. 在越冬中期,家庭鹤各成员取食行为占黑颈鹤日间时间分配的比例最高,而中期、晚期较低。

    In the mid-winter , the proportion of distribution of feeding behavior of each family member is the highest , and lower in the early and late .

  28. 本文依据1987年5月至7月在黑龙江省依兰县对山地次生林鸟类取食行为的观察,对此林型中树栖食虫鸟类的集团结构进行了研究。

    The guild structure of arboreal insectivorous birds of montane second forest was studied during May to July 1987 in Yi Lan County , Hei Lung & Jiang province .

  29. 握食行为是多数啮齿目动物和兔形目动物共有的一种取食行为,根据这一取食行为,可以把成品药剂颗粒加工成拟圆柱型。

    Holding feeding is a kind of behavior that the most rodents and lagomorphs possess , based on this behavior , a cylinder type of poison bait can be developed .

  30. 利用刚完成春季跨越墨西哥湾迁徙的鸫类,我们研究了取食行为、体内能量状态和能量积累速度的相互关系。

    Using the stopover migratory thrushes following spring passage across the Gulf of Mexico , we examined the interactions of foraging behavior , energetic condition , and rate of fat deposit .