
xiū jià
  • have a holiday;take a vacation;go on a vacation;be on leave;leave of absence;holiday;furlough;leave;get away from it all
休假 [xiū jià]
  • [have a holiday;take a vacation] 离职休息

  • 获准每年带工资休假两个星期

休假[xiū jià]
  1. 夏天休假是惯例。

    It 's usual to have a holiday in summer .

  2. “工作假日”指的是照常工作的休假日。如果你在休假,但却做着和平日工作时差不多的事情,就可以称之为“工作假日”。

    If you have a holiday , but spend it doing something similar to your usual work , you can refer to it as a busman 's holiday .

  3. 简休假期间我顶替她工作。

    I 'm covering for Jane while she 's on leave .

  4. 这不,我的休假计划全泡汤了!

    Well , that 's my holiday plans gone up the spout !

  5. 你看上去很累,应该休假了。

    You look tired ─ you should take a vacation .

  6. 你今年要到哪里休假?

    Where are you going for your holidays this year ?

  7. 我觉得工作得太累了——我需要休假。

    I 'm feeling burnt-out at work ─ I need a holiday .

  8. 很抱歉,沃尔什先生这个星期休假去了。

    I 'm afraid Mr Walsh is away on holiday this week .

  9. 我将从2月15日开始一周的休假。

    I will be on leave during the week commencing 15 February .

  10. 她本周休假,这完全是应当的。

    She 's having a well-earned rest this week .

  11. 我还应有15天的休假。

    I 'm still due 15 day 's leave .

  12. 昨天我休假半天。

    I took a half day off yesterday .

  13. 我准备休假一年去印度背包旅行。

    I 'm planning to take a gap year and go backpacking in India .

  14. 我们什么时候休假在很大程度上取决于格雷格的工作计划。

    When we take our vacations is very much dictated by Greg 's work schedule .

  15. 她今天休假。

    She 's off today .

  16. 他正休假。

    He 's on sabbatical .

  17. 我们很忙——忙得今年都没时间休假了。

    We are very busy ─ so much so that we won 't be able to take time off this year .

  18. 我通常会建议休假,但就这个情况而言,我不敢保证休假会有什么好处。

    I would normally suggest taking time off work , but in this instance I 'm not sure that would do any good .

  19. 米切尔的日程安排使他无法休假。

    Mitchel 's schedule had not permitted him to take time off

  20. 周末旅行很适合那些想短期休假的家庭。

    Weekend tours are ideal for families who want a short getaway .

  21. 利奇先生休假了,不方便作出评论。

    Mr Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment .

  22. 如果你是个体户,就没有带薪休假或病假。

    There are no paid holidays or sick leave if you are self-employed .

  23. 他一直在休假写一部小说。

    He 's been on sabbatical writing a novel .

  24. 休假7天肯定能让人精神焕发。

    Seven days off could be a wonderful restorative .

  25. 他从海军部队休假回到家里。

    He is home on leave from the Navy .

  26. 你才刚休假回来。

    You 're only just back from leave .

  27. 每位工人每年都能享受4周的带薪休假。

    Every worker will be entitled to four weeks ' paid holiday a year .

  28. 由于节日休假,政府武装部队人数减半。

    The government 's armed forces have halved their strength for the festive break .

  29. 我正休假在家。

    I was at home on furlough .

  30. 希望我的工作不会因为我暂时休假而不保。

    I 'd hate to think my job would not be secure if I left it temporarily .