
  • 网络eternals;The eternal
  1. 博:他们总是说,只有永恒者是神圣的。

    They always say , only the eternal is sacred .

  2. 而且,参考一下那些拒绝去事奉永恒者的人,他们将会于二月跪下来。

    Also , learn about those who refuse to serve the eternal , they will fold knees in february .

  3. 耶稣永恒者,罪人的救援。

    Jesus , save me despite my unworthiness !

  4. 宛若宝石般永恒者,炫耀的并非它悠久的历史,而是耀亮于瞬间的光芒。

    Jewel like the immortal does not boast of its length of years but of the scintillating point of its moment .

  5. 商业主导圣诞节的气氛,但无法满足一心追寻永恒的朝圣者。

    Commercial Christmas atmosphere can never satisfy those pilgrims seeking eternity .

  6. 作为永恒的立法者,她制造和毁灭了法律;

    As eternal Lawgiver , She makes and unmakes laws ;

  7. 虽然他并不是激发我的文学热情的启蒙者,但是雨果、歌德和席勒,以及所有伟大民族中的所有伟大诗人,他们都是永恒价值的阐释者,而且,我的心灵就会无比虔诚地追随他们进入真、善、美的世界。

    though he is not one of my literary passions . But Hugo and Goethe and Schiller and all great poets of all great nations are interpreters of eternal things , and my spirit reverently follows them into the regions where Beauty and Truth and Goodness are one .