
  • 网络Buddhist Ethics
  1. 佛教伦理很简单,但其实践修行对西方人来说却很复杂。

    Buddhist ethics are simple but its practices are very complex to a western mind .

  2. 佛教伦理的现代意义&全球伦理视域下的考察

    The Global City The Significance of Buddhist Ethics in Modern Times

  3. 简论中国佛教伦理对国民伦理精神的积极意义

    On the Positive Significance of Chinese Buddhist Ethics to Chinese Ethics

  4. 论中国佛教伦理的理论基础

    On the Theoretical Basis for the Buddhist Morals of China

  5. 在道德实践的方式上,中国佛教伦理与儒家伦理都是通过内在自觉与外在约束相统一的方式,即自律与他律相结合的方式实践道德。

    In practical pattern , both depend on internal consciousness and external binding .

  6. 佛教伦理准则及其现实意义

    The Buddhist ethical standards and their value to today

  7. 中国佛教伦理的社会意义

    The Social Significance of the Ethic of Chinese Buddhism

  8. 中国佛教伦理与21世纪

    Chinese Buddhism Ethic and the 21st Century Society

  9. 佛教伦理思想探析

    Investigation and Analysis of Buddhist Ethical Thought

  10. 简论佛教伦理思想的基本观点

    Basic Viewpoints about Ethical Thoughts of Buddhism

  11. 佛教伦理的基本特点

    The basic characteristic of Buddhism Ethics

  12. 佛教伦理与现代文明

    Buddhist ethics and modern civilization

  13. 最后文章简单总结了中国佛教伦理思想的特色和意义。

    At last , it simply summarizes the characteristic , significance of the ethics of Chinese Buddhism .

  14. 这些思想在中国佛教伦理思想史上有着不同层次的影响,对于当代中国的道德建设也有一定的启发意义。

    These thoughts have great influence in Chinese Buddhist ethics and will enlighten moral construction in contemporary China .

  15. 其伦理基础是佛教伦理中的善恶观与业报论。

    Its ethic foundation is the view of goodness and evil and the retribution of karma theory in Buddhism .

  16. 大乘佛教伦理思想是对佛陀教法的进一步发挥,在信仰和伦理领域把佛陀的世界观发展得更加彻底和系统化。

    The ethics of Mahayana is more systemic than that of Buddha in the field of belief and ethics .

  17. 本文梳理了佛教伦理思想的发展过程,旨在为现代世俗伦理及普世伦理的建立提供佛教文化上的基本资源和理念。

    This thesis analyzes the seedtime of Buddhist ethics and provides some basic material and ideas for the studies of modern worldly ethics .

  18. 佛教伦理一直保持着与全球人类伦理共同拥有的价值观和道德意识与境界。佛教伦理已经具备了为全球伦理作出贡献的基础,并且可以提供重要的思想资源。

    Sharing the same value outlook and moral consciousness with global ethics , Buddhist ethics has been equipped with the ability of contributing to global ethics and providing important ideological resources .

  19. 动物解放思想和中国佛教伦理观在生命平等的价值观、素食主义以及生态观等方面有诸多同异之处,但中国佛教伦理观却又远比动物解放思想博大精深。

    Animal liberation theory and China Buddhism ethic view has many homology and otherness in aspects of the life equality value view 、 vegetarianism 、 as well as zoology view , but China Buddhism ethic view is more plentiful and profound than animal liberation theory .

  20. 以孝亲敬老为核心的孝道文化在我国源远流长,对于已经步入老龄化社会的中国,孔孟所倡导、中国佛教伦理道德的重心‐‐孝道,仍具有重要的借鉴意义。

    To filial obedience as the core of the piety culture in China has a long history , and to have an ageing society of China , Confucius advocated , the focus of China Buddhism ethic - filial piety , still has important reference meanings .

  21. 世界各大宗教和伦理传统中都有为现代伦理可资利用的精神资源,就中国文化传统而言,佛教伦理的思想资源不可忽视。

    It enabled academic discussions and exchanges of Confucianism with other world religions , philosophies and cultures . All world religions and ethical traditions offer spiritual resources for modern ethics . As far as Chinese cultural traditions are concerned , the spiritual resources of Buddhist ethics should not be neglected .

  22. 佛教是伦理道德色彩极为浓厚的宗教,儒家文化本身就是伦理型文化,两二者在道德观上有可比之处。

    In terms of ethics , Buddhism and Confucianism can be compared .

  23. 自然的生命&佛教生态伦理观及其启示

    The Life of the Nature & Buddhism Ecology Ethics and Its Enlightenment

  24. 第四章介绍了中国佛教孝伦理对现代社会的影响。

    Chapter four introduces the impact of Chinese Buddhist Ethics of Filial Piety on modern society .

  25. 在修行实践中,人间佛教的伦理关怀主要表现为更加重视五戒、十善和以慈悲为本的大乘菩萨道。

    In the practice , the Humanitarian Buddhism shows more moral concern for the five precepts , ten kinds of goodness and the ways of Mahayana Bodhisattva based on mercy .

  26. 佛教是伦理性的宗教,其所宣扬的五戒、十善、四摄、六度和八正道等思想有着丰富的伦理色彩。

    The Ethics of Buddhism is the religion preached by its precepts , ten good deeds , four camera , six degrees , and the Noble Eightfold Path has a wealth of ethical ideas such as color .

  27. 从伦理之来源、道德依据、行为规范、人性论、社会意义等方面对基督教和佛教的伦理观进行了比较,分析二者伦理观之同异,从而阐扬了两教的伦理价值。

    Through the source of ethics , ethical basis , conduct standard , the theory of human nature and social significance , the article compares and analyzes ethical differences and similarities between the two , and expounds their ethical value .

  28. 佛教对其他伦理学说的批判,目标在于建设;

    The target that Buddhism criticizes other ethical theories is construction .

  29. 五台山佛教文化的伦理效应

    The Ethical Effect of Buddhistic Culture of Wutai Mountains

  30. 佛教的生态伦理思想与可持续发展

    On Buddhism 's Ecology Ethics and Sustainable Development