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fǎng zào
  • Imitation;counterfeit;copy;be modelled on;calque;make sth. from a model
仿造 [fǎng zào]
  • [copy;be modelled on] 模仿一定的样式制造

仿造[fǎng zào]
  1. 这不是直接仿造,但看起来的确很眼熟,华盛顿新美国基金会(NewAmericaFoundation)无人机作战专家彼得.辛格(PeterSinger)说,

    It 's not a direct copy , but it sure does look familiar , said Peter Singer , an expert on drone warfare at the New America Foundation in Washington .

  2. 当作原版作品出现的仿造品。

    A copy that is presented as the original .

  3. 埃及考古学家扎希·哈瓦斯介绍,装载木乃伊的特制棺材内填充氮气,也是起到保护作用。每具木乃伊都由加装特殊减震装置的花车运送,四周有车队护送,其中还包括马拉的仿造战车。

    Each mummy was carried on a decorated vehicle fitted with special shock-absorbers and surrounded by a motorcade , including replica horse-drawn war chariots .

  4. 目的仿造人类囊状动脉瘤(SA),研究其发生发展及成像诊断技术。

    Objective Model of saccular aneurysm ( SA ) was established in rabbit for studying its growth , image diagnosis and treatment .

  5. 为防止MCS-51单片机应用系统被未经授权的仿造,可以通过改变系统的硬件电路及软件程序对单片机应用系统加密。

    It is able to encrypt the applications system to keep from the unauthorized reproduction of MCS-51 single chip microcomputer .

  6. 中国以仿造DVD和软件、以及生产与西方及日本同类产品极其相似的高速列车著称。

    China is known for copying DVDs and software and for producing high-speed trains that are suspiciously similar to those in the west and Japan .

  7. 然后,在二十世纪早期,位于Urbana-Champaign的伊利诺大学造了三个圆形畜棚供许多农民仿造。

    Then , in the early1900s , the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign built three round barns that many farmers copied .

  8. 《纽约时报》走访了深圳的几家工厂,其中包括一家设在车库里的仿冒品车间,另一家工厂则展示了仿造电子烟品牌“Russian91%”的产品,工厂老板表示,这些产品将销往美国。

    The Times visited several such workshops in Shenzhen , including a counterfeiting shop set up in a garage and another that displayed a knockoff of an e-cigarette brand called " Russian 91 % , " which the factory boss said was destined for the United States .

  9. marks&clerk事务所律师、知识产权专家柯斯汀吉尔伯特(kirstengilbert)表示,上诉裁决为品牌所有者指控其产品仿造者享有不公平优势进一步敞开了大门。

    Kirsten Gilbert , solicitor at Marks & clerk , an intellectual property specialist , said the judgment opened the door wider for brand owners to allege imitators of their products enjoyed an unfair advantage .

  10. 臭名昭著的英国艺术品伪造者绍恩·格林哈尔(ShaunGreenhalgh)所仿造的赝品跨越艺术史上的几个世纪,如今他声称这幅画是自己的作品。

    Shaun Greenhalgh , the notorious British art forger who is thought to have created fakes that spanned centuries of art history , has declared it to be his work .

  11. 仿造是汉语词汇发展的一条重要途经。

    Analogy is an important channel of vocabulary growth in Chinese .

  12. 完全仿造的石头看上去很真实

    Complete with fake rocks . Wow ! That looks real .

  13. 一种基于主色聚类的仿造迷彩设计方法

    Design method of imitated pattern painting based on main color clustering

  14. 那只戒指上的钻石仅仅是玻璃仿造品。

    The diamond in that ring is only a glass imitation .

  15. 这做的真好你知道仿造最大的悲剧是什么吗

    It 's superb.You know the worst thing about art forgery ?

  16. 一种用无色水晶或玻璃或玻璃质混合物仿造的钻石。

    An imitation diamond made from rock crystal or glass or paste .

  17. 木制装饰性十字架(仿造珠宝首饰)

    Cross , ornamental , of wood ( imitation jewellery )

  18. 在平面应变拉伸的情况下仿造了板形的失效过程。

    Failure processes of sheet metals are modeled under plane strain tension .

  19. 一些天然、合成及仿造宝石的显微拉曼光谱鉴别

    The Application of Micro - Raman Spectroscopy to the Identification of Gemstone

  20. 他们仿造各种文件的水平很高。

    They are forging all kinds of documents to a high standard .

  21. 在信件的最后面,她还仿造了格伦·坎贝尔的签名。

    She then wrote his signature at the end of the note .

  22. 那个有着王冠图案仿造德比的瓷器[46]还是傻妞儿米莉送给他的生日礼物哩,当时她才五岁。

    Silly Milly 's birthday gift . Only five she was then .

  23. 他们建了一座与那不勒斯歌剧院一模一样的仿造品。

    They built an exact replica of the opera house in Naples .

  24. 当天下午我开始着手仿造便条。

    That afternoon I addressed myself to forging a note .

  25. 这个模型飞机仿造一架真飞机。

    This model plane is modeled after a real plane .

  26. 跟许多其他的名牌仿制品不一样的是,即使是仿造的小提琴,通常也是相当精致。

    Unlike many other knockoffs , counterfeit violins are often extremely sophisticated .

  27. 由××门等词看汉语仿造词现象

    A Look at Chinese Calque Phenomenon from the Perspective of "×× Gate "

  28. 仿造一个东西的原来模型。

    An original model on which something is patterned .

  29. 在意大利词汇中也可以见到这类仿造词。

    Other imitations of this type are to be found in Italian vocabulary .

  30. 而且眼睛将是非常难以仿造的。

    And eyes will be very difficult to counterfeit .