
  • 网络Institutionalized;institutionalization;institutionalize;institutionized
  1. 现自己不得不依靠它而生存。这就是体制化。

    Enough time passed , get so you depend on them . That 's institutionalized .

  2. 在这个影片里我经常注意的一个词“体制化”。

    In this movie we often pay attention to a vocabulary of " institutionalized " .

  3. 中国近现代科技体制化的动因分析

    Analysis on the Agent of Chinese Modern Scientific and Technological Systematization

  4. 建国后,文学创作进一步体制化和规范化。

    After the founding of literature to further institutionalization and standardization .

  5. 应试教育因其体制化而产生巨大影响。

    Examination-oriented education has great influence because it has formed a system .

  6. 是有关行为者政治、经济等活动的体制化;

    A process of systematization of political and economic activities ;

  7. 体制化:1949年后中国电影生产体系的重构

    The Reconstruction of Chinese Film Production System since 1949

  8. 本文对此进行了探讨,并在此基础上揭示研究诚信和研究伦理的体制化趋势。

    Moreover , we reveal the institutionalization of research integrity and research ethics .

  9. 如何将对效率的激励作用体制化、恒长化?

    How to systematize the impelling effect of efficiency ?

  10. 在此背景下,研究诚信的体制化显得至关重要。

    In this background , the institutionalization of research integrity becomes more important .

  11. 中国科学体制化过程得以完成;

    The system of science had also been built .

  12. 留学生与中国近代化学体制化的研究

    Study On The Returned Students Overseas and the Institutionalization of Modern Chinese Chemistry

  13. 体制化时代的教育和教育研究

    Education and Education Research in the Institutionalization Age

  14. 体制化背景加剧了其文学命运的悲剧性。

    System background aggravate literature their destiny tragic .

  15. 中国近代科学体制化的历史演进

    The History of Scientific Institutionalization in Modern China

  16. 西方的科学体制化是依次由英国、法国、德国到美国完成的。

    Science systematization was successively realized in Britain , France , Germany and US .

  17. 启蒙与体制化:晚清近代农学的兴起

    The Initiation and Systematization : The Rise of the Modern Agronomy in Late Qing Dynasty

  18. 归国留学生在中国近代建筑学体制化的过程中发挥了重要作用。

    Modern returned students played an important role in the institutionalization of modern Chinese architecture .

  19. 中国近代化学体制化的社会史考察

    Study on Institutionalization of Recent Chinese Chemistry from the Perspective of Social History of Science

  20. 建立科学技术学是体制化的要求,也是现实的需要。

    The formation of S & T is the requirement of systematism as well as reality .

  21. 中国近代科学并不是土生土长的,而是从西方引进的。近代科学在中国的传播、发展过程,同时也是中国科学体制化的进程。

    Chinese modern science was not born in its nation , but came from Western nations .

  22. 在此过程中,中国的科学主义思潮以其对科学不遗余力的宣传而成为体制化的关键性因素,巩固了体制化的成果。

    During the process , scientism made much propaganda for science and it became a pivotal factor .

  23. 1928年中央研究院的建立则标志着体制化的正式形成。

    In 1928 , the Academia Sinica was setted up which marked the formation of scientific institutionalization .

  24. 我国科学体制化过程中的认知问题及其影响

    The Issue of Deviation of Cognition and its Influence on the Process of Scientific Institutionalization in China

  25. 中国近现代科技体制化大致经历了萌芽、形成和发展三个阶段。

    Chinese modern scientific and technical institutionalization experienced mostly three periods : embryo , formation and development .

  26. 世纪前半期中国科学研究体制化的社会因素

    Social factors for china 's systematization of scientific research in the first half of the twentieth century

  27. 中国心理学科体制化过程体现了近代科技移植于中国的一般模式,即留学生知识群体发挥了核心作用。

    The systemization of Chinese psychology represents the general mode of transplanting modern science and technology into China .

  28. 近代德国化学工业的兴起是基于化学的社会体制化的初步完成。

    The rise of modern German chemical industry was based on the preliminary completion of the social chemical institutionalization .

  29. 我在雅加达设置一个驻东南亚国家联盟的大使级职位就是为了强化这个体制化进程。

    One reason I have established an ambassadorial post to ASEAN in Jakarta is to strengthen this institutionalized process .

  30. 基金会还致力于各种公共事业,积极筹集资金,为联合国加强体制化而努力。

    We also engage in extensive public advocacy , fund-raising and institutional strengthening efforts on behalf of the United Nations .