
  1. 如何开展院校任期经济责任审计

    How to Develop in-office term Economic Responsibility Auditing in Colleges

  2. 任期经济责任审计的风险与防范

    About the Risk of Economic Obligation Auditing and the Ways of Prevention

  3. 浅谈任期经济责任审计

    Discussion on economic responsibility audit for the CEO tenure of state enterprise

  4. 任期经济责任审计的新变化及思考

    New Changes in Audit of Term of Economic Responsibility And Some Thinking

  5. 国企经营者任期经济责任审计评价的研究

    Study on Audit Evaluation of State-Owned Enterprise 's Economic Responsibility in Work

  6. 浅议任期经济责任审计评价体系应用

    Application of Audit Evaluation System to Patriarchate Economy Responsibility

  7. 非盈利性组织领导干部的任期经济责任审计初探

    The Primary Research for Economical Responsibility Auditing of the Management in the Non-profit Organization

  8. 供电分公司模式下任期经济责任审计量化评价体系研究

    Quantification Evaluation System Research of Economical Responsibility Audit under Power Supply Subsidiary Company Mode

  9. 浅谈任期经济责任审计的综合评价

    On the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Economic Responsibility System Audit in Term of Office

  10. 任期经济责任审计原则的探讨

    Discussion of the Principle of Audit on Economic Responsibilities at the End of Office Term

  11. 浅谈对控股分(子)公司负责人任期经济责任审计的规范操作

    The criterion audit operation to the economic obligation of the manager in the subsidiary company

  12. 任期经济责任审计的制度分析与创新伦理责任抑或法律责任&对公司社会责任制度的重新审视

    Analysis and Innovation of In-office Economic Responsibility Audit System ; The Redefinition of Corporate Social Responsibility-Ethical or Legal

  13. 任期经济责任审计有利于促进干部队伍建设和廉政建设,有利于宏观经济调控。

    Audit at the end of office term is a helpful method of constructing incorruptness and macro control of economy .

  14. 党政领导干部任期经济责任界定探析&基于组织机构的视角

    Definition of Economic Responsibility of the Party and Government Leaders in the Terms of Office & From the View of Organization

  15. 浅谈国有及国有控股企业领导人任期经济责任审计的评价

    Talking about the Evaluation of the Service Term Economic Responsibility Audit for the Leaders of State-owned Enterprises and State-owned Holding Corporations

  16. 任期经济责任审计的特点;任期经济责任审计必须事前进行;

    The feature of term economic responsibility audit which should be carried out in advance is referred to in the first place .

  17. 任中经济责任审计是任期经济责任审计在离任审计基础上的发展和创新。

    The audit to economic duty of incumbent is developed and created on the base of audit to economic duty of resignation .

  18. 本文明晰了任期经济责任的重要作用,分析了当前任期经济责任审计工作中存在的问题,提出了应采取的对策。

    This paper stated the importance of economic responsibility audit during office and put forward some countermeasures to the problems existing in it .

  19. 谈高校任期经济责任审计风险的成因及防范对策

    Discussion on the Origin of the Economic Responsibility for Auditing Risk and the Precautions Against it during the Term of Service in Colleges and Universities

  20. 因此有必要重新构建我国现阶段领导干部任期经济责任审计制度的理论框架和运行模式。

    Therefore , it is necessary to reconstruct the theory and mode of auditorial system of financial responsibility during the leader 's tenure of office .

  21. 任期经济责任审计是我国特定历史情形下的产物,在国有企业改革中发挥了积极的作用。

    Economic responsibility audit , which is a special auditing form in China , has played an important role in the reform of state-owned enterprises .

  22. 为此,应积极探索深化领导干部任期经济责任审计的有效途径,进一步强化审计监督的职能。

    So we should actively explore the effective ways of deepening leading cadres ' term economic audit , so that audit can implement its supervision duty .

  23. 客观界定企业领导人员任期经济责任,成为经济责任审计的核心问题。

    As a result , objectively assessing economy duties of enterprise leaders during their work has become the key problem of the audit to economy duties .

  24. 本文从任期经济责任审计的特点出发,针对目前实际工作中存在的问题,提出完善措施。

    This thesis takes the audit of of economic responsibility as the starting point and proposes the corresponding measures in accordance with the practical jobs at present .

  25. 当前任期经济责任审计已成为审计部门的一项重要职责,如何开展院校任期经济责任审计,是摆在我们内审工作者面前的重大课题。

    One of the major responsibilities of the auditing department is carried out during in-office term , How to develop it has become a big task for internal auditors .

  26. 本文首先阐述了任期经济责任审计的概念、职能、特点、目标、分类等问题,进行了经济责任审计的中外比较分析;

    Firstly , this paper elaborates on the concept , function , characteristic , target and sort of the financial responsibility audit during the leader 's tenure of office .

  27. 近年来,我校在这方面采取了定期开展干部任期经济责任审计、做好关键岗位的重点环节防范、规范大宗物资采购等措施。

    In recent years , our school take some measures on periodic cadre economic auditing , being on guard the key links of the main posts and material purchasing standardization .

  28. 我国国有商业银行行长任期经济责任审计是随着经济体制改革的不断深化和银行商业化改革的稳妥推进而产生的。

    Our country state-owned Commercial bank president the tenure in office economic accountability audit is deepens and the bank commercialization reform safe advancement unceasingly along with the economic restructuring produces .

  29. 本文从经济责任审计的本质着手,探讨了企业领导任期经济责任审计的目的和内容。

    This paper starts with the essence of the economic liability audit , and probes into the purposes and contents of the economic liability audit of enterprise leaders during their terms .

  30. 通过审计案例实践检验表明,论文构建的经营者任期经济责任审计评价模型达到设计要求,具有实际运用价值。

    Practice examination of audit cases manifests that the model about audit evaluation of economic responsibility in term for operators built in the paper fulfils design requirements and has actually applied value .