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Defined as the basic unit of cultural transmission , meme is spread through non-genetic methods like imitation .
According to memetics , a meme is the basic unit for ideas , culture , language or behaviors to transmit .
Meme is the core definition of Memetics . It is a unit of cultural transmission playing a great part in the transmission of language and culture .
Dawkins defines meme as a unit of cultural transmission or a unit of imitation . He indicates that meme could infect human like virus and replicate like gene .
Sound intensity describes the flow of acoustic energy produced by a sound source , and it is a vector .
Meme is a unit of cultural transmission or a unit of imitation .
Through the analog with gene , meme is considered the basic unit of cultural imitation .
Meme , the core concept of memetics , is defined as a cultural unit that is transmitted by imitation .
Meme is one of the fundamental terms in memetics . It is also a cardinal unit of information transmission in cultural evolutionary theory .
The term meme is initially put forward by Clinton Richard Dawkins , who regards meme as a new kind of replicator , or a unit of cultural transmission .
A special integration scheme for partition of unity finite element method for short wave propagation in solids ;
TV Column style of presentation as a program is the basic unit of the content of television broadcasting .
Meme is a unit of cultural information that can be transmitted in a non-genetic way . It propagates in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via imitation .
In the eyes of Dawkins , meme is a unit of cultural information that can be copied and spread continuously , such as languages , customs , notions , social behaviors , etc. Since the memetics appeared , it has attracted a lot attention of scholars .