
  • 网络Low tide
  1. 电子商务尽管现在处于低潮期,但是作为重要的变革力量,它仍然是21世纪的一个必然趋势。

    Though the E-business is in low tide , as an important revolving force , it is still an inevitable trend in the21st century .

  2. 本文还认为,9·11事件后,以联合国为代表的多边国际安全机制处于低潮期,预防性外交的发展面临重重阻碍,任重而道远。

    After 11th Sept. the international multilateral security system represented by the United Nations is at a low tide . So the development of Preventive Diplomacy still has a long way to go .

  3. 200例UA病人在情绪低潮期UA日平均发作人数最高,与情绪高潮期和临界期UA日平均发作人数相比,差异均有显著性(P<0.01)。

    Daily mean attack number of people was highest in emotional low period and there was significant difference with emotional high and critical periods ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 我以为这一行业在2014年进入了低潮期,当时,普华永道(PwC)将其收购的咨询公司博斯(Booz&Company)更名为Strategy&。

    I thought this sector had reached a low point in 2014 , when PwC rebranded Booz & Company , the consultancy it had bought , as Strategy & .

  5. 曼尼只是处于低潮期。

    You know , Manny 's just in a slump .

  6. 美国新闻业正处于低潮期。

    These are hard times for journalism in America .

  7. 信仰基督教的欧洲到了低潮期。

    Christian Europe was at a low ebb .

  8. 上2月流星和2个天下是低潮期。

    On February meteors and2 is brought under .

  9. 我们相信如果市场不太景气,那么,微博客上的人的情绪也相应的会进入低潮期。

    We believed that if the markets fell , then the mood of people on Twitter would fall .

  10. 我现在就在低潮期,因为我不能做我想做的事。

    I 'm at a low point now because I can 't do what I want to do .

  11. 上个世纪末,香港电影再次陷入低潮期。

    At the end of last century , the Hong Kong film fell into low tide period again .

  12. 然后,每当阿伦陷入低潮期,我就允许他接球。

    Then , during stretches when Allen would otherwise be passive , I allowed him to catch the ball .

  13. 他们于1978年建立了自己的建筑事务所,这一年是瑞士建筑业的低潮期,而艺术却发展良好。

    They set up their practice in 1978 , a low point in architecture but a good time for art in Switzerland .

  14. 我有一票很棒的朋友陪我度过许多低潮期,并乐于和他们分享生活中的点滴。

    I have an amazing group of friends that I spend an obscene amount of time with and who I love to pieces .

  15. 当我的事业走到低潮期,在演讲及即席演讲的练习,让我更能认清楚我的想法。

    While my professional situation is currently in tatters , the practice of speaking and thinking on my feet allows me to better articulate my thoughts .

  16. 在2000至2001年的互联网泡沫华丽破灭之后,科技行业经历了几年的低潮期,随后又出现了一轮同样壮观的泡沫累积。

    After the dotcom bubble popped so spectacularly in 2000-2001 , a few glum years for the technology industry have been followed by an equally spectacular run .

  17. 多年前当我处于一次人生低潮期时,一位老朋友曾劝诫我抬头挺胸,别再怨天尤人。

    An old friend told me years ago during a time of decline in my life to hitch up my girdle and stop feeling sorry for myself .

  18. 一些公司可能会做出妥协,帮助员工度过这段工作状态低潮期,但史宇认为这并非公司的义务。

    Some employers may compromise and help workers get through the blue period , but Shi believes it is not the company ` s responsibility to do that .

  19. 当种群数量处于高峰期时,雌性少于雄性;而种群数量处于低潮期时,雌性多于雄性。

    When the population sizes reached the peak , the females were less than males . Nevertheless , when the population sizes were low , the female were more than males .

  20. 多年前当我处于一次人生低潮期时,一位老朋友曾劝诫我“抬头挺胸,别再怨天尤人。”好主意!

    An old friend told me years ago during a time of decline in my life to " hitch up my girdle and stop feeling sorry for myself . " Good idea !

  21. 理论上讲,印度经济在经历了几年的低潮期(其间增速降至5%)后,应该不会费太大力就能提高运行效率。

    In theory , it should not take much to get the economy ticking over more effectively after a few years in the doldrums , when growth dropped to 5 per cent .

  22. 在两个小高潮和一个大高潮期,新批评经历了学者零散译介、理论家系统整理、批评者应用实践的发展过程;在低潮期主要是被作为批判的对象。

    In two small climaxes and a big high tide , The New Criticism is organized , through the scholars ' scattered Translation to theorists ' systematic study to critics ' practical application .

  23. 忧郁情绪通常是暂时的,并且也容易解决,比方工作的低潮期,与爱人的争吵,甚至因换季产生的不良情绪等等。

    But these " blue " feelings are usually temporary , and are often easy to figure out & a bad period at work , struggles with loved ones , even the changing seasons .

  24. 在低潮期,她会努力通过与自己谈判达成和解来度过每一天:我要是能挺到散会,就散会后再自杀。

    During the lows she would get through the day by making a series of pacts with herself : If I just made it through to the end of the meeting , I could kill myself then .

  25. 另外,由于社会、家庭甚至学院当中某些固有观念与保守思想长期的影响,使教师与学生在对待走班制分层教学上有不同的心理变化,某些师生的心理处于一个低潮期。

    In addition , due to the long-time influence of inherent ideas and conservative thought in society , family and even colleges , teachers and students have different psychological changes in the treatment of the Class-Selection System of stratified teaching method .

  26. 体力节律处于高潮期和低潮期分别占41.33%和42.0%(Pt>0.05),处于临界期占16.67%。

    The students whose physical rhythms in positive phase ( high tide ) or negative phase ( low tide ) were respectively 41.33 % and 42.0 % ( Pt > 0.05 ), in cross phase ( phase transition ) was 16.67 % .