
wěi zhènɡ zuì
  • perjury;crime of perjury;crime of giving false evidence or testimony
  1. 刑事诉讼程序视角下的辩护人伪证罪

    Crime of perjury by defender under the view of criminal procedure

  2. 伪证罪若干疑难问题探讨

    An Academic Probe Of Several Knotty Problems About Crime Of Perjury

  3. 肖斯塔科维奇《见证》真伪考试论民事、行政伪证罪之增设

    On Creation of Offense of Giving False Civil and Administrative Testimony

  4. 刑法第306条律师伪证罪的评析;

    Analyze lawyer perjury criminal of the criminal law 's 306 item ;

  5. 伪证罪法益及其构成要件的法益解释

    The Legal Interests of Perjury and Its Constitutive Elements Interpretation

  6. 法条竞合视野下的伪证罪与诬告陷害罪

    Perjury Crime And Implication Crime Under The View of Concurrence of Rules

  7. 律师伪证罪对刑事辩护制度的挑战

    Challenge of Lawyer ′ s Perjury to the Criminal System of Advocacy

  8. 论取消律师伪证罪

    On the Abolishment of " the Perjury of Lawyer "

  9. 她被指控犯有伪证罪和妨碍司法罪。

    She was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice .

  10. 她因犯有伪证罪而被判两年徒刑。

    She was sentenced to two years in jail for committing perjury .

  11. 他被控告犯有意图加罪于其雇主的伪证罪。

    He is accused of perjury with the intention of incriminate his employer .

  12. 在对她的庭审中有两名主要证人犯了伪证罪。

    Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury .

  13. 伪证罪扩展到民事诉讼中的再审视

    Reconsideration of expansion of perjury into civil suits

  14. 伪证罪争议问题研究

    The Research of Disputed Problems of Perjury Crime

  15. 我们宣誓没有触犯伪证罪条款,上述所有内容都属实。

    We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct .

  16. 他犯了若干项伪证罪。

    He committed a number of perjuries .

  17. 论律师伪证罪对公民辩护权之影响反保证人的抗辩权

    On the Significance of Lawyer 's Right to Defence Counter guarantor 's right of defence

  18. 因此,建议取消有关伪证罪主观目的的立法限定。

    Therefore propose to abolish the legislative limit of the subjective purpose of the relevant perjury .

  19. 伪证罪:一种可以期待的完善

    Perjury : an Expectable Accomplishment

  20. 在我国刑法中,伪证罪侵犯的客体应该是国家司法机关刑事诉讼的正常活动。

    In our criminal law , crime of perjure encroaches on the normal criminal procedure of justice .

  21. 假如立誓之后还撒谎,你可能被判伪证罪。

    If you lie while you are under oath , you can be found guilty of perjury .

  22. 于是他被定罪为伪证罪和妨碍司法公正罪,同时判处34个月有期徒刑。

    He was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice , and sentenced to 34 months in prison .

  23. 本文基于对这几个方面的分析,主张伪证罪不应扩展到民事诉讼中。

    Based on these analyses , it is observed that perjury charge is not applicable in civil cases .

  24. 增设民事行政伪证罪是法制建设、健全和配套的需要。

    So it is necessary for legal construction and perfection to establish offense of giving false civil and administrative testimony .

  25. 他和赫尔女士两人都坚持自己的说辞,至今也没人知道到底谁犯了伪证罪。

    Both he and Ms Hill stand by their stories . No one else knows which of them committed perjury .

  26. 根据法律,作伪证是一大罪状。贿赂[教唆]伪证罪

    It is a great crime , in the eye of the law , to bear false witness . subornation of perjury

  27. 传统犯罪构成四分论在区别伪证罪与诬告陷害罪这一重要问题上,引发了诸多争议。

    The quartered separating method of traditional criminal constitution distinguishes perjury crime and implication crime , which brings about a lot of disputes .

  28. 对律师伪证罪应当存而慎用,在实体规范、司法认定和追诉程序上进行改良。

    Lawyer perjury should be kept but with caution use , make improvements in the entity specification , judicial determination and prosecution procedures .

  29. 律师伪证罪:实体与程序的双向思考&对刑法306条的理论探索

    Perjury Committed by Lawyers : The Two-Way Analysis of the Entity and Procedure & A Theoretical Exploration of Article 306 in Chinese Criminal Law

  30. 在刑法理论和司法实践中,围绕伪证罪的认定和处理,有一系列问题众说纷纭。

    Criminal law theory and judicial practice in the around perjury identification and processing , there are divergent views of a range of issues .