
  • 网络ysera
  1. 我重生了!伊瑟拉赋予我让那些邪恶生物安眠的力量!

    AM RENEWED ! Ysera grant me the favor to lay these foul creatures to rest !

  2. 伊瑟拉是世界上最优雅和强大的生物之一。

    Ysera is one of the most graceful and powerful creatures any mortal could lay eyes on .

  3. 但这世界上还有一个更大的威胁,那是伊瑟拉于梦境中堪堪瞥见的阴冷恐怖的预兆:暮光之刻。

    Of even greater concern is a bleak and terrifying possible future glimpsed by Ysera : the Hour of Twilight .

  4. 引导他进入梦境之后,伊瑟拉教导了他很多关于梦境的秘密并且成为他的养母。

    Guiding him into the Dream , she taught him much of its secrets and became a foster mother of sorts to him .

  5. 无法专注于他的职责的萨尔,接收了一个看似无关紧要的任务,这项任务是由神秘的绿龙之王伊瑟拉赋予的。

    Unable to focus on his duties , Thrall undertakes a seemingly menial task from an unexpected source : the mysterious green Dragon Aspect , Ysera .