
fù zá dù
  • complexity;sophistication
  1. 文章还评估了STL实体体积,对模型的复杂度进行了研究

    This article also computes STL model volume and research simply model complexity .

  2. 算法的时间复杂度为O(nlogn);

    This algorithm 's time complexity is O ( N log N ) .

  3. 近年来针对此问题提出了不同的解决方法,其中基于共同鉴别矢量(DCV)的方法成功克服了已有各种方法存在的缺点,有较好的数值稳定性和较低的计算复杂度。

    The Discriminative Common Vector ( DCV ) successfully overcomes this problem for FLDA .

  4. 提出了一种拉丁方合痕分类的快速算法,该算法结构简单,复杂度低

    An efficient algorithm finding the isotopy class of the latin squares is given .

  5. 嫦娥五号任务作为我国复杂度最高、技术跨度最大的航天系统工程,首次实现了我国地外天体采样返回。

    As China 's most complicated space project , the Chang'e-5 mission has achieved the extraterrestrial sampling and returning for the first time .

  6. 仿真同时还表明,算法的复杂度非常高,采用C语言编写算法的代码无法在当前的DSP芯片中实时运行。

    In addition , emulation also shows that the code is unable to run in real-time .

  7. 传统的Web应用开发方法面临系统复杂度增加、需求不断变更等挑战,导致开发效率低下,系统难重用。

    Traditional Web application development is facing higher complexity and changing requirements , thus results in low efficiency of development and hard-to-reuse systems .

  8. 分布式MIMO系统的一种低复杂度检测算法

    A Low Complexity Detection Scheme for MIMO Signal with Distributed Transmit Antennas

  9. 低复杂度均衡在水声OFDM通信中的应用

    Low-complexity equalization to OFDM applied in underwateracoustic communications

  10. 为提高系统决策的可靠性,降低了合成计算的复杂度,在多agent合作决策系统中引入正确的训练案例进行学习。

    In order to enhance the decision-making reliability and decrease combinative computing complexity , the correct training patterns are introduced for the multi-agent system .

  11. 然后,以各个算法生成Cn个编码所需要的平均递归调用次数作为时间复杂度对比的尺度,对几个主要的编码生成算法进行了对比分析。

    We will compare some of the algorithms using the number of recursive calls to enumerate C_n sequences as a measure of time complexity .

  12. 面向DEM地形复杂度分析的分形方法研究

    A Fractal Method to Describe the Terrain Complexity Reflected by the Raster DEM

  13. TSP问题分层求解算法的复杂度研究

    Complexity analysis of the multi layered clustering algorithms in TSP

  14. 计算时间复杂度是O(menl);

    The computing time complexity is O ( men1 ) .

  15. 在FPGA上实现密钥轮函数和密钥变换函数,减少了相邻流水线级间的逻辑复杂度;

    By achieving Secret-Key round function and Secret-Key transform function on FPGA , the logical complexity between adjacent pipelines is decreased .

  16. 在分析DNA序列复杂度、预测基因编码区和非编码的DNA边界识别等问题中,以熵为基础构造的离散量度量提供了一种强有力的工具。

    Entropy-based divergence measures have provided an impelling tool in evaluating sequence complexity , predicting CpG island , and detecting borders between coding and non-coding DNA regions etc.

  17. 一种降低ADSL系统复杂度的方法

    A Scheme to Reduce the Complexity of ADSL Transceiver

  18. 低密度奇偶校验(Low-densityparitycheck)码以其卓越的性能、极低的解码复杂度,在通信领域正得到越来越多的关注。

    Low-Density Parity Check ( LDPC ) code has excellent performance and the complexity of its decoding algorithm is low .

  19. 具有优良伪随机特性和较大线性复杂度的伪随机序列广泛应用于CDMA扩频通信和密码学中。

    Sequences with good pseudorandom properties and large linear span are widely used in the CDMA spread spectrum communication and cryptography .

  20. 多播路由算法MPH的时间复杂度研究

    A Corrigendum to the Time Complexity of Multicast Routing Algorithm MPH

  21. 通过几个新技术的应用加速算法之后,试验结果表明算法的平均时间复杂度近似O(n)。

    In despite of the theoretic time complexity of the algorithm is O ( n2 ) , the results show that the average time complexity is approximately O ( n ) .

  22. 文中给出了详细流程图,对算法复杂度的估计表明,使用现行通用DSP可以实现音频水印的实时提取。

    This paper affords detailed flow chart and estimation of the computational complexity which proves that general DSP ( Digital Signal Processors ) can accomplish the real-time watermarking extraction .

  23. 主要阐述了如何利用时间序列分析法中的复杂度法对PCM混沌编码的复杂度进行分析。

    Analysis of complexity of PCM chaotic code by using measure of complexity in time sequence analysis is presented .

  24. 静态运动负荷诱发局部肌肉疲劳和恢复过程中sEMG信号复杂度变化规律

    The sEMG Signal Complexity Changes during and following Local Muscle Fatigue Induced by Isometric Loading

  25. 但是,k-means直接算法的时间复杂度和模式复杂度对数据量的大小非常敏感,无法满足一些高性能的应用场合,如个性化服务中对用户数据进行的群组分析。

    However , the time required in a direct algorithm of k-means method is sensitive to the number of patterns .

  26. 领域溶合算法光滑了覆盖领域的分类边界,简化了SVM问题求解的复杂度,提高了覆盖算法的性能,将覆盖算法与统计学习理论结合起来,为覆盖算法提供了理论依据。

    The fusion algorithm not only simplifies the solution of SVM and improves the performance of covering algorithm but also provides academic foundation for covering algorithm .

  27. 还要注意的是,JavaNCSS不是惟一用于Java平台促进复杂度报告的工具。

    Also note that JavaNCSS isn 't the only tool for the Java platform that can facilitate complexity reporting .

  28. 随着DIS规模及复杂度不断地增加,系统的可扩缩性是其面临的主要问题之一。

    As the scale of distributed interactive simulation system is increasing rapidly , the DIS faces the problem of system scalability .

  29. 文章使用基四的ACS单元来设计高速、低功耗Viterbi译码器。相对于基二的ACS单元,其复杂度提高了一倍。

    Photosynthetic unit In this paper , a fast and low power consumption Viterbi decoder is implemented with radix-2 ACS unit .

  30. 传统的子串归并算法时间复杂度为O(n2),在大规模语料库的处理中效率低下。

    The time complexity of traditional substring reduction algorithms is O ( n ~ 2 ), which is ineffective for large-scale corpora .