
  • 网络quality education;quality teaching
  1. 教育部部长陈宝生表示,目前,中国慕课数量和应用规模已居世界第一。他指出,中国致力于进一步开放其慕课资源,并与其他国家和地区共享优质教育资源。

    China is committed to further opening up its MOOC resources and sharing its quality education resources with other countries and regions , Education Minister Chen Baosheng said the conference . The country now ranks first globally in the number of MOOCs and viewers , he said .

  2. 基于DEA高校优质教育教学资源建设有效性评价&以吉林省为例

    Efficiency Evaluation on the Constriction of Higher Quality Education Teaching Resources of Colleges Based on DEA Model & Taking Jilin Province as an Example

  3. 推进教育公平与优质教育资源供给,降低家庭教育开支。

    The meeting called for greater equality in education and an enhanced supply of high-quality education resources to reduce families ' education expenditure .

  4. 慕课和在线教育的独特优势得以充分利用来推动教育公平及优质教育资源共享,实现人人皆学、处处能学、时时可学。

    The unique advantages of MOOCs and online education have been leveraged and sharing of quality educational resources so that everyone can learn whenever and wherever they want , Chen said .

  5. 在《天生我才》(BorntoRise)一书中,肯尼娓娓道来,回忆了多年致力于提供优质教育这段“亦师亦生”的历程。

    In born to rise , Kenny takes us on her long but rewarding journey to deliver great education , one teacher and student at a time .

  6. 如果您正在索寻一所提供优质教育的私人学院以及在生活中脱颖而出的那份决心,加入BCS国际学院是你踏出第一步的最佳选择。

    Should you be looking for an established private institution that promises quality education and determination to see you excel in life , BCS International College is the school for you .

  7. 马来西亚政府为打造区域优质教育中心,于1997年专门设立了一个质量保障机构&国家认证委员会(LAN),对私立院校开设的课程进行评估认证,以监督和提高其教育质量。

    In order to make Malaysia an center for quality education , Malaysian government set up a quality assurance body & National Accreditation Board ( LAN ) in 1997 , to monitor and raise the educational quality of private higher educational Institutions .

  8. 三是升级品牌:铸就强势品牌,让人人享有优质教育。

    Upgrading the brand and let everybody enjoy high-quality education .

  9. 优质教育资源是优质教育的保证。

    High quality of educational resources ensures the high quality of education .

  10. 国外优质教育资源引入并利用的探索与思考

    Exploration and reflection on introduction and utilization of foreign high-quality educational resources

  11. 文章首先对优质教育资源出现的背景进行了分析,无论从社会的需求还是学校的发展都有其合理性和必然性。

    It is the demand of both the society and the school .

  12. 谈发展高中优质教育

    On the Development of Quality Education in Senior High Schools

  13. 优质教育基金秘书处〔教育统筹局〕

    Quality Education Fund Secretariat [ Education and Manpower Bureau ]

  14. 坚持办学特色培育优质教育品牌

    Adhere to the College-running Features and Cultivate Branded Education Programs

  15. 中外合作办学引进国外优质教育资源探析

    How to Assure Sino-foreign Joint Education to Introduce High Quality Education Resources

  16. 我国高等教育经费的不足导致了优质教育资源的稀缺。

    Our country higher education funds insufficiency caused high quality education resources scarce .

  17. 小学优质教育资源的扩展研究

    The Study on the Expansion of High-quality Educational Resources in the Primary School

  18. 国外优质教育资源的引进与转化

    On Importation and Absorption of Foreign High-Quality Educational Resources

  19. 优质教育资源供不应求成为一个非常突出的问题。

    The short supply of quality education resource becomes a very prominent problem .

  20. 优质教育基金督导委员会〔教育统筹委员会〕

    Quality Education Fund Steering Committee [ Education Commission ]

  21. 浅析全民教育思潮背景下的优质教育

    Quality Education in the Context of General Education

  22. 教育超市是和谐社会的教育愿景,是优质教育理想的教育模式和管理模式。

    " The education supermarket " is an education desire of the harmonious society .

  23. 浅谈为学生提供优质教育

    On the high quality education provided for students

  24. 试论我国优质教育资源的公平分配问题

    On the Fair Distribution of High-Quality Educational Resources

  25. 我们学校提供优质教育。

    Our school provides a superior education .

  26. 我们要实现充分就业,改善居住条件,达到优质教育的目标;

    In pursuing our goals of full employment , better housing , excellence in education ;

  27. 素质教育是优质教育。

    Quality education means good education .

  28. 其深层缘由在于优质教育资源的稀缺、制度的非平衡。

    The underlying reason is the scarcity of quality educational resources , the system of non-equilibrium .

  29. 过去一年,政府继续致力推动优质教育。

    In the past year , Hong Kong continued to emphasise the provision of quality education .

  30. 政府拨出大量资源,致力在各个教育阶段提供优质教育。

    The government has allocated considerable resources for the provision of quality education at all levels .