
  • 网络Buddhist Stories
  1. 四周为佛经故事的壁画。

    The statues are surrounded by beautiful murals depicting Buddhist stories .

  2. 种植速长母题的佛经故事渊源

    The Sutra Stories Origin of the Motive of Plants Rapidly GRowing

  3. 变羊故事发端于汉译佛经故事。

    The story of changing sheep comes from Chinese translation of Buddhist Scriptures .

  4. 佛经故事与中韩两国的高僧与美女故事

    Stories from the Buddhist Scripture vs Sino-Korean " Eminent Monk and Beauty " Tales

  5. 该母题中国古代早有,但能与较大故事情节联系起来,却主要得力于外域佛经故事。

    In the ancient China , there is the motif , but , because of the Sutra story , this motif connects with the story plot .

  6. 佛经故事中叙事引导者角色不限于兔,已形成一种通行的叙事模式。

    The role of the leading narrator in the Sutra stories is not confined to the rabbit only ; it has developed into a popular narrating pattern .

  7. 这类侠义人以疗病医伤救助动物,又幸运地蒙侠义兽报恩的故事,可能受到西域传来象求医报恩的佛经故事启发。

    Such a story of people curing an animal of its disease and being rewarded with much retribution from the animal may derive from the Buddhistic story of an elephant repaying an obligation in India .

  8. 在佛经故事启发下,逐兔与女性、与崇佛脱难等载录,也有某种特定关系。

    As a result of the enlightenment of the Sutra stories , in a way , chasing a rabbit is associated with records of the female and of worshiping Buddhism to get rid of disasters .

  9. 佛经斗法故事与古代小说创作

    On the Magic - arts fighting of Buddhist Scripture and Creation of Chinese Classical Novels

  10. 佛经雁衔龟故事在中国的传播与影响

    The Dissemination and Influence of " Wild Geeses ' Carrying Tortoise " Buddhist Scriptures in China

  11. 第四章是对《太平广记》中的异僧、佛经崇拜和因果报应故事进行探讨。

    The fourth chapter studies the stories of weird monk , sutra adoration and comeuppance in Tai Ping Guang Ji .