
dī bèi zǔ zhī
  • Macrostructure;macroscopic structure
  1. 介绍了线材的化学成分、钢坯低倍组织、非金属夹杂物等因素对B级棉花打包钢丝拉拔性能的影响。

    Introduced factors and so on wire rod chemical composition , billet low-powered tissues , non-metallic inclusions influence to the B-grade steel wire for cotton packaging of drawing performance .

  2. 本文研究了常规锻、等温锻和超等温锻工艺参数对TC11钛合金饼坯高、低倍组织的影响。

    In this paper , the conventional forging , the isothermal forging and the super - isothermal forging have been studied .

  3. 大、小规格结构钢低倍组织评级图间的差异

    Difference between Big and Small Macrostructure Juge Picture for Structural Steel

  4. 高速工具钢低倍组织检验

    The Test of Low Power Structure of High Speed Tool Steel

  5. 连铸钢低倍组织缺陷对产品加工的影响

    The Effect of Macrostructure Defects of Continuous Casting Steel on Product Machining

  6. 连铸温度和低倍组织对轮箍钢氢致开裂的影响

    Effects of casting temperature and macrostructure on Hydrogen-Induced Cracking of tyre steel

  7. GB/T14999.1-1994高温合金棒材纵向低倍组织酸浸试验法

    Methods of acid etch test for longitudinal macro-structures of heat-resisting superalloy bars

  8. GB/T7736-1987钢的低倍组织及缺陷超声波检验法

    Ultrasonic inspecting method for macro-structure and imperfection of stee

  9. 钛合金中方形轮廓线低倍组织对超声波探伤的影响

    Effect of " square outline " macrostructure of titanium alloys on ultrasonic inspection

  10. 连铸圆管坯的低倍组织对制管的影响

    Influence of Macrostructure of Continuous C as t ing Round Billet on Tube Manufacturing

  11. 连铸坯轧制钢轨低倍组织特征研究

    Macrostructure study of rails rolled with CC billets

  12. 此外,管材中发达的柱状晶低倍组织和较为严重的孔隙和裂缝等铸造缺陷的存在加速了钢管的开裂。

    Besides , The casting defect in pipe quickened the cracking of the stainless steel pipe .

  13. 核燃料棒端塞用冷轧锆合金棒材横截面低倍组织异常现象的研究

    Studies on Abnormal Morphology of Cross Section in Cold-Pilgered Zr-4 Bar Used As End Caps of Nuclear Fuel Rods

  14. 现场试验表明,采用电磁搅拌能有效改善铸坯低倍组织,搅拌电流越大,铸坯中心等轴晶比率越高;

    Industrial trial showed that electromagnetic stirring has positive effect on macrostructure , porosity , central segregation of strand .

  15. 介绍了结构钢低倍组织及缺陷检验方法的概况,对我国标准技术内容变化作了简要说明。

    Introduce the structure steel macrostructure and checking defect method ; illustrate the changing contents of our standard technology .

  16. 应用声散射原理描述了钛合金中方形轮廓线低倍组织对超声波探伤的影响。

    Effect of " square line " structure of titanium alloys on ultrasonic testing is analysed by the principle of sound scattering .

  17. 采用低倍组织试验、化学成分分析及金相检验等方法,对出现边裂的带钢卷进行了解剖分析。

    Structure testing in low magnificution , chemical composition analysis and microstructure examination were used to analyze the edge cracking of strip steel coil .

  18. 研制结果表明:采用转炉工艺研制的炮弹系列用钢的化学成分、低倍组织、非金属夹杂物与力学性能达到了弹体材料的要求;

    The results show that chemical composition , macrostructure , nonmetallic inclusion and mechanical property of the steels can achieve the request for shot-body materials ;

  19. 采用化学成分、宏观断口、低倍组织及金相组织等分析方法对轧辊断裂原因进行了分析。

    The reason of roll fracture has been analyzed by means of chemical composition analysis , macro fractograph , low magnification structure and microstructure examination .

  20. 研究了轮箍钢低倍组织和连铸温度对白点敏感性、断裂韧性的影响。

    The effects of the macrostructure of tyre steel and continuous-casting temperature on hydrogen flaking and fracture toughness , K_ ( IQ ), have been investigated .

  21. 将原位分析与低倍组织分析结合起来,完整地体现铸坯试样的成分分布和组织特征。

    Combined the original position analysis with macrostructure examination , the composition profiles and structure features of the sample taken from continuous casting strand can be fully revealed .

  22. 分析结果表明,断裂钢轨化学成分满足标准要求,低倍组织和显微组织正常,断口呈脆性断裂解理特征,断口处氧化严重。

    The results show that the chemical composition , macrostructure and microstructure are normal , the fracture appearance is brittle crowbarand , and the fracture was oxygenated severely .

  23. 首先,采用磁粉探伤、便携式轧辊表面硬度检测仪、低倍组织分析等先进检测手段,及时发现肉眼难以观测到的轧辊缺陷。

    Firstly , advanced inspection methods such as magnaflux method , portable roll surface rigidity detector , macrostructure analysis and so on should be applied to find out the roll defects , which are difficult to be observed with naked eyes .

  24. 《结构钢低倍组织缺陷评级图》GB/T1979-2001是目前国内唯一钢铁型材、扁材低倍组织缺陷评级图,但样品缺陷的大、小与样品规格不成正比。

    《 Judge picture of macrostructure defect for structural steel 》 GB / T1979-2001 is the sole for profiled bar and flat bar in China , but the size of defect in the sample is not in proportion to the standard of the sample .

  25. 对超声波自动检测过程中发现的分层、夹杂和裂纹等缺陷部位进行现场取样并进行高、低倍金相组织分析,其结果与超声波自动检测完全吻合。

    Some defects such as delamination , impurity and crack found during the ultrasonic automatic detection were also analyzed through metallographic analysis with high and low magnification , it have been verified that the size detected by both methods for same defect also identical .

  26. 对有裂纹的连铸板坯进行了高温塑性试验、低倍、金相组织和夹杂物分析。

    The slabs with these cracks were analyzed by means of high temperature plasticity , macrostructure , microstructure and inclusion test .

  27. 通过对硬质合金模具失效形式与使用寿命的关系的调查及对合金模芯的疲劳断口形貌、合金低倍与高倍组织的检测,认为在模具失效的多种形式中,疲劳断裂是主要的。

    Through the investigation of the relation between failure mode and service life of carbide dies , as well as inspection of fatigue fracture appearance of die cores and microstructure of carbide , it is shows that the main mode of die failure is fatigue fracture .