
fánɡ hài zuò zhènɡ zuì
  • crime of impairing testifying
  1. 事实上,诉讼欺诈与诈骗罪存在巨大差异,并且,它并不是敲诈勒索罪的特殊形式,而且将其纳入妨害作证罪也是不合理的。

    In fact , there are many great differences between the act of litigation fraud and the crime of fraud , and , it isn 't the particular modality of blackmail , moreover , it 's irrational to regard it as the crime of impairing testifying .

  2. 近年来律师触犯伪造证据、妨害作证罪时有发生。

    In recent years , fabrication of evidence violated law , the crime of obstruction of evidence have occurred .

  3. 侦查阶段聘请的律师不构成辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪的主体。

    If what is obstructed is only the extrinsic evidences of civil procedure , the crime is not constituted .

  4. 法院以辩护人伪造证据、妨害作证罪判处李庄有期徒刑1年6个月。

    Court counsel fabricating evidence , obstruction of evidence Zhuang sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months .

  5. 本罪是选择性罪名,即辩护人伪造证据、妨害作证罪由两个子行为所构成,伪造证据行为和妨害作证行为。

    The crime is optional charges that defendants forged evidence , the crime of obstruction of evidence constituted by the two sub-actions , behavior and nuisance false witness evidence behavior .

  6. 在2009年底发生李庄案后,关于辩护人伪造证据、妨害作证罪的争论一直没有停止过,类似的案件也不时的一再发生。

    The case of Li Zhuang in the end of 2009 , the controversy about the defender fabricated evidence and prejudiced to testify has not stopped , and the similar cases often occur from time to time .

  7. 法院判处李庄的刑罚偏重,从材料反应出的案情来看,本案李庄的行为构成妨害作证罪的中止状态。

    Li Zhuang sentenced to the penalty emphasis , reflecting the circumstances of the case from the material point of view , the behavior of Li Zhuang case constitutes the crime of obstruction of the suspension of the state to testify .

  8. 尽管辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪在我国1997年刑法典中增设迄今已三年,但该罪的司法适用仍存在着一些亟待解决的疑难问题。

    Although the crime of destroying or forging evidence or interfering with testimony by defenders or law-agents has been stipulated in 1997 criminal law of China for three years , there have been still some knotty problems of the crime in the judicial practice .

  9. 本部分结合案例对妨害作证罪条文中的证人、暴力、威胁和贿买等方法、指使他人和作伪证的含义进行探讨。

    This part of the case with the crime of obstruction of the provisions of testimony in the " witness ", " violence , threats and suborn and other methods ," " directs others to commit " and " perjury " has the meaning discussed .

  10. 律师刑事责任具有中国刑法上的特别意义,是由以下两个事实引起的:(1)现行刑法第306条专门规定了辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪;

    Lawyers ' criminal liability assumes special importance in Chinese criminal law as a result of the following : 1 . Article 306 of the Criminal Law specifically provides for a crime for defenders and litigation agents to destroy , forge , or tamper with evidence ;