
  1. 现在仅存一张在我的佛坛上。

    Now there is only one left on altar .

  2. 我小的时候,他每天早上都在饭前向佛坛献上长长的深深的祈祷。

    When I was young , he was used to devote a deep and long pray in the morning towards Buddha Hall before breakfast .

  3. 我是战后出生的孩子,经常看见他每日早餐前,在家里的佛坛前长时间虔诚地祈祷。

    As a child born after the war , I used to see him every morning before breakfast offering up long , deeply-felt prayers at the Buddhist altar in our house .

  4. 例如,台南市的玉皇大帝五府千岁神佛坛内,即列出一年当中诸神的诞辰,计有31天。

    For instance , the " Jade Emperor Temple " which housed the " thousand-year god " scheduled a total of31 days of birthday celebrations for the deities just in one year .