
  1. 剖析了传统财务报告的局限性,并提出改进现行财务报告的相关措施,以保证加入WTO后,我国资本市场企业财务报告披露的会计信息履行开放、透明的承诺。

    Analyses the limitation of the current business financial reports and advances some relevant measures to improve them . In this way we can , after joining WTO , keep the promise of open disclosure of accounting information in our capital market .

  2. FASB第5号财务会计概念公告《企业财务报告的确认和计量》提出了历史成本、现行成本、现行市价、可实现净值、未来现金流量现值5种计量属性。

    No. 5 financial statement of FASB on " the Recognization and Measurement of Enterprise Financial Report " has put forward 5 kinds of measurement attributes including historic cost , current cost , current market value and net realizable value , present value of future cash flow .

  3. 企业财务报告体系完善与发展的研究

    The Research of Corporation Financial Affairs Report Perfecting System and Development

  4. 规范我国中小企业财务报告行为的若干构想

    Several Visualizations on Standardizing the Financial Reporting Behavior of Chinese SMEs

  5. 论知识经济下企业财务报告体系的改革

    On the Revolution of Enterprise Financial Reporting System in Knowledge Economy

  6. 企业财务报告的问题研究及改进策略

    The Research on Financial Reports of Corporation and Maneuvers on Improvements

  7. 我国企业财务报告理论研究

    Research on The Firms ' Financial Report Theory in China

  8. 财务报告是财务会计信息的重要载体,现行企业财务报告存在明显的局限性。

    Financial reports are important media of financial accounting information .

  9. 企业财务报告模式的改革思路总结与建议

    Financial Report Model in an Enterprise : Reform and Suggestions

  10. 企业财务报告演进与预算管理研究

    Research on Financial Reporting Evolution and Budgeting Management in Enterprise

  11. 企业财务报告体系的完善与拓展

    Improvement and perfection of the system of the financial report

  12. 本文认为,企业财务报告发展到今天,是不断改进的结果,财务报告是处在不断的变化发展之中的。

    Nonstop improvement results in today 's business financial reports .

  13. 公允价值计量及其对企业财务报告的影响

    Fair Value Measurement and Its Impact on Enterprises Financial Reports

  14. 网络会计目标的转变对企业财务报告的影响

    Influence of transformation of accounting goals in network era on corporation financial reports

  15. 企业财务报告面临着挑战和改革的压力。

    The enterprise financial report is facing the challenge and the reform pressure .

  16. 基于公司治理的企业财务报告质量监管机制研究

    Study on Regulating System of Quality of Financial Reporting Based on Corporate Governance

  17. 第一章探讨了风险投资企业财务报告的目标。

    Chapter One discusses the objectives of venture capital enterprise 's financial report .

  18. 企业财务报告目标;

    Objectives of financial reporting by business enterprises ;

  19. 论21世纪企业财务报告之改进

    Improving Financial Reporting for Enterprises in 21st Century

  20. 也谈企业财务报告的改进

    On the Improvement of the Business Financial Statement

  21. 浅议企业财务报告中的信息披露企业集团财务信息的充分披露

    Adequate Disclosure of Financial Information about Enterprise Group

  22. 向国际财务报告准则过渡对欧洲企业财务报告的影响

    The Impact on the Financial Reporting of European Companies in the Transition to IFRS

  23. 网络经济与企业财务报告

    Network Economy and Enterprise 's Financial Report

  24. 第三章探究了改进风险投资企业财务报告的一般理论。

    Chapter Three studies the general theory to improve venture capital enterprise 's financial report .

  25. 进而找到防范高新技术企业财务报告寻租,提高监管效率的措施。

    And find a financial report to prevent high-tech enterprises seeking to improve regulatory efficiency measures .

  26. 对现行企业财务报告的思考

    Thoughts on the Enterprise Financial Report

  27. 本文在剖析现行企业财务报告局限性的前提下,提出了改进建议。

    The article is based on the analysis of financial report limitations , then point out some suggestions .

  28. 网络经济环境下我国企业财务报告的改革

    The Reform of the Financial Statement of Our Country 's Enterprises in the Environment of the Network Economy

  29. 在博弈分析的基础上,作者提出针对性的建议,并揭示企业财务报告改进的可资借鉴之处。

    Based on game theory , the author puts forword some relevant advices about improving business financial reporting .

  30. 本研究最终认为:香港中小企业财务报告不尽可靠,报表使用者必须与其它信息一并考虑,以判断企业盈余管理行为及财务报告可信程度。

    The research concludes that the financial reports of small and medium enterprises in Hong Kong are not reliable .